凍結 天然氣 火車 Frozen Gas Train

February, 2012


SB 1070 enters the national news again

Obama - Did you remember to bring my birth certificate
  As an Arizonan I welcome any and all Mexicans or people from Central American and South American countries to our state. If your legal or illegal I don't care. You are still welcome to immigrate to Arizona as far as I am concerned. Same for all those Canadians who sneak across the Northern border during those cold winter months.

Of course I would prefer that professional government thieves, tyrants and war mongers stay in Washington D.C. where they belong. And that includes American Emperor Obama, former American Emperor Bush, and of course our own local temper tantrum throwing war monger, and baby killer John McCain.

Government hypocrites cheat on income taxes

According to this article there are a lot of government hypocrites who expect us to pay our taxes, while they are deadbeats and cheat on their taxes.

Of course from a Libertarian point of view all taxes are stealing and you should not be obligated to pay taxes to a government thief anymore then you should be obligated to give your money to a highway robber.

Fulton Brock won't seek re-election

According to this article Maricopa County Supervisor Fulton Brock won't seek re-election. Good riddance! He is a government tyrant.

Cops bust 10 year old with toy gun

According to this article the piggies arrested a 10 year old with an toy gun. Jesus! Don't these piggies have any real criminals to hunt down.

Of course alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli probably disagrees with me on this. He says PIGs stands for Pride, Integrity and Guts.

There are 22,912 registered Libertarian voters in Arizona

According to this article there are now 22,912 registered Libertarian voters in Arizona. I wonder how many of them are phony baloney alleged Libertarians who are clueless about what the Libertarian Party stands for.

Congress gets behind breath-test ignition devices

According to this article Congress is getting behind breath-test ignition devices. Could anybody tell me what part of the U.S. Constitution gives the twits in Congress to pass laws regulating DUI???

Taliban expects to reclaim control of Afghanistan after U.S. leaves

I thought the American Empire was winning the war in Afghanistan, just like we won the wars in Iraq and Vietnam??? OK, that's just what Emperor Obama is telling us. The rest of us know the truth. You can read more on how the America Empire expects the Taliban to win the war in Afghanistan in this article.

Will Iran invade America???

According to this article the rulers of the American Empire claim that Iran is planning on attacking the USA.

I highly doubt that. Although I wouldn't put it past the American Empire to come up with some lame excuse to invade Iran, like we did to Iraq and Afghanistan.

Has the American Empire declared war on Yemen???

According to this article U.S. airstrikes have murdered 4 people in Yemen. Jesus, has the American Empire invaded Yemen now?

On the other hand maybe the American Empire should just declare a never ending war on every country in the world. At least these air strikes and other attacks would be "constitutional", even if they are immoral and wrong.

Application to attend Mesa Police Academy

Here are the forms I filled out to attend the Mesa Police Academy which according to this article is open to anyone who lives or works in Mesa according to this article.

Because our ancestors shed a lot of blood to fight the British and give us the Constitutional rights we have I took the 5th Amendment to almost all the answers on the form and I suspect the Mesa cops will reject my application for that reason.

Which means that the Mesa Police will be the same government tyrants when they reject the application that King George was when he terrorized the American colonists.

Which means that I have enrolled in the class and I will almost certainly be rejected.

Application to attend civilian Mesa Police Academy. I refused to answer all the questions except for my name

Application to attend civilian Mesa Police Academy. I refused to answer all the questions except for my name


Sue the Mesa Police Academy

Did my application to attend the Mesa Police Citizens Academy get refused? Time to sue the jerks???

I suspect that when David Dorn sees this he will accuse me of wanting to be a piggy.

Sorry David your are wrong again. I just want the government to obey their own silly laws and treat everybody equally.

I have not desire to be a jackbooted government thug with the city of Mesa or any other government.

I wouldn't want to hang out with government idiots in Mesa any more then I would want to hang out with phony baloney Libertarians that think it is OK to make up lies about people they think are inferior to them.

Look I know I am not a member of a country club. And I am not a stuck up snob that loves golf. And I don't wear a suit. Nor do I prefer a nine iron over an AK-47, as any phony baloney freedom fighter would. But for Libertarians or for even normal people that isn't a good enough reason to make up lies about me telling people I am a government snitch.

The American War Machine

I decided to create one web page about all the American war machine. Previously I posted one article at a time, but I will be posting a whole bunch of articles to this web page which is about the American War Machine.

Air Force punished Delaware mortuary whistle-blowers

According to this article the US Air Force illegally punished 4 civilian workers for blowing the whistle on the mishandling of body parts of dead troops at the military mortuary in Dover, Del.

Bottom line is you can't expect the government to even obey the Constitution, much less police it's self for crimes that members of the government commit.

Americans have a Constitutional right to high speed internet??

Just joking, but the morons at the FCC seem to think that according to this article.

Last time I read the Bill of Rights I couldn't find a word in it declaring that Americans have a God given right to high speed internet service! Nor could I find any words relating to the right of poor people to have access to low cost phone service.

I wonder were the folks at the FCC smoking crack when they came up with the Constitutional right???

An no I don't think I have a right to internet access. If the government didn't take all my bank accounts and all my homes, I wouldn't be homeless and getting my internet service at libraries.

Laser guided bullets?

According to this article Sandia National Laboratories engineers have invented a 'self-guided' bullet can hit target a mile away. Not that I love the American military's killing machine, but it is cool technology.

Phoenix Police Officer convicted of robbing 5 banks

Phoenix police officer Chad Michael Goulding is convicted of robbing 5 banks According to this article Phoenix Police Officer has been convicted of robbing 5 banks in Chandler, Glendale, Mesa and Scottsdale. He was convicted on 61 counts of kidnapping, 16 counts of armed robbery, five counts of aggravated assault and five counts of theft. Of course if you ask the cops, it is impossible for police officers to commit crimes.

When it comes to spending THEIR money politicians are cheap

According to this article politicians are cheap when it comes to spending THEIR money. Politicians are also more interested in empty gestures than in practical solutions. And last, sadly the majority of Arizona voters haven’t figured this out yet.

Politicians donate a lousy $80 toward their cause

Our racist Arizona politicians passed a silly law allowing racist citizens to donate money to build a bigger wall along the border. As of today the politicians have donated a lousy $80 of their own money toward building this wall. Read more here.

Arizona legislation would ban bargaining with public workers

I don't have a problem with unions helping employees negotiate with their employers. I do have a problem when employers are forced to negotiate with unions, or when unions use their power to harm their employer such as by going on strike.

In this article they are talking about limiting the power of unions in Arizona, when it comes to dealing with government employers. I think that is good. Unions often act like mafia thugs when they deal with their employers.

No free speech for tobacco companies

In this article Uncle Sam is arguing that the government should be allowed for force tobacco companies to place negative ads on tobacco products to help reduce the sale of tobacco products.

Yes, we all know that tobacco is an evil drug that kills millions each year, but that certainly shouldn't mean that tobacco companies don't have free speech like the rest of us.

Please not the article is NOT demanding that tobacco companies be allowed to lie to their customers. The article just says that tobacco companies should not be forced by the government to display negative ads on their products.

2012 Presidential Elections

Here are some interesting articles on the 2012 Presidential race. Of course I am all for Ron Paul. Normally I would never vote for a Democrat or Republican, but for Ron Paul I will make an exception.

Ron Paul is more like a Libertarian then a Republican.

Shoveling the BS to get reelected

According to this article 8 freshman Congressmen held a press conference to brag that they were reducing the National Debt by 0.00001 percent.

Yes politics is more about shoveling the BS then doing any actual work.

Chicago schools search student phones to make drug war arrests

According to this article Chicago area schools are taking cell phones from students and searching thru their text messages to make arrests for drug war crimes.

I guess that the government is saying that school kids don't have any 4th Amendment Constitutional rights. Or perhaps that the drug war is so bad that they don't need to honor the Constitution when it comes to fighting the drug war.

Police torture is a "harmless error"

According to this article when the police torture a suspect to get him to confess to a crime it is just a "harmless error". That's what the lawyers for the Chicago cops are telling the Illinois Supreme Court.

Why cops don't go to topless bars

Las Vegas cop John Norman knows all it takes to force a woman to strip for a police officer is a gun and a badge. Hell no, it isn't rape, it's a job perk! Every wonder why you never see cops in topless bars? Well if you are a cop all it takes is a gun and a badge and you can force any hot looking woman you see to strip for you according to this article.

In the article John Norman, a Las Vegas cop uses his gun and badge to force woman to strip for him.

Rape? It ain't rape, it's a job perk for cops!!!

Las Vegas cop John Norman knows all it takes to force a woman to strip for a police officer is a gun and a badge. Hell no, it isn't rape, it's a job perk! OK, North Las Vegas cop John Norman technically didn't rape this woman, all he did was force her to strip so he could see her hot looking body. Like most cops, I am sure John Norman doesn't think this is a crime, it's just a job perk that cops have. Read more about how cops like John Norman can get any woman to strip for them in this article.

While cops may not think it's a crime the rest of us do.

How do you "borrow" money from yourself?

According to this article over half of the money the US government has borrowed to pay it's bills is owned to the US government! How on earth do you borrow money from yourself?

OK, I know the answer and you don't technically borrow money from yourself. If you are the US government you print the money and pretend that you borrowed the money from yourself.

To fully explain this scam the US government is using to mislead taxpayers you need to read the book

The Creature from Jekyll Island

Biggest Holders of US Government Debt

This article attempts to explain with a straight face who the 10 largest lenders to the US government are.

The author of the article doesn't seem to understand that the US government isn't borrowing any money, but rather printing the money and then pretending to borrow the money from itself.

Again to fully understand this scam the US government is using to mislead taxpayers you need to read the book

The Creature from Jekyll Island

What government agency protects you from "excessive taxes"

People in government are always full of double talk when it comes to describing the evil things our masters do to the serfs t hey rule over.

In this article our government masters claim they want to protect us from excessive profits the oil companies make.

But in reality that is just a lame excuse for the government to tax the krap out of us serfs with excessive taxes on the profits of oil companies.

Which reminds me of the "Patriot Act".

The "Patriot Act" sounds like a wonderful thing that all Americans should be proud of. It sounds like the American government is protecting us from evil terrorists and criminals.

In reality the "Patriot Act" is just a friendly sound way of saying Congress has flushed the "Bill of Rights" down the toilet and America cops now have the ability to arrest and jail anybody they want for any reason they want.

If you love America you will certainly hate the "Patriot Act".

TSA agent steals $5,000 from passenger at JFK airport

According to this article Alexandra Schmid stole $5,000 in cash from the jacket of a Bangladeshi passenger at JFK airport.

Israel to bomb Iran? USA to bomb Iran???

Remember John McCain's comment about "Bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran" sung to the tune of the Beach Boys song "Barbara Ann"? Damn, looks like American Emperor Obama may be a clone of war monger John McCain and be willing to help Israel bomb Iran. So the question is will Israel and the US bomb Iran, which this article seems to say there is a good probability of?

33 years in prison for looking at dirty pictures???

According to this article this poor slob is being jailed in prison for 33 years for the victimless crime of looking at dirty pictures.

I don't support rapists and I never have. But this guy isn't accused of being a rapist. He was merely convicted of having dirty pictures, nothing else.

Sheriff Joe is #1

Sheriff Joe is #1, well #1 like the worst Sheriff in the USA according to this article.

Arpaio is country's 'worst sheriff'

Sheriff Joe the worst Sheriff in the USA according to this article.

The Military pays very well!

War mongering baby killers are paid very well by the military!

According to this article retired generals are paid a yearly pension of $219,600. Wow! Those baby killing war mongers are certainly paid very well.

Don't get me wrong. Even if the pay is great you couldn't get me to become part of an organization that murders innocent brown skinned people around the world.

A cold wave in Europe???

According to this article there is a really big cold wave in Europe. Ukraine has seen temperatures of 27 below zero. At least 63 people have died there. And I think it is freezing cold when it drops to 60°F in Phoenix!!!

Obama says his faith is driving his economic policies

What part of the First Amendment doesn't Emperor Obama understand??? According to this article President Obama says his faith is driving his economic policies. Of course to be honest, the Republican presidential candidates all claim to be willing to flush the First Amendment down the toilet if they get reelected.

U.S. has expanded no-fly list

Didn't Emperor Obama claim he was going to back off on the police state when he was running for President?

Oh well, I guess Emperor Obama lied about that.

In this article Emperor Obama expands the American police state and creates a bigger better no fly list.

Hey don't worry about it. Next time you are groped by TSA thugs think of your self as being part of a jobs program to give overpaid, under worked cops jobs.

Space program is a billion dollar waste of money

OK, even if the space program is a billion or probably trillion dollar waste of money they sure produce some cool photos.

Of course if I was the President or I would instantly cancel the space program. It's unconstitutional and something that should be left to the private sector.

Cool Photo of Earth taken by NASA from outer space

Cool Photo of the dark side of the Moon taken by NASA from outer space


Hackers trash police web sites

According to this article hackers broke into police web sites in Boston, Salt Lake City, Greece and other places around the world in retaliation for police brutality and other crimes.

Cleveland cops abuse gay men

According to this article sadistic Cleveland cops get their jollies by abusing gay men. The men were beaten up by the cops and jailed without their trousers. Did you expect anything better from these sadistic cops who pretend to protect us?

Mitt & Donald have a little talk

Mitt Romney & Donald Trump have a little talk

Inmates put pig logo on Vermont cop cars

Vermont police logo contains a pig as a spot on this cow According to this article some clever prison inmates made a "pig" logo and put it on a number of Vermont police cars.

Find the cow in the police logo. The "piggy" is a spot on the top of the cow near the left side of the cow.

WikiLeaks moves to court-martial analyst

If you ask me the American Empire should give Pfc. Bradley Manning a medal for exposing government corruption. In stead the government tyrants are trying to court-martial him according to this article.

Minimum wage rates may climb this year

Sadly the many state governments may raise the minimum wage according to this article.

Talking sticks? Answer feathers?

Screw Robert's Rules of Order, let's get a talking stick and an answer feather! At least that's how I felt after reading this article about talking sticks and answer feathers.

Politics may drive exit from Afghanistan

Gee, it sure sounds like the American Empire is winning our silly little war in Afghanistan, just like we won our silly little war in Vietnam. Well at least that's my view after reading this article.

Raise the tax on liquor

According to this article the tyrants in the "Pennies for Prevention" group want to raise the tax on beer and wine.

Raise the tax on beer

According to this article the tyrants in the "Pennies for Prevention" group want to raise the tax on beer and wine.

Raise the tax on wine

According to this article the tyrants in the "Pennies for Prevention" group want to raise the tax on beer and wine.

We don't need not stinking evidence to arrest a murder suspect

In this article the Orange County police seem to have falsely arrested a person for murder simply because he was at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

New DNA evidence seem to prove the police falsely arrested Eder Herrera for the murders of Raquel Estrada and Juan Herrera in Yorba Linda.

Instead the DNA seems to say that Itzcoatl Ocampo who is accused of murdering several homeless people committed the murders.

This reminds me of the Phoenix Buddhist Tempe Murder case where 4 kids from Tucson were arrested for the murders, despite not a sherd of evidence linking them to the crimes, other then a confession the cops forced out of them. The Tucson kids were later released, when cops discovered evidence linking the murders to two Phoenix kids.

Rosemead Mayor admits accepting $10,000 in bribes

According to this article John Tran a former Mayor of Rosemead has agreed to plead guilty to soliciting and accepting more than $10,000 in bribes from a developer.

Hackers tap FBI, Scotland Yard phone calls???

According to this article hackers from ‘Anonymous’ intercepted a FBI and Scotland Yard phone call.

Bribes? Nope they are campaign contributions - Honest!

When somebody gives a politician who is running for President $1 million dollars, it's not a bribe it's a campaign contribution. Honest. Read more about it in this article.

Atheist screws Christian in atheist dominated America???

Newt Gingrich vows to fight religious persecution

According to this article Christians are routinely discriminated in America, and Newt Gingrich is planning on stopping it.

Of course if you ask me that is just double talk and a polite way for Newt Gingrich to say he is going to flush the First Amendment down the toilet and let the Christian religion become a part of the American government and force it's way on ALL American citizens.

Vote for Me!!!

Mary Carey, 2006 California governor candidate

Mary Carey, porn star who ran for governor of California in 2006
  Vote for me and I will give you anything you want. Mary Carey, porn start who ran for governor of California in 2006.

Guilty till proven innocent???

U.S. government seizes 307 domains for violating NFL copyrights

According to this article Uncle Sam's goons seized 307 domains for violating NFL copyrights. Of course since they used civil laws the alleged criminals are not alleged criminals, but criminals, who are required to prove they are innocent.

Guilty till proven innocent - U.S. government seizes 307 domains for violating NFL copyrights - FBI, Homeland Security, TSA, CIA, Department of Justice, Department of Injustice

Indiana election chief found guilty of voter fraud

In this article Republican Secretary of State Charlie White was found guilty of voter fraud.

OK, now, who has a higher probability of committing voter fraud? A high ranking government official who has a stake in the out come of the elections, or some Mexican guy, who can't speak English, who snuck across the border looking for a better life as a gardener, janitor, or burger flipper at McDonald's?

TSA crimes at Sky Harbor Airport covered up??

According to this article the crime a high ranking TSA employee committed when he accidentally tried to bring a gun into Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix was covered up.

Of course if you or me and done the same thing we would be jailed and facing felony charges that could result in many years of prison time.

But when a government employee does it, nothing happens.

Chandler shakes down dentist for sales taxes on dentures

I guess this means the city of Chandler, Arizona loves sick unhealthy people. Well Chandler doesn't actually love the people, it loves the taxes it shakes them down for according to this article.

Arizona government thieves shake down Amazon

According to this article the thieves that run the Arizona Department of Revenue are trying to steal $53 million from Amazon.

The crooks at the Arizona Department of Revenue claim that Amazon owes them $53 million in taxes for sales they made in Arizona.

If I was at Amazon I would tell the crooks in the Arizona government to take a hike.

LAPD shutting down medical marijuana stores

According to this article the thugs on the Los Angeles police department have been shutting down medical marijuana stores.

I have always said the "drug war" is just a jobs program for over paid under worked cops that allows them to make easy arrests, by busting people for victimless drug war crimes rather then hunting down dangers real criminals.

No Free Speech for cops who think the President sucks

This article seems to says that some of our government masters don't think cops should have any free speech rights when it comes to disliking the President of the United States.

Even though I have been abused by criminal cops many times over my life I certainly think the police should have the same First Amendment rights as the rest of us.

Emperor Obama, the judge, jury and executioner

According to this article when the American military, CIA or Homeland Security orders the murder of an American citizen, or any person on the planet, President Obama becomes the judge, jury and executioner.

I am sure the police and military love it because they no longer have to jump thru the hoops of having a fair trial for someone they think is a criminal and needs to be murdered by the American government.

Of course anybody who thinks that people should have a 'fair trial" before being executed by the government should be shocked and horrified by this practice.

Jobs program for cops turning American into a bigger police state

Obama is turning American into a bigger police state with his jobs programs for cops. In this article Emperor Obama is creating a $1 billion jobs program for cops and firefighters, which will turn America into a bigger police state.

Even if Ron Paul loses the Libertarian movement wins

According to this article Ron Paul isn't too upset about not winning any of the current Presidential elections up to today's Nevada Election.

Ron Paul says even if he loses, he will win because his message is getting out. I have to agree with him. Or at least want to agree with him.

Since in most elections only 5 percent of the registered voters bother to show up at the polls and vote it doesn't make much change in the attitudes of voters for the Libertarian movement to win.

When you only have a measly 5 percent of the registered voters showing up at most elections, that means it takes less then one half of a percent to win an election. And in a close election that is only the difference between a few votes, and if enough people get Ron Paul's message that is all it takes to swing those few votes in the Libertarian direction.

Got a computer virus?

In this article Ken Colburn from the Data Doctors explains how to do a few simple tests to see if your computer is infected with a computer virus.

Ken Colburn and the Data Doctors show how to see if you have a computer virus

In this article Ken Colburn from the Data Doctors explains how to do a few simple tests to see if your computer is infected with a computer virus.

In Afghan War, Officer Becomes a Whistle-Blower

I have said many times that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are nothing more then jobs programs for over paid generals, along with being government welfare programs for the businesses in the military industrial complex.

While this article doesn't prove my point, it sure gives some evidence that I am correct about it.

Truth, lies and Afghanistan

This article was written by Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis and published in the Armed Forces Journal. Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis is the whistle blower described in the prior article about an officer who becomes a whistle blower.

City government lobby for more power

According to this article city governments actively encourage their citizens to lobby the state to give more power to city governments.

If you asking me city governments shouldn't be lobbying the state for more power, but should be more concerned about doing the things city governments are supposed to do, like picking up the garbage and providing water service.

UN Agenda 21????

Until I saw this article I never heard about the so called UN Agenda 21, which according to the article is causing activists to fight green projects.

Of course from my Libertarian prespective I feel that the less government we have the better so I think I agree with them on many things despite never have heard of "Agenda 21" before.

Phoenix buys $11,000 worth of coasters to give out as gifts

According to this article the city of Phoenix is considering buying $11,000 worth of coasters to give as gifts to people visiting some silly convention.

When they raised our taxes I thought it was for something important that would make my life better. Not for a stinking coaster to give some drunk that is attending a convention in Phoenix.


Screw that First Amendment thing

Screw that First Amendment thing, forcing government values on people is more important

Georgia court says assisted suicide law unconstitutional

In this article the Georgia Supreme Court ruled that an assisted suicide law is unconstitutional. The law said that it was a crime to offer to assist a suicide.

Florida cops frame woman for DUI

Officer Joel Francisco busts woman for DUI after crashing into her car

According this article a crooked Florida cop named Joel Francisco crashed into Alexandra Torrensvilas car.

Instead of doing the right thing and taking responsiblity for his lousy driving habits Officer Joel Francisco and 3 other crooked Florida piggies decided to frame Alexandra Torrensvilas for DUI.

Little did the piggies know, but Officer Joel Francisco dashboard camera was on and the whole story on how these pigs planned to frame Alexandra Torrensvilas for DUI was recorded on video tape.

If you are like most brainwashed Americans you will probably think this is an isolated incident and rarely happens. Of course if you are like me and have dealt with the pigs you certainly realize this isn't an isolated incident that rarely happens, but something that crooked cops do on a daily basis.

Maryland cops frame man for DUI

In an attempt to frame George Zaliev for DWI, Maryland Police Officer Dina Hoffman testified 11 times that she found Zaliev in the front driver's seat, drunk with the engine running.

According these articles Officer Dina Hoffman was committing perjury, or testilying as cops like to call it.

A surveillance camera in a nearby store showed that George Zaliev was drunk, and passed out in the back seat of the car, something that is 100 percent legal. Of course the video recording also proved that Officer Dina Hoffman is a corrupt cop who will commit perjury to get a conviction.

LAPD cop goes on trial for murder

LAPD detective Stephanie Lazarus goes on trial for the murder of Sherri Rasmussen According to this article Los Angeles police officer Stephanie Lazarus trial for the murder of Sherri Rasmussen starts today.

Newt Gingrich - Moon President


Being drunk in public is legal?

Arizona law prohibits arrests for being drunk in public?

According to this article Arizona law prohibits cities and other government agencies from arresting people for being drunk in public.

US Congress is corrupt to the core!!!!

In this article they talk about the pork members of the US Congress give to themselves or to projects near properties that Congressmen own. It sure sounds like the U.S. Congress is corrupt to the core.

US Senate is corrupt to the core!!!!

In this article they talk about the pork members of the US Senate give to themselves or to projects near properties that Senators own. It sure sounds like the U.S. Senate is corrupt to the core.

Are GPS devices required on garbage trucks

According to this article the cop are using the GPS readings from garbage trucks to determine where garbage trucks dumped their garbage in a city dump in Glendale, Arizona.

I wonder are these GPS devices on garbage trucks mandated by some silly Federal or state law so the cops can spy on us better????

Sidewinder missiles cost $600,000 each

According to this article it costs almost $600,000 to make a sidewinder missile. I guess it ain't cheep murdering innocent woman and children in Iraq and Afghanistan.

CIA will be in Iraq and Afghanistan for years

Yea, sure Obama is ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What a crock! According to this article the CIA will be in Iraq and Afghanistan for years.

Venus & Jupiter are visible

Last night as I was walking around I could see Venus and Jupiter. Venus was in the west. It was a little bit higher in the sky then I expected but like Venus usually is, it was the brightest start in the sky.

Jupiter was very high in the sky. Something that would have been impossible for Venus, based on the laws of physics, or perhaps better said on the laws of geometry.

On person I talked to said the alignment of Jupiter and Venus is in the 2012 Mayan prediction of the end of the world. Of course picking the paths of the planets isn't magical if you know anything about astronomy.


Venus and Jupiter are headed for a bright conjunction

Today's question:

I have been watching the planets Venus and Jupiter for the last few months. They seem to be getting closer together. Am I imagining this? If they are getting closer when will they be right next to each other?

Well, they won't really be right next to each other. However, they will appear to be right next to each other and very bright.

This is known as a conjunction. In this case the two planets will appear to be two degrees apart, which I guess is pretty darn close. I am told that people who get excited about such matters are getting excited about this. The two planets will be shining very brightly.

The big event is scheduled for March 14, although some stuff I read it will be on the 15th. A week or so later a very thin crescent moon will appear near the two planets.

Look to the western sky just after sunset. The conjunction will be visible for about four hours. Some people think a conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in 3 B.C. might have been the star the Magi saw and followed to Bethlehem to see the baby Jesus, but I don't think anyone has ever proved that for sure.

SNIP Reach Thompson at clay.thompson@arizonarepublic.com or 602-444-8612.

January wasn't a bad month for homeless folks

If you are homeless this January wasn't a bad month. Or I should say January always sucks because of the cold weather, but it could have been worse.

January temps tie record

Posted: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 5:39 pm

By Mike Sakal, Tribune

As Valley residents look toward warmer weather this month, temperatures were pretty warm last month overall.

With average temperatures at 58.7 degrees, this past month tied for the fourth warmest January on record, matching the one set in 2009, according to Paul Iniguez, meteorologist for the National Weather Service.

Iniguez said that La Niña conditions that have been in place for two months consisting of cooler-than-normal temperatures in the Pacific Ocean along the equator impacted the energy in the atmosphere and redistributed it. The pattern keeps cold air or storm track systems to the north, keeping Valley residents warm.

The coldest day of the month was 38 degrees on Jan. 13, but some parts of the East Valley dropped to temperatures slightly lower than that.

Dating back to 1896, the warmest January on record remains the one set in 2003 with average temperatures of 62 degrees, Iniguez said.

Contact writer: (480) 898-6533 or msakal@evtrib.com

You should have a right to videotape the police

In this editorial the say you should have a right to video tape the pigs. They spy on us and video tape our every move. We should have the right to videotape them.

Of course crooked cops hate it when the people they commit crimes against video tape them and many times crooked pigs will steal your camera or erase your recording.

Feb 7, 2012 - No high blood pressure

No High Blood Pressure

Two monitors are better then one???

Multiple screens are the way to go???

I need more then one window

In this article they talk about how businesses are giving employees that work with computers more then one monitor to view their data with.

For me I had multiple monitors at the last place I worked and it was pretty nice. But it wasn't something I had to have, after all you can have multiple windows open on one monitor.

But all the data entry people that I wrote software thrived on having two screens and really needed two screens or two monitors to do their work.

American Embassy in Iraq has 16,000 employees

I suspect American Embassy in Iraq is not really an embassy, but rather a place for the American government to control the Iraqi puppet government installed by American Emperors Bush and Obama.

The American Iraq embassy has 16,000 employees and a $6 billion budget. That is BILLION with a B, not MILLION with a M. Compare that to the American embassy in Turkey. Turkey wields much more economic influence in the USA then Iraq, but the American Embassy in Turkey only employs 55 people.

Because of that I suspect the main purpose of the American Iraqi embassy, is to control the Iraqi puppet government installed by America.

According to this article the American Empire is considering reducing the size of the embassy.

Costa Mesa brings in Feds to shut down pot shops

According to this article the city of Costa Mesa, California, which is a part of the LA metro area asked the Feds to help it shut down medical marijuana stores in that city.

Remember the "drug war" is a jobs program for over paid cops, prosecutors, judges, probation officers, public defenders and prison guards and these people will do anything to keep the "drug war" going so they can keep their high paid jobs jailing people that commit the victimless crime of marijuana.

No cuts in Tucson government bureaucrats

Government is a lot like cancer, it always keeps growing. And like cancer, over time government parasites almost always grow large enough to kill the organization that hosts them.

And with that in mind this article says the government rulers that run the city of Tucson are not planning on reducing the size of their government bureaucracy.

Nepotism in Congress

According to this article there isn't anything wrong with a little nepotism among member of the U.S. Congress. Yes, it's OK to give a government agency your son or daughter works at millions of dollars in pork earmarks, as long as it's not a bribe. Well at least that's how members of Congress free about it.

If you have a gun and a badge it ain't rape

Well OK, I guess that means if your daddy has a gun and a badge it aint' rape either. Sadly that's how the system works as we see in this article where Greg Kelly the Police Commissioner's son was not charge with rape.

I should say I have mixed feeling on this issue.

Usually when cops commit crimes they almost always get away with them and are rarely charge with crimes, even when a lot of evidence exists. Of course us serfs would be charged with a crime even if there is a microscopic bit of evidence.

On the other hand many times in rape cases where there is not any physical evidence of the rape it boils down to it being the word of the alleged rapist vs the word of the rape victim and there is no way to figure out if it was rape or consensual sex.

And I certainly don't advocate arresting anybody when there isn't a shred of evidence that they committed the crime. Sadly many times that means the real criminal will get away with the crime.

Creationism??? The world is 4,000 years old???

Hey if you believe that the world is 4,000 to 6,000 years old like all good Christians do you will probably like this.

Broken bones, migraine headaches???

Around 2000 I broke a few bones and I have been in pain ever since then. Well mostly in the winter when it hurts a lot.

Also since 1989 I have been having migraine headaches. Man are they painful. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say the pain is a 10. Usually the pain is in the front of my head. Sometimes the pain is on the right side of my head and other times the pain is on the left side of my head.

Man are they painful.

I have also had a problem with sleeping ever since I was a small child. I often can't sleep and get 2 hours or less of real sleep a night.

When I was growing up from the time I was a very small child to high school I was beaten and tortured a lot.

The beatings I remember my dad made me lie on the floor and beat me with a belt on my back. He told me he was going to beat me like a pirate.

The good news is that with beatings after the beating is done and the welts and bruises go away so does the pain.

Yes the beating I remember most were when I got beat with a belt. My dad also slapped me around a lot as a small child and in high school.

Only once or twice did my dad punch me with his fists. That was either when I was in high school or college.

The real damage occurred when I was constantly yelled at and told that I was a worthless piece of sh*t that would never amount to anything.

I was constantly told different versions of that story as I grew up. I wasn't worth the powder to blow my self up. I was a worthless piece of sh*t and would never amount to any thing.

I a lot of my dads tirades came when I was being punished for crimes like "acting funny" or "saying hi wrong".

As a small child I was terrified every time I walked by my dad because I didn't want to get into trouble for one of those crimes like "acting funny" or "saying hi wrong".

Last as an adult when somebody tells you that you are a worthless piece of sh*t, most people are smart enough not to believe it.

As an adult when people tell me that I am a worthless piece of krap I don't believe it.

But when you are a small child and you are constantly told that you are worthless by your father you tend to believe it. I certainly did.

Even today I consider myself a "worthless piece of sh*t", from the brain washing I received as a small child.

Yes I know I am not a "worthless piece of sh*t", but even though I know it, the brainwashing I received as a small child is almost impossible to override.

Screwed one final time by Gabrielle Giffords

According to this article we are going to be screwed one final time by Arizona Congressman and zombie Gabrielle Giffords. Emperor Obama is signing a "drug war" law created by Gabrielle Giffords this Friday.

Medical marijuana roadblocks

If you attempt to become a medical marijuana user in Arizona you can expect nothing but roadblocks from the Arizona Department of Health Services in your effort to get a medical marijuana prescription, recommendation or whatever it is called.

Read more here on how the ADHS is screwing the people of Arizona.

Jan Brewer screwing medical marijuana patients!

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is a tyrant who is doing everything possible to throw a road block into the use of medical marijuana in Arizona

William Humble screwing medical marijuana patients!

Will Humble, Bill Humble or William Humble who is the director of the Arizona Department of Health Services is a tyrant who is doing everything possible to throw a road block into the use of medical marijuana in Arizona

Colorado City Cops Corrupt? Or Religious Discrimination?

In this article the Arizona legislators are trying to pass a law that seems aimed specifically at cops that are members of the FLDS or Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

Are these cops corrupt to the core or is this just religious discrimination by the Arizona Legislator against members of the FLDS church.

I suspect it is a little of both.

Cops routinely break the law and are rarely punished, so I guess it is about corrupt cops.

On the other hand ALL cops, not just cops that are members of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints routinely break the law, so I guess it is a discriminatory law aimed at FLDS members.

Arizona shakes down medical marijuana doctors

According to this article the state of Arizona is State disciplined two doctors who improperly recommended medical marijuana to hundreds of patients. I suspect the doctors are good fine doctors who are being singled out in Jan Brewer and WIll Humbles in their war on medical marijuana.

Since the people of Arizona passed the medical marijuana law Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Arizona Department of Health Services Director William Humble have been doing everything in their power to flush the law down the toilet and prevent people from using medical marijuana.

Here are some examples of the roadblocks that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Arizona Department of Health Services Director William Humble have been throwing at people who need medical marijuana.

Doctor's routinely lie to patients???

According to this article doctors routinely lie to their patients. Which I suspect means you can't trust your doctor any more then you can trust a local politician.

Of course if your doctor lies to you, you can fire your doctors. But sadly when you discover your local politician has been lying to you you can't fire him, and he is still going to reach into your wallet and steal your money with a form of theft politicians politely call "taxes".

Life in prison for 10 dirty photos???

According to this article Jonathan Travaglianti was curious about what the big deal is over child porn photos so he downloaded 10 images on to his computer.

Because of Arizona's draconian laws on child porn that will probably cause Jonathan Travaglianti to spend the rest of his life in prison.

In Arizona each image on your computer will get you a sentence of 10 to 24 years, which must be served consecutively, so Jonathan Travaglianti is facing 100 to 240 years in prison for this harmless mistake.

Boy's artwork disqualified because of alleged gang symbols

A 15 year old boy won a contest that the government of Chicago held with his art work title "Chicago Heroes".

The government rulers later disqualified his art work because they said it contains "gang symbols" according to this article.

The good news is that at the young age of 15 this Chicago boy learned that our government masters are often thugs instead of the public servants they claim to be.


Chicago's Heros - disqualified because of alleged gang symbols

US Post Office loses $3.3 billion this quarter

According to this article the US Post Office lost $3.3 billion in the last quarter. That would be a $13.2 billion loss for the entire year.

If you ask me the only solution for this is to let the US Post Office go bankrupt and let the private sector deliver mail.

But sadly Federal law will probably never allow that. Currently Federal law says that private businesses that compete with the US Post Office must either deliver the mail for FREE, or charge three times what the US Post Office charges.

Opps, we arrested the wrong guy for murder

But don't count on the Yorba Linda police who arrested Eder Herrera for murder on saying that. Cops rarely admit their mistakes. As the Yorba Linda Police Department says Eder Herrera is still a suspect in this murder, despite the fact that he was released from the Orange County jail and the fact that the cops don't have a sherd of evidence linking him to the murders.

Read more about it in this article.

Phoenix government workers grossly overpaid?

According to this article from the Goldwater Institute the employees of the city of Phoenix, Arizona are paid much better then employees in the private sector.

Too much salt??? Blame the bread!!!!

According to this article you can blame the bread for causing there to be too much salt in your diet.

Oddly potato chips and the other high quality junk food that I thrive on are at the bottom of the high salt list.

Here is the top 10 list of salty foods:

1.Bread and rolls
2.Luncheon meats
4.Poultry products (such as chicken nuggets and patties)
6.Cheeseburgers and other sandwiches
9.Meat dishes
10.Snack foods like pretzels, chips and popcorn

Government crooks want $450 to renounce your citizenship

According to this article the crooks in the Federal government want to shake you down for $450 when you renounce your citizenship.

Steve Job's FBI file???

Here is a link to the file the FBI thugs were keeping on Steve Jobs.

The full link is: http://vault.fbi.gov/steve-jobs/steve-jobs-part-01-of-01/view

One question I have is why the f*ck was the FBI spying on Steve Jobs??? Sure I think the guy is a jerk, but why should the FBI give a krap about him????

Why they want to ban medical marijuana from college campuses???

According to this article our government masters at the Arizona State Capital want to raise revenue by selling beer at athletic events at ASU and U of A. I bet that is the real reason they want to ban medical marijuana from being used on college campuses.

15 tons of meth busted in Guadalajara

According to this article the cops busted 15 tons of pure meth in Guadalajara, which is Mexico's 2nd largest city.

Let's fact it, there is no way the drug war can be won and it is time to legalize all drugs.

86% of the people think Congress sucks

According to this article 86 percent of American thinks Congress sucks.

10 percent of Americans think Congress is doing a great job. Of course I suspect 10 percent of Americans also think dog poop tastes great.

Pot smokers cause lots of car crashes

According this article people who are stoned on marijuana are twice as likely to cause a car crash compared to people who are not stoned.

Even though I think all drugs should be legalized I still think it is stupid to drive when you are stoned.

Indians steal Grand Canyon Skywalk tourist attraction

According to this article the Hualapai Tribe used eminent domain to steal the Grand Canyon Skywalk tourist attraction.

The bottom line is that government is just a legalized form of theft.

Hualapai Indian tribe uses eminent domain to steal Grand Canyon Skywalk tourist attraction

Motorcycle checkpoints sound unconstitutional

According to this article Congress is considering stopping the motorcycle checkpoints which are being funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation.

Jesus Christ, don't these government idiots ever read the US Constitution.

Annual Nurses Book Sale February 11/12

Remind me to never, never, never, never, ever attempt to attend this stupid event.

I wasted $3.50 buying a light rail ticket and traveling to the event. When I got to the fairgrounds there literally was a line of at least 1,000 people waiting to get into the show.

I got there around 10 am which was about 2 hours after the show opened, but there was still a huge line of people waiting to get in.

According to this article the annual Nurses Book Sale will be held this weekend at the Arizona State Fairgrounds from 8 to 6 and 8 to 4 on Sunday. The location is:

Exhibit Building
Arizona state fairgrounds
1826 W. McDowell Ave
1,000+ people waiting to get into the VNSA nurses book sale on Feb, 10 2012

1,000+ people waiting to get into the VNSA nurses book sale on Feb, 10 2012


Free Dental Screenings?


Dental patients sought for complimentary screenings

Posted: Thursday, February 9, 2012 2:53 pm


Mesa Community College's Dental Hygiene program is looking for patients who have not received dental hygiene care in the past three years or longer to receive complimentary oral health screenings.

Treating patients with tough dental issues is part of the program's graduation requirements, and the program is looking for people who suffer from untreated periodontal disease, those who have been told they need "deep scales," or those who have other dental hygiene issues such as puffy and bleeding gums.

The screenings will be 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and 1-3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 11 at the Arizona School of Dentistry and Oral Heath, 5855 E. Still Circle, Mesa. If you wish to schedule a complimentary screening, call (480) 248-8195. Patients who meet the criteria will be contacted to set up an appointment. While the screening is free, further treatment at the school will be a reduced cost from a traditional dental office.

Hawthorne Mayor Steals Pizza Mixer

According to this article Larry Guidi who was the Mayor of Hawthorne stole a commercial food mixer from the Hawthorne School District so he could use it to make pizza at home.

FOIA request for SEAL photos shot of bin Laden's murder

In this article the Federal government is being sued in a FOIA request to release the photos that the U.S. Navy SEALs shot when the murdered bin Laden.

What porn stars did bin Laden think were hot????

In an article related to this lawsuit demanding the the Feds release the photos they shot of bin Laden when Navy SEALs murdered him, executives from the porn industry are drooling at the thought of finding out which porn stars bin Laden enjoyed watching.

When the US government invaded Pakistan and illegally murdered bin Laden they found a cache of porn in his home.

Bend over!!!! light rail construction is coming to Mesa!

According to this article light rail construction will be soon coming to Mesa.

Don't worry Mesa won't steal your land if your business or home is in the path of the light rail project. Mesa Mayor Scott Smith says

"We're not out to condemn property, we're out to buy property."
Of course that is government double talk for:
If you don't give us your property at a dirt cheap price we will use our power of eminent domain to steal it from you. F* YOU and have a nice day!
Just like they tried to steal the property from Bailey's Brake Service in Mesa and give it to local businessman Ken Lenhart so he could expand his hardware store and not pay the market value of Bailey's property. .

Cop busted for having sex with inmate

According to this article an Orange County cop was arrested for having sex with an inmate in the Orange County jail.

The Pope of the FLDS church is a crook???

According to this article Warren Jeffs, the polygamist leader of the FLDS church is a crook.

Of course even if Warren Jeffs is a crook I still think he is being railroaded by the states of Arizona and Utah on a bunch of trivial trumped up criminals charges. And I am an atheist, not a Mormon, or even a Christian.

Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon security logs released

According to this article Sgt. Trent Crump of the Phoenix Police estimates that the city spends a few hundred thousand dollars providing body guards for the Phil Gordon, the royal mayor of Phoenix.

A security detail of similar size now is assigned to new Mayor Greg Stanton.

The city of Phoenix doesn't want us serfs to know how much money the city spends protecting it's royal mayor and these records had to be obtained thru a lawsuit, because the city refused to release them.

A large amount of the time the cops spend protecting royal Mayor Phil Gordon was when he was on dates with his girlfriend Elissa Mullany, on his trips to coffee shops, Target and the dry cleaners.

Ain't you proud the city of Phoenix has royal rulers just like monarchies in Europe.

Of course many people feel the same that the French do about royal government rulers, IE: there isn't anything wrong with them that a guillotine wouldn't fix.

Schoolgirls excluded from Dallas movie trip

Girls just ain't smart enough to understand complex things like this. Or at least that is what our government masters who run the government public schools think. According to this article 5,700 fifth-grade boys in Dallas' public schools were sent to see the movie "Red Tails" about Black fighter pilots in World War II. Girls were not allowed to attend the movie and instead were show the movie "Akeelah and the Bee"

I guess our government masters still believe those silly stereotypes that boys are only good at killing people and girls should stay behind and play with dolls.

Don't get me wrong, I am against the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and was also against the Vietnam war, but I certainly think that the government should give girls the same opportunities it gives boys!

Grab your wallet, the IRS wants more money!!!

IRS to business owners: Did you file your 1099s?

According to this article the IRS is demanding that businesses file a 1099 form for any cash they paid out to and private citizens or private businesses. I suspect this is an attempt to shake down those private citizens and private businesses for more money.

In the past businesses frequently did not file 1099 forms.

Feb 9, the weathers is almost getting nice

While it is still real cold in the morning and I have to wear a coat, today at around 3 in the afternoon it was warm enough for me to ride around on my bike in a tshirt.

Of course summer is only a month and half away and we should have some nice 100°F weather when April gets here.

I hate stinking cold weather!!!!!!!

God wants 10% of your income, Uncle Sam wants a lot more!!!

If you are a good Christian, you probably know that in the Christian Bible their God demands that you give 10 percent of your income to the Church rulers, in a practice called tithing.

In this article Uncle Sam, or Emperor Obama wants a lot more. Uncle Obama thinks that rich folks should give almost of third of their income to the Federal government.

Obama has called for changes to the tax code that would require households earning more than $1 million a year to pay at least 30 percent of their income in federal taxes.

Cops hate guns

According to this article ASU police chief John L. Pickens wants to ban guns on his campus. So does Anthony Daykin who is the police chief at NAU. And G.T. Fowler who is the police chief at U of A also wants to ban guns on his campus.

Government tyrants always want to keep weapons out of the hands of the serfs they rule over and ASU Police Chief John L. Pickens, NAU Police Chief Anthony Daykin and U of A Police Chief G.T. Fowler are government tyrants who want to disarm the serfs they rule over.

Police Chief John L. Pickens wants to ban guns at Arizona State University

According to this article ASU Police Chief John L. Pickens is a government tyrant who wants to ban guns at Arizona State University.

Police Chief Anthony Daykin wants to ban guns at Northern Arizona University

According to this article NAU Police Chief Anthony Daykin is a government tyrant who wants to ban guns at Northern Arizona University.

Police Chief G.T. Fowler wants to ban guns at the University of Arizona

According to this article U of A Police Chief G.T. Fowler is a government tyrant who wants to ban guns at University of Arizona.

Brave cops protecting us from criminals

Brave cops protecting us from criminals - At least that is what the police want us to think

OK, maybe they are just police thugs terrorizing the people they pretend to protect. But of course the police want us to think they are heroes who protect us from criminals.

$3 billion in military aid to Israel in 2011

According this web page the American government gave $3 billion in military aid to Israel in 2011.

I wonder if that is a violation of the First Amendment by helping the folks of Israel establish a religious theocracy on the land they stole from the Arabs????

Guatemala President to propose legalizing drugs

According to this article President Otto Perez Molina of Guatemala wants to legalize drugs.

How refreshing somebody finally wants to end the insane war on drugs.

Several years ago Mexico legalized small amounts of drugs for personal use. I think you can now have something like 5 grams of marijuana in Mexico for personal use.

To really screw things up it takes government

According to this article the Federal government is building a border fence in Texas which will lock a good number of American citizens on there American properties on the Mexican side of the border.

Yes as I said in the title "To really screw things up it takes government"

Government does next to nothing to stop fraud

According to this article there is almost nothing the government can do to protect you from fraud, or even get your money back when you have been screwed by a con man.

This article is about John Common is still accused of screwing people for years, and of course the government has done nothing to stop his questionable business practices.

I worked for two companies that were operated like this article accuses John Common of operating. They were Troy Warren's "Search Big Daddy" and Richard Kuhlmann's "E-Merchant Direct".

And again while lots of bad, bad, accusations have been made against both Troy Warren and Richard Kuhlmann, neither of them have been put out of business by the government, nor has either of them been convicted of any crimes. And they both continue to operate today, using business practices that a lot of people say are fraudulent.

Sheriff Babeu spends RICO money like a drunken sailor

Sheriff Babeu spends RICO money like a drunken sailor and buys these expensive Pinal County Sheriff badges I have always thought the concept of the government stealing RICO money was wrong. When ever you let the cops steal money from alleged criminals, the cops will consider everybody they see as an "alleged criminal" and use their government powers to steal those people's money.

In this article we have a perfect example of how those abuses of RICO money occur where Pinal County Sheriff Babeu is spending his RICO money like a drunken sailor on frivolous things to get himself re-elected or get himself elected to US Congress.

Got money? You must be a criminal

Because the "war on drugs" is a dismal failure the government has come up with an easy, but probably almost certainly unconstitutional way to arrest drug dealers.

The government now says that if you have cold hard cash, but you can't prove that the cash was acquired legally, then you must be a criminal and thus the government can steal your money.

Read more in this article about the American government's insane "war on money" in addition to the insane "war on drugs".

War is great for the economy

OK, I guess I shouldn't say that. In reality war is great for the military industrial complex and the government bureaucrats who are involved in it. Of course don't tell that to the innocent brown skinned woman and children in Iraq or Afghanistan that are murdered by the American military machine. They know war sucks. And I agree with them.

But in this article we find out that war is great for the Arizona businesses that are involved in the military industrial complex.

Testing medical marijuana

According to this article testing medical marijuana is technically illegal under Federal law. But still some cities like Los Angeles require that the medical marijuana stores require the pot they sell to be tested.

A shell game to hide the cost of the wars????

According to this article it sure sounds like the American government is playing some sort of shell game to hide the true costs of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan from the American public.

School uses safety excuse to ban cross dressing

When ever our government masters try to flush our Constitutional rights down the toilet they always use safety as an excuse.

In this article some government tyrants in Suffolk, Virginia want to ban girls from wearing boy's clothing and boys from wearing girl's clothing. And of course they are using the lame excuse that it will protect the children.

Jesus, don't these government nannies have any time to educate the children????

Uncle Sam's spying on you!!!!

According to this article the U.S. government is seeking software that can mine social media and tell Uncle Sam everything you say on Facebook, Twitter or Meetup, so an FBI or Homeland Security thug can arrest you for any though crimes you commit.

Bill aims to censor Arizona teachers' speech

According to this article the twits at the Arizona state legislator want to make the First Amendment null and void in Arizona class rooms. Teachers would be only allowed to say things that the FCC allows to be said on Television.

King George and Hitler would be proud of the twits that are sponsoring this bill.

AI event at ASU

I went to an event sponsored by A m n e s t y I n t e r n a t i o n a l at ASU.

I mentioned that two thirds of the people in American prisons were there for victimless drug war crimes. And then I asked if there is much support for AI treating drug war prisoners as political prisoners.

Sadly I didn't get any responses that were favorable.

Several people did say that AI supports the rights of gay folks to co-exist with the rest of society.

But sadly one one other person seemed to think it was wrong for the government to throw people in prison for "victimless drug war crimes".

At the beginning of the even they kind of treated us like kindergartener students and made us go thru some silly exercises. Which is pretty much like I they treat people at other events sponsored by socialists like the "Local to Global teach in" which is also coming up this or next month.

Other then that the event was OK.

Pretending we won the war in Afghanistan

In this article Emperor Obama seems to be searching for ways to pretend that we won the war in Afghanistan.

He dude! All you have to is make a big like like that crook Nixon did with Vietnam. Tell all the Americans that we won the war, bring the troops home and the American public won't know the difference when Afghanistan collapses a week later like Vietnam did with Nixon pretended to win that war.

Obama delegating his authority to declare war to his Generals and Admirals???

In this article It sure sounds like President Obama wants to delegate his authority to declare war to his Generals and Admirals???

Elected officials love to delegate their authority to their minions. That way if they can't be blamed for for screw ups and of course they can take credit for stuff that worked.

Biker Centennial ride to Arizona Capital

On Saturday, February 11, I was riding my bike along the Tempe Canal and I saw a huge number of motorcycles at the Riverview Shopping Center in Mesa.

So out of curiosity I went to the mall to check out what was happening.

One woman told me there were 4,000 bikers there planning a motorcycle ride to the Arizona Capital to celebrate the 100th birthday of the state of Arizona.

I don't doubt that there were 4,000 bikers there. The east side of the Wal-Mart parking lot was packed wall to wall with motorcycles. So were the parking lots near the Bass Pro Sporting goods store and by that hotel on the east side of the shopping center. And the road into the shopping center packed so full of motorcycles that it was impossible for cars to get into the shopping center.

I figured most bikers hate our government masters I was very confused. Why would people that hate the government be involved in some silly celebration to honor the 100th birthday of the government tyrants that run Arizona?

So I asked a number of them the question:

"Are you involved in this ride because you love the government".
Not one of them answered "yes" and a number of them said that they would use any excuse they could to take a motorcycle ride with their friends.

Well thank God my impression about bikers was not wrong.

Since these folks didn't have a "love the government" attitude or problem I started asking them if t hey would support a motorcycle ride to the Arizona State Capital to legalize marijuana.

Everyone I talked to thought that was a damn good idea and supported it.

I talked to some folks from the KDKB radio station who had a booth at an event. They even showed me this handout for a motorcycle ride to legalize pot from Tempe to Cave Creek.

Motorcycle ride to legalize marijuana - Canna Crush Cruise

Last but not least one group of these bikers asked me to come along with them on their ride to the capital.

They asked me how fast I could ride my bicycle.

I told them the fastest I have ever ridden was about 22 miles an hour, and that was with the wind behind my back. I told them that I usually average about 10 or 12 miles and hour.

They told me that at that speed I should be able to keep up with them and offered to let me ride along with them to the state capital.

Sorry guys, I don't worship the government, nor do I ever intend to participate in any silly even that honors the government.

Biker Centennial ride to Arizona Capital at Riverview Shopping Center in Mesa, Feb 11, 2012
Biker Centennial ride to Arizona Capital at Riverview Shopping Center in Mesa, Feb 11, 2012
Biker Centennial ride to Arizona Capital at Riverview Shopping Center in Mesa, Feb 11, 2012
Biker Centennial ride to Arizona Capital at Riverview Shopping Center in Mesa, Feb 11, 2012
Biker Centennial ride to Arizona Capital at Riverview Shopping Center in Mesa, Feb 11, 2012

ATT's unlimited data, ain't unlimited

According to this article AT&T is offering unlimited data transmission on it's cell phones, but when the pedal hits the metal the data transmissions ain't unlimited.

According to the article when you reach a certain amount of data, the folks at ATT will slow down your data transmission speed so it literally takes 99 times longer to transmit the data.

That means an image that normally takes 1 second to load will take almost 2 minutes to load with ATT's unlimited data transmission plan.

AT&T's unlimited data plan ain't unlimited. A number of customers think they are being screwed by ATT

Potty Mouth Police

Watch out what you say on Arizona goverment school campuses. Who know's the potty mouth cops may hunt you down for saying something when you stub your toe.

Visit Quartzsite - (928) 927-9321

Quartzsite. You know you've reached RV heaven when you see the sign for an RV proctologist. Yes, Quartzsite has a huge RV show (and is RV central for snowbirds), but it's mostly for shoppers, if you like the idea of hundreds of vendors in tents and out of doors. There are gems and minerals (and big shows focused on those) and hundreds of swap meet vendors. They say if you can't find it in Quartzsite, it can't be found. The town, population about 3,700, hosts 1.5 million visitors a year who arrive in November and December. Many stay, leaving about March 1. (928) 927-9321, http://www.ci.quartzsite.az.us/ CH

Israel is paid back for murders of Iran scientists???

In this article it sure sounds like the government of Iran is retaliating against Israel for the murders of several Iranian nuclear scientists.

Electronic Snitches

On Monday, Feb 13 I went to the Zocalo event at ASU where a woman talked about the internet police state.

She mentioned that after the fall of the Berlin wall many people in East Germany got to go to the headquarters of the East German Secret Police and view their dossiers which the government had kept on them.

She said that they found out their boy friend, girl friend, children, wife, husband, coworkers or neighbor were government snitches and spying on them.

Of course the important part is that there where human snitches who were spying on them.

Then she fast forwarded to modern times when she was working in Red China as a reporter and she got into a little story where almost all the data that the government spies had collected on the citizens of China were collected electronically by computerized robots.

There were thick reams of emails and tweets collected electronically. Data was collected from cell phones which contained the times and locations of all there movements.

When it comes to government snitches about 10 years ago I from out from Ernie Hancock that a guy called David Dorn was spreading lies about me saying something to the effect that I was a government snitch.

Neither David Dorn or Ernie Hancock has ever bothered to tell me what the lies were, but they have destroyed my life.

I never have been a government snitch and never will be.

And I find it outrageous that these hypocrites are spreading around these lies when not a shred of evidence exists that I am a government snitch.

And sadly this means you can't rely on the Libertarian party to protect your rights any more then you can rely on the Republicans, Democrats, Communists or Socialists to protect your rights.

Drug War Drone Strikes

According to this article the military is moving it's drone airforce of 7,000+ drones back to the USA.

My only question is when when will the police and military team up and start using drone air strikes in the USA to murder suspected drug dealers.

I am sure the police would much rather murder a suspect drug dealer with a drone airstrike, then risk arresting the guy and having a jury acquit the guy.

Damn, these creepy cops sound just like the phoney baloney Libertarian creeps who were spreading lie about me being a government snitch.

Sadly the Arizona Libertarian Party isn't any better then the tyrants in the Arizona Democratic, Republican, Green and Communist parties.

Global warming destroying lives of people with asthma

Well no it's not "global warming" that is destroying the lives of people with asthma, it's the governments silly ban of CFCs which are used as propellents in asthma inhalers which are destroying the lives of people with asthma. Read more in this article.

The government war on people with asthma

Well no it's not "global warming" that is destroying the lives of people with asthma, it's the governments silly ban of CFCs which are used as propellents in asthma inhalers which are destroying the lives of people with asthma. Read more in this article.

CFC ban destroys the lives of people with asthma

The governments silly ban of CFCs which are used as propellents in asthma inhalers which are destroying the lives of people with asthma. Read more in this article.

A lame attempt to inform the search engines about CFCs

Yes this is the 4th time I repeated my blurb in this article about how the governments silly ban on CFCs or freon is destroying the lives of people with asthma. But I am just doing it as a silly attempt to let the search engines know I don't like the governments silly ban on CFCs. I wonder. Is saying negative things about the government a crime in the Department of Homeland Security rule book. Will the Homeland Security thugs cart me off to jail for my prior statement?

Vote to ban photo radar bandits???

According to this article some legislators want to put a measure on the ballot which would allow the people to vote on banning those photo radar bandits our government masters use to steal our money.

Obama shovels the BS on the 2012 budget

In this article some reporters analyze Emperor Obama 2012 budge and reach the conclusion the President Obama is shoveling the BS.

A government issued photo ID is required to check your weapons???

While I was at the Capital for the Centennial Celebration I went to one of the cafeterias in the Capital complex to eat lunch. The jackbooted government thugs guarding the building searched me and took my pocket knife away from me.

The seemed rather perplexed when they demanded a government issued photo ID to check my weapon, or well my pocket knife.

Finally they let me in without and ID card.

I suspect they the police terrorists that guard the building demand an ID from anybody with a weapons so they can run the person thru their computers looking for an arrest warrant for the person.

Well my message to the pigs is "f*ck you!" What part of the 5th Amendment don't you jackbooted thugs understand.

It's time to end the drug war and re-legalize marijuana

Here is a photo of some folks down at the Arizona State Capital for the Centennial Celebration of Arizona's 100th birthday. These folks with Phoenix NORML and Camp420 all think it is time to end the insane war on drugs and legalize, opps, I mean re-legalize marijuana.

NORML and Camp 420 think it's time to end the insane war on drugs and re-legalize marijuana - A protest at the Arizona State Capital for the Centennial Celebration on February 14, 2012

Ricky Duncan dead????

On Feb 14, 2012 I went down to the State Capital for the Centennial Celebration and I talked to some guy who was running for the Arizona Corporation Commission and he told me he thought Ricky Duncan was dead.

Let's hope it isn't true.

I described all the stuff the Ricky Duncan did and we seemed to be talking about the same guy.

For more on Ricky Duncan Ricky Duncan check out this url.

$5 million bail in Temple Murder Trail

In this article a $5 million bail has been set for Johnathan Doody.

If you ask me Johnathan Doody should be released even if he is guilty as hell.

The police framed Johnathan Doody during the first trial and as a result of that he spent 20 years in prison, for a crime he was framed for.

Something has to be done to send a message to the police that it is WRONG to frame people for crimes.

And of course if anybody who is framed by the police for a crime is released that will quickly send a message to the police that it is wrong to frame people.

As a result of the police framing Johnathan Doody I also think he is being denied his right to a speedy trail as required by law.

Being put on trial a 2nd time after spending 20 years in prison because the cops framed you in the first trial certainly violated Johnathan Doody right to a speedy trail.

Cops want to frame Jared Loughner

In this article it seems like the government also wants to falsely force a confession out of Jared Loughner in the Tucson trial for the murder of Gabrielle Giffords, just like the did with Johnathan Doody.

Using your tax dollars to get ME reelected

This really pisses me off when elected officials use our tax dollars to promote themselves for reelection. In Chandler and Tempe every government building I have been in has a photo of the Tempe or Chandler city council members hanging it it.

In this article they want to require that elected officials disclose whenever they are spending our tax dollars on pretty pictures and propaganda to promote themselves for reelection.

Sure that sounds like a step in the right direction, but the real solution is to stop them from spending our tax dollars on themselves.

Don't treat America's homeless as criminals

According to this article they don't think the government should treat homeless people as criminals.

Of course in my case I became homeless because of the government. The government seized my home without a trial because of messy yard crimes I was accused of committing and as a result I became homeless.

Blagojevich to do time in a "country club" prison???

According to this article it sounds like convicted Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich will be spending his prison time in a Country Club instead of a prison.

Our government masters treat themselves really well, even when they are convicted of crimes.

As I have said before the best job for a criminals is to become either an elected official or a police officers. In both jobs when you are caught for your crimes you rarely if ever get punished for them.

Whitney Houston - Jobs program for drug war cops?

From this article it sounds like the death of Whitney Houston, which probably was an accidental overdose or suicide is turning into a "jobs program" for our fearless "drug war" cops.

The cops seem to want to railroad any and all of the doctors that might have supplied drugs to Whitney Houston.

Jesus don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down?????

Liars at Arizona DHS say marijuana is additive

At this Arizona Department of Health Services web page I found these lies which claim that marijuana is additive just like heroin. The liars also claim that marijuana also cause cancer just like tobacco does.

The backside of the card says

"Marijuana use can be addictive .... Marijuana smoke contains carcinogens and can lead to an increased risk for cancer, tachycardia, hypertension, heart attack and lung infection"
From this is sure seems that the tyrants in the State of Arizona have no plans whatsoever to implement the medical marijuana program the voters of Arizona demanded.

Liars at Arizona Department of Health Services say marijuana is additive just like heroin and that marijuana cause cancer like tobacco!!!

Liars at Arizona Department of Health Services say marijuana is additive just like heroin and that marijuana cause cancer like tobacco!!!


Reefer madness liars at the Arizona Department of Health Services

When I was in high school the propaganda masters promoting the insane "war on drug" showed us the film "Reefer Madness" to convince us high school kiddies that if we smoked the forbidden fruit of marijuana we would go insane and rape woman and children after smoking one joint.

The government tyrants at the Arizona Department of Health Services are pushing the same set of lies on us again in this cause saying that marijuana is additive just like heroin and that marijuana causes cancer just like tobacco. View this link to check out the latest in propaganda lies on marijuana from the liars at the Arizona Department of Health Services.

Arizona Department of Health Services says marijuana is addictive just like heroin!!!

Check out this link where the liars at the Arizona Department of Health Services claim that marijuana is an additive drug just like heroin. What rubbish!!!! The tyrants in the state of Arizona will do anything to keep up their war on drugs, even after the people voted that we want to legalize medical marijuana.

Former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders said:

“Marijuana is not addictive, not physically addictive anyway.”

Arizona Department of Health Services says marijuana is causes cancer just like tobacco!!!

Check out this link where the liars at the Arizona Department of Health Services claim that marijuana causes cancer just like tobacco and cigarettes. What rubbish!!!! The tyrants in the state of Arizona will do anything to keep up their war on drugs, even after the people voted that we want to legalize medical marijuana.

Flaw Found in an Online Encryption Method

Are there bugs in PGP or Pretty Good Privacy???

According to this article there are some bugs in software that is used to encrypt data that moves across the internet.

The article says it applies to software that uses the R.S.A. algorithm or RSA keys. I think that applies to PGP or Pretty Good Privacy, but I am not positive.

F*ck the 4th Amendment, we are going to search your cell phone

In this article the police seem to be searching the cell phones of everyone they stop for incriminating messages.

Let's face it in the American police state the Bill of Rights has been null and void for years.

300+ people burn to death in prison fire

According to this article more then 300 people died in a prison fire in Honduras.

The end of America as we know it???

In this article Robert Robb seems to think that we are really screwed under Obama tax and spend plan. And when a socialist like Robert Robb thinks things are bad we are probably in deep, deep do do!!!!

Private prisons are poorly run in Arizona

According to this articles private prisons are they are implemented in Arizona are very poorly run and not cost effective to the prisons run by the state of Arizona.

Of course if you ask me the real problem is the drug war where two thirds of the people arrested are arrested for victimless drug war crimes. Legalize drugs and this problem will go away.

Quartzsite Arizona is a police state???

From this article it sure sounds like the town of Quartzsite, Arizona is a police state. If you love Quartzsite, Arizona raise your right arm and yell "Heil Hiter".

Retired National Guard colonel pleads guilty to fraud

According to this article aretired National Guard colonel who embezzled more than $2 million from charitable funds pleaded guilty in Maricopa County Superior Court Wednesday to fraud and theft charges.

Tempe gets into the lobbying business

According to this article Tempe is using your tax dollars to lobby for laws the royal rulers of Tempe support.

I am against pretty much anything the royal rulers of Tempe support. I find it disgusting that the royal rulers of Tempe are taking my tax dollars and using my money to lobby for laws I am against.

I bet this guy is a union worker???

Unions make business work much better. OK, I liked unions are more like mafia thugs in your business

Hotter then a habanero???

Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is hottest chile, experts say

According to this article the chili habanero isn't the hottest pepper in the world any more. It's been replaced by the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion pepper.

Some folks say the ghost pepper or Bhut Jolokia is the hottest in the world. I think they are right, but it's not a natural pepper. I suspect that this Trinidad Moruga Scorpion is like the Bhut Jolokia, in that it is not a natural pepper.

The WHO wants to renew the American Prohibition

World Health Organization (WHO) wants to start a new "war on liquor"

According this article Devi Sridhar a "do gooder" wants the World Health Organization (WHO) to kick off a new war on liquor, which will be essentially a repeat of the failed American Prohibition.

"Sridhar argues that the WHO should regulate alcohol at the global level, enforcing such regulations as a minimum drinking age, zero-tolerance drunken driving, and bans on unlimited drink specials. Abiding by the regulations would be mandatory for the WHO's 194 member states

Yes I am sure Devi Sridhar silly new "war on liquor" will prevent a few deaths from alcohol abuse. Of course for every person saved from demon liquor, 10 people will die in the new "war on liquor", just like when Uncle Sam made booze illegal in the USA, when the murder rate skyrocketed as gangsters tried to corner the black market on illegal liquor.

Sports Babes - Wearing Dental Floss

Sports Illustrated swim suit issue - Hot babes wearing dental floss

Heart Attack at the Heart Attack Grill!!!!


Did man have heart attack at Heart Attack Grill?

Feb. 15, 2012 12:58 PM

Associated Press

LAS VEGAS -- Laughing tourists were either cynical or confused about whether a man was really suffering a medical episode amid the "doctor," "nurses" and health warnings at the Heart Attack Grill in Las Vegas, a restaurant owner said Wednesday.

"It was no joke," said Jon Basso, who promotes himself "Doctor Jon," his scantily-clad waitresses as nurses and customers as patients.

Basso said he could tell right away the man in his 40s eating a Triple Bypass burger was having trouble. He was sweating, shaking and could barely talk.

Paramedics were called Saturday night, fire spokesman Tim Szymanski said, and the man was hospitalized. His name and information about his condition weren't made public.

Giggles can be heard on the soundtrack of amateur video showing the man on a stretcher being wheeled out of the restaurant where patrons pass an antique ambulance at the door and a sign: "Caution! This establishment is bad for your health."

Eaters are given surgical gowns as they choose from a calorically extravagant menu offering "Bypass" burgers, "Flatliner" fries, buttermilk shakes and free meals to folks over 350 pounds.

Basso said he hopes the man is OK, and added that he felt bad for him because tourists treated his misfortune like a joke.

Arizona police say "no gun rights" on campuses

In a recent editorial John L. Pickens, Arizona State University police chief, Anthony Daykin, University of Arizona police chief and G.T. Fowler, Northern Arizona University police chief have said that they think the Bill of Rights should be null and void on their college campuses and that guns should be banned.

In this letter to the editor Kevin Walsh says that is rubbish.

And if you ask me the college cops should be more concerned with protecting student and teachers from criminals and stop attempting to flush the Bill of Rights down the toilet to protect themselves from the legally armed citizens they are pretend to protect.

We won the wars, now it's time to release the POWs

According to this article American Emperor Obama claims that we have won the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. So therefor it must be time to release the POWs from Guantánamo Bay.

OK, I guess Emperor Obama lied about winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and he is not going to release the POWs from Guantánamo Bay.

I guess Emperor Obama wants it both ways. Emperor Obama wants the American public to consider him a hero for winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan so he can get reelected in 2012.

Emperor Obama also wants to keep the POWs locked up in Guantánamo forever so he can claim he is tough on terrorism and get reelected in 2012.

Damn, I guess Emperor Obama wants it both ways.

Some phobias or fobias in Spanish of course!!!

Here is a list of phobias or fobias as they are called in Spanish!

Rep. Katie Hobbs wants to flush the 1st Amendment

According to this article Arizona Representative Katie Hobbs wants to flush the First Amendment down the toilet and have disclaimers on any and all advertizing that was modified by PhotoShop.

What's next? Is Rep. Katie Hobbs going to require topless dancers who have had a b**b job get a tattoo on their h**ters saying they appear larger then they actually are?

Man, It never ceases to amaze me with the dumb things politicians can do.

Is Scottsdale cop James Peters a trigger happy killer???

Is Scottsdale police officer James Peters is a trigger happy murder? Since 2002 he has shot 6 people killing 5 of them In this article it sure sounds like Scottsdale Police Officer James Peters a trigger happy killer. Since 2002 he shot 6 people, killing five of them.

Scottsdale Police Office James Peters didn't just pull his gun and shoot the guy in response to the guy pulling a gun. It was cold blooded murder, Scottsdale Police Officer James Peters shot the guy with a sniper rifle.

40 pounds of weed and Emperor Obama

I guess the moral of this story is don't buzz the President when you have 40 pounds of weed on your airplane.

Look I am all for legalizing the marijuana and ending the stinking drug war, but you have to use a little common sense when you are around government tyrants!!!!

Ban medical marijuana on universities

According to this article the tyrants in the Arizona Legislator are attempting to override the will of the people and ban medical marijuana from universities in Arizona.

Cops use RICO laws to steal assets

So you are innocent and know nothing of the crime. The cops could case less. They want to steal your home, your hotel, your cars and your bank accounts, not because you did something wrong, but because a guy you rented a hotel room had a bag of weed.

It's called policing for dollars. And it is a total abuse of government. Read more about it in this article.

Cops use "drug war" laws to steal assets

So you are innocent and know nothing of the crime. The cops could case less. They want to steal your home, your hotel, your cars and your bank accounts, not because you did something wrong, but because a guy you rented a hotel room had a bag of weed.

It's called policing for dollars. And it is a total abuse of government. Read more about it in this article.

Ron Paul complains about "war on drugs"

In this article Ron Paul complains about the "war on drugs" as he runs for President in Washington state.

Watch our for the Federal "Lunch Bag Nazis"

According to this article the "Federal Lunch Bag Police" may jerk you around if you don't give your child in kindergartener a sack lunch approved by the Federal Lunch Bag cops.

Jesus Christ, do we really need a bunch of bureaucrats from the Federal government telling us what we can and can't pack in a sack lunch for a child in kindergartener?

Presidential Debate in Mesa, Arizona

According to this article on Wednesday, February 22 the Republicans will hold their Presidential Debate in Mesa, Arizona.

Remember Ron Paul is the ONLY Presidential canidate who wants to end the evil and unconstitutional "war on drugs" and legalize all drugs.

Please attend the debate and show your support for Ron Paul.

East Valley Fusion Center in Mesa

This article discusses a police information center in Mesa which the cops call a "Fusion Center".

It's a combination of Federal police, Arizona State police and local city police.

I think it would be really interesting in making an Arizona "request for public records" or a Federal FOIA or Freedom of Information Act request for the bi-weekly newsletter that goes out to 5,000 local pigs.

Same for the contents of the HIDTA database (High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas) ; RMIN database (Rocky Mountain Information Network) ; and AZTIC database (Arizona Crime and Terrorism Information Center).

How much do federal employees earn?

The 1,856,000 full-time federal employees

According to this article as of September 2011, there were 1,856,000 full-time, permanent, non-seasonal federal employees.

As of September 2010 these federal employees made and average salary of $76,231. Not bad for a paper pushing do nothing government bureaucrat.

INS supervisors have a shoot out in Long Beach

According this article some INS supervisors had a little dispute amoung themselves that turned into a gun fight in a Federal office building in Long Beach, California.

Drug war tyrant Jan Brewer makes "bath salts" illegal

According to this article police state tyrant Jan Brewer has signed a bill that makes "bath salts" illegal.

Arizona Governor Jan brewer is the same tyrant that filed a frivolous lawsuit in Federal court attempting to void Arizona's medical marijuana law.

And of course Arizona Governor Jan brewer is the same tyrant voted to steal $1 billion+ from the citizens of Maricopa County to build the Bank One Ballpark, which was a corporate welfare program for Jerry Colangelo when she was a member of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.

DC "No Tags" vanity license plate causes problems

According to this article Danny White's license plate which is a vanity license plate that says "No Tags" is causing the government bureaucrats in Washington D.C. nothing but problems.

FBI prevents another imaginary terrorist attack

Sure it's pretty easy to stop an imaginary terrorist attack that was created by the FBI, but what are these over paid under worked FBI agents going to do if there are not any real terrorists to arrest.

This article documents how the brave heroes at the FBI prevented this terrorist attack.

The article also explains how the FBI also created, and planned this imaginary terrorist attack, before they arrested the sucker they tricked into agreeing to preform the terrorist attack.

H. L. Mencken got it right when he said:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

HB 2815 will stop messy yard cops from seizing your home!!!!

Wow! This HB2815 sounds really nice!!!!

If it passes the Messy Yard Police won't be able to seize your home any more if you don't mow the lawn. At least that's what this article seems to say!!!!!

House Bill 2815 would end "excessive regulation"

If HB 2815 passes the Messy Yard cops won't be able to seize your home any more if you don't mow the lawn. At least that's what this article seems to say!!!!!

Sheriff Paul Babeu is gay?????

According to this article it sounds like Sheriff Paul Babeu is violent gay man who makes threats against his lovers.

Of course I don't have any problems with gay folks, but Sheriff Paul Babeu is one of those Republican nut jobs who wants to force his Christian values on us, so if he is gay he is a hypocrite.

And of course if Sheriff Paul Babeu is making threats against his lover like the article says he is also a hypocrite.

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu and his gay lover Jose???

Citizens protest Scottsdale Police Murder of John Loxas

Is Scottsdale police officer James Peters is a trigger happy murder? Since 2002 he has shot 6 people killing 5 of them John Loxas was murdered by Scottsdale Police Officer James Peters who shot him in cold blood with a rifle. According to this article angry citizens are demonstrating is Scottsdale to protest this cold blooded police murder.

Supreme Court takes Mesa tattoo parlor case

Can the city of Mesa, Arizona simply delcare that some people and businesses are scum and vermin and refuse to grant them a business license?

According to this article the Arizona Supreme Court will make a decision on that.

The city of Mesa tried to run the Angel Tattoo parlor out of town. The parlor is owned by Ryan and Laetitia Coleman. Libertarian Attorney Michael Kielsky is representing them in this case.

Gov. Chris Christie hates gays

According to this article New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is vetoing a bill that would allow gay marriage in New Jersey.

Does New Jersey Governor Chris Christie hate gays? Is New Jersey Governor Chris Christie mixing government and religion in his politics??

20,000 reasons Iran needs a nuclear bomb

This article gives 20,000 good reasons that Iran needs an a-bomb. Of course I can only see one good reason for Iran to get an a-bomb - to prevent the American Empire from invading it.

Bullies don't pick on people or countries that can defend themselves and if Iran gets a nuclear bomb it will almost certainly prevent the American government from invading Iran.

FBI busts suicide terrorist plot in Washington D.C.

Well OK, the FBI got some dumb witted Muslim sucker and helped him plan a terrorist plot to suicide bomb Washington D.C., and then the heroes at the FBI busted the terrorist plot they created according to this article.

Since there ain't that many terrorists out there the only way the FBI can make itself look useful is by creating these terrorists plots and then busting them.

Well as H. L. Mencken said:

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary."

Drones are now legal in USA skies

According to this article Emperor Obama just signed a bill which makes it legal for Americans to fly drones on American soil.

The good news is we will be able to spy on the police while they spy on us.

The bad news is we will soon have cops using drones to peer thru our bedroom windows and peek into our backyards looking for victimless drug war criminals who are growing marijuana.

Photo Radar Bandits 0 - The People 1

According to this article an appeals court threw out a conviction of a photo radar traffic ticket. This case could lead to many more tickets shot by photo radar bandits being thrown out of court.

Plea bargain in Fiesta Bowl Corruption case

You didn't really expect these crooked politicians involved in the Fiesta Bowl corruption to do any time or get any more then a slap on the wrist did you?

Of course not, when our government masters break the law they rarely get punished.

Read more about the plea bargins handed out in the Fiesta Bowl corruption case.

Pinal Sheriff Babeu - 'I am gay'

Pinal Sheriff Babeu: Misconduct allegations false, but 'I am gay'

Sheriff Babeu is pretty much a clone of publicity hound Sheriff Joe. Personally I think Pinal Sheriff Babeu is a better publicity hound then Sheriff Joe and outdoing the person he is imitating. Even if I think both Sheriff Babeu and Sheriff Joe are jerks.

It's kind of odd that a cop who gets elected by spreading hate about Mexicans and drug users is also gay, a group which is hated by a lot of Christian nut jobs.

Read more about it here.

When the messy yard cops seize your home you have to be paid???

According to this article when the government reduces the value of your property thru silly zoning laws you have to be paid for the reduction in your properties value.

Does this mean when the messy yard cops seize your home for not mowing your lawn you have to be paid????

Las Vegas Police reduce crime by cooking the books

In this article the Las Vegas piggies have found a way to dramatically reduce the number of robberies in Las Vegas - by cooking the books and not reporting the robberies!

Ain't you glad you have these fearless cops protecting you. On the other hand I guess it is a lot easier to make yourself look like a hero and all around wonderful guy by making it appear that you reduced crime by reporting less crime.

That's a lot easier then hunting down the bad guys and arresting them. And a lot safer.

Patriot Act is just an extension of the "War on Drugs"

In this article the TSA thugs at the Oakland Airport busted a man with marijuana in a peanut butter jar.

While our government masters tell us the Patriot Act is part of their "war on terrorism" that is 100 percent BS. Slightly less then one percent of the people arrested under the Patriot Act are arrested for so called terrorists crimes.

Most of the people arrested by for Patriot Act crimes are arrested for victimless drug war crimes.

Phoenix recycling program is a dismal failure

According to this article this recycling program for apartment complexes is a dismal failure. Instead of blaming themselves for the failure the royal members of the Phoenix city council are blaming the apartment complex residents.

Look you royal government idiots, haven't you heard the saying "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"???

It ain't about being gay, it's about being a jerk

In this article by Montini he seems to hit the nail on the head when he says it ain't about being gay in Sheriff Babeu's case. Of course I said it's about being a jerk!

Our government masters pay themselves very well!!

In this article we find that the royal rulers of the city of San Diego, California pay themselves very well. A retired attorney gets an annual pension of $307,758; a librarian gets $234,091.

2nd Amendment null and void in Kalifornia

According to this article for all practical purposes the Second Amendment is null and void in the police state of California.

Voter ID laws force people to vote Republican

No, you got that all wrong. The voter ID laws don't force people to vote Republican, the voter ID laws only let Republicans register to vote!

Read more about it in this article.

Only liars and hypocrites can be elected President

According to this article if being a hypocrite and a liar is a prerequisite for being a great politician, Gingrich will make a fantastic President!!!

But the sad truth is that it seems like most politicians are pretty much like Gingrich and they will make up any lie they can to get you to vote for them.

Will John McCain get his wish to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran???

Hmmm ... if John McCain gets his wish to bomb Iran it may come about via the Israeli government with the help of McCain, anti-war rival Barak Obama according to this article.

Every February Yosemite waterfall turns to lava

According to this article in February of every year the light conditions create an optical illusion that these water falls in Yosemite National Park are lave falls.

Pretty cool stuff if you ask me.

Every February this waterfall in Yosemite National Park looks like a lava fall??

The American government is the problem in the Middle East, not the solution!!!!

Sorry Robert Robb, in this editorial you are 100 percent wrong with this statement:
"Paul needs to advocate his non-interventionism without sounding like he’s blaming the United States for the terrorists who attack us"
The American foreign policy of the last 70+ years IS the CAUSE of the terrorists attacks against America. And I should add they are not "terrorists", but "freedom fighters".

Will condom law cause porn industry to leave Los Angeles????

According to this article a silly new law requiring actors to wear condoms when shooting adult movies in the city of Los Angeles could cause the porn industry to move out of LA!!!!

4th Amendment null and void for drug war crimes

According to this article even if you refuse to let the police search you they will bring in a drug dog, claim the drug dog sniffed something, and then use that as a lame excuse to search you.

I believe the Supreme Court has declared this practice to be unconstitutional.

But as I have always said the drug war is also a war on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, in addition to being a war on the American people.

"Avalanche Airbag Backpack" for skiers???

avalanche airbag backpack for snow skiers and snow hikers This avalanche airbag backpack sounds kind of cool.

You inflate it when you are in an avalanche and and it prevents the snow from burying you. The CO2 gas makes you lighter then the snow and thus you tend to float to the top, just like a life preserver makes you float in water.

How do you spell hypocrite??? Sheriff Paul Babeu!!!!

In this article Laurie Roberts says
You can't be banging the illegal immigrant in your bedroom while waging war against illegal immigrants in your public life.
I guess that means Sheriff Paul Babeu is a hypocrite.

While we are talking about it I wonder, does Sheriff Paul Babeu smoke marijuana? Lots of crooked cops do.

And of course those crooked cops don't have to buy their marijuana, they steal it from people they stop. Hypocrites!!!!!!

Tuba City, Arizona - Highest tax rate in the nation

According to this article Tuba City, Arizona has the highest sales tax in the nation!!! It is 13.725 percent!

That includes the Arizona 6.6 percent sales tax, a 1.125 percent Coconino County sales tax and another 6 percent Navajo tribal tax levied.

Who says the old saying "Bend over I'm from the government" isn't true.

Sheriff Joe, it's time for you to resign

According to this article an advertisement that calls for the resignation of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio will air during Wednesday's Republican presidential primary debate in Mesa. The ad is funded by Citizens for a Better Arizona.

Ron Paul ad mocks Santorum for masquerading as a consertive

In this article Ron Paul mocks Rick Santorum for pretending to be a conservative!



Phoenix screws up the rental market by providing dirt cheep homes for poor people

According to this article the city of Phoenix is screwing up the rental home market by renting and selling homes to poor people at dirt cheep prices. Since when is it the purpose of government to provide dirt cheep homes for poor people????

Complain about Sheriff Joe and you will go to jail!!!

According to this article the FBI raided some poor slops home in Oregon for criticizing Arizona's Sheriff Joe and accused him of making death threats. If you ask me it sounds like the police are making mountains of of molehills.

Ron Paul is the only candidate with a realistic plan to balance the budget

According to this editorial by Robert Robb, Ron Paul who is often ridiculed by the media and called nutty old Uncle Ron Paul isn't that nutty and is the only candidate with a realistic plan to balance the budge.

Of course Robert Robb points out that while Ron Paul's plan is the only plan from any of the candidate, Republican or Democrat, that is workable, Ron Paul's plan isn't acceptable for political reasons.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg loves the police state

According to this article New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg doesn't think there is anything wrong with spying on Arabs and Muslims for no other reason then the fact that they are Arabs and Muslims.

Of course New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the guy who created that police state, which is probably why Mayor Bloomberg loves the police state.

Forget the topless bar go to Carl's Jr.

sexy ads with hot models for Carl's Jr. hamburgers After seeing these hot looking ads for Carl's Jr., remind me next time I want to go to a topless bar to visit Carl's Jr. instead.

Of course I suspect in reality the woman at Carl's Jr. will look nothing like the woman in the Carl's Jr. ads. Just like the burgers in reality don't look anything like the burgers in the ads.

Oh well, that's the wonderful world of Madison Avenue!

States use "war on terror" to raise revenue

Remember those zirconium encrusted toe nail clippers the TSA thug stole from you before you boarded the plane? Or perhaps that liquid filled Micky Mouse snow globe you got at Disneyland that the TSA thug claimed was a terrorist bomb and stole from you. Well according to this article state governments are selling all that booty that was stolen by the TSA thieves to raise revenue for themselves.

OK, I guess government isn't about protecting your rights, or being a "public servant", but rather about raising revenue for our government masters.

Let's face it, we don't need government any more then we need the Mafia. In fact government is a legalized form of the Mafia.

Fullerton Police don't demonize people they murder

According to this article the Fullerton, California Police don't intentionally go out of their way to demonize people they murder. It just kind of happens accidentally. Honest, swear to God. At least that's what the Fullerton piggies want us to believe.

Supreme Court tells Redondo Beach that being Mexican isn't a crime

According to this article the Supreme Court has told the city of Redondo Beach, California that it is unconstitutional to have laws that run Mexicans out of town for the crime of signalling to a car driver from a public street.

Chicago PD covers up murder and DUI of Chicago cop

In this article a drunk Chicago police officer was involved in an hit and run accident which killed a child who was riding a bicycle.

The Chicago police tell us that even though it appears the cops did everything they possible could to protect their fellow officer from being convicted of the crime the didn't really cover the crime up.

Hey, if you believe that I have some wonderful swamp land down in Florida I would love to sell you.

Cops sleep with organized crime

The most important comment from this article is:
Organized crime cannot exist without the help of local law enforcement and the judges and their messenger-boy politicians.
And if you think about that for a while, that is the reason the "drug war" is impossible to win.

The drug war is nothing more then a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops.

"War on Terror" is a jobs program for cops???

If you read this article you should be able to deduce that the "war on terrorism" is just a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops, like the "war on drugs" is.

In the article police from New York City, with nothing to do left New York City and went to New Jersey in search of terrorists to spy on.

I suspect they knew they would find any "terrorists", but would find lots of time to pad their checks with overtime pay spying on alleged terrorists.

It's all about me, me, me, me - Sheriff Joe Arpaio

According to this editorial Sheriff Joe Arpaio never has a press conference where he doesn't say something.

Of course Montini points it's always about me, me, me, me...

Playboy Playmate gets $1.2 million for police beating

Stephanie Adams Playboy Playmate of  November 1992 received $1.2 million for police beating from the New York Police Department In this article Stephanie Adams who was Playboy's Playmate of the Month for November 1992, got a $1.2 million court award for a beating she received from the New York Police Department.

I was falsely arrested again - This time at the Presidential Debate

Here is the blurb on my false arrest by the Mesa Police at the Presidential Debate in Mesa, Arizona on Wednesday, February 22, 2012.

I am not quite sure why I was arrested, but I was arrested again for about 5 minutes at the Presidential debate in Mesa on the corner of Main Street and Center.

In my notes I forgot to mention that a cop on Sirrene asked me for some ID when I was going south on it. He then told me I couldn't go there. Maybe that is why the other cop stopped me and arrested me later on. If so I bet there might be a radio transmission I can use in my lawsuit. (I did use PhotoShop to put the text of that in my notes, before I uploaded them here )

I was arrested around 2:15 pm on February 22, 2012.

This is the 2nd time I will be suing Mesa cops in Federal court for falsely arresting me.

A few years back I was falsely arrested by the Mesa Police and the Mesa Community College Police.

Here are some more notes on the false arrest by the Mesa Police.

Here is a photo I took of some Mormons who are for Ron Paul, shortly before I was falsely arrested by the Mesa Police at the Ron Paul Debate, or I guess more correctly the 2012 Presidential Debate which was held in Mesa, Arizona on February 22.

Photos I took of some Mormons or LDS for Ron Paul shortly before I was falsely arrested by the Mesa Police

I asked the pig who arrested me if I could take his photo and he refused. Which was a violation of my 1st Amendment free speech right and that little piggy is going to find him self in a law suit in Federal Court for false arrest and civil rights violations.

I didn't find this out until April 13, when I saw the following article in the Arizona Republic, but the Mesa Police also violated the civil rights of anti-war protesters at the same event.

According to the article the Mesa police told the anti-war protesters that they would be arrested if they continued to use the megaphone they brought to the protests, while they let the folks that supported the Republican candidates us megaphones to get out their message.

I know most of those anti-war people and I agree with them on the anti-war issue. But at the debate I was there to support Ron Paul. And of course those people are socialists who don't agree with Ron Paul. But still they should have been allowed to protest at the debate like everybody else.

Stun gun fun in Farmington, New Mexico.

Wow according this article it sounds like the cops and prison guards in Farmington, New Mexico are having lots of "stun gun fun". OK, I guess it isn't stun gun fun but rather stun handcuff fun.

With these "stun handcuffs" a sadistic cop or prison guard can torture an inmate from 100 yards away. 100 meters away for those of you who use the metric system.

"War on Terrorism" is just a renamed "War on Drugs"

In this article about the Homeland Security in rural New Mexico and Navajo Country we find out the Homeland Security thugs are not fighting a "War on Terrorism", but rather seem to be mainly involved in the "War on Drugs".

When Congress passed the Patriot Act we were told they needed to flush the Bill of Rights down the toilet for the "War on Terrorism". Sadly the "War on Terrorism" is just a renamed "War on Drugs".

LAPD Police Chief supports drivers licenses for illegals

OK, I don't think you should be required to get a stinking drivers license to operate a car on public roads. And many legal scholars agree with that view based on the "Northwest Ordinance" which was one of the first laws passed by the U.S. Congress.

Of course if we are going to live in a police state where driver's licenses are required I think that everybody should be allowed to get one including illegal alians.

According to this article the LA Police Chief agrees with that view.

Presidential Liars???

In this article the Washington Post fact checked the statements made by the candidates in the Arizona Presidential debate.

With the exception of Ron Paul all of them are liars that will say anything to get you to vote for them.

Atheist Crocodiles????

What we going to do Burt? Me keep getting shot by blow dart assassin. Buttocks in great pain.  We is pray to God of crocs. He save us.

Hello God of crocs. Dis Bob and Burt.  Someone shoot up, please make stop now.

Dis why me atheist Burt - This is why I am an atheist Burt

Marijuana use causes another death

According to this article Ramarley Graham died because of his marijuana use.

But don't blame marijuana for Ramarley Graham's death. He was murdered by trigger happy police officers enforcing the insane American "drug war" laws.

Ramarley Graham would be still alive today were it not for America's insane "war on drugs".

Bend over, Uncle Jan wants the rest of the money in your wallet

The crooks in the Arizona legislator will tax anything that breaths. The crooks in the Arizona legislator love to demonize any group that isn't politically correct, and then after they are thru demonizing they figure the group is hated by the public and they proceed to tax t he krap out of them.

In this article there crooks in the Arizona legislator have found that there is a loop hole in the tobacco tax laws that allows people who roll their own cigarettes to pay less taxes.

The crooks in the Arizona legislator want to fix that by passing a law that makes it illegal for stores to help tobacco users roll their own cigarettes.

Yes, the police are reading your emails!!!!

No your not paranoid, and yes it is almost certain that the police are reading your emails. OK, maybe you are paranoid, but the police still are reading your emails.

According to this article Adeela Khan was a law abiding Muslim student in New York, and the police were reading her emails because she was a Muslim.

No real criminals for the police to arrest???

Arizona man arrested for keeping a raccoon

Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to arrest???? According to this article the Bullhead City Police Department and the Arizona Game and Fish Department Police arrested this guy for the outrageous crime of having a pet raccoon!

Since this guy was such a big time gangster I wonder why the local cops and the game and fish department didn't ask the Mohave County Sheriff's Department along with the FBI and Homeland Security to participate in the arrest.

I mean this guy is a really big time criminal. Having an illegal pet raccoon is outrageous! Well at least that's what the piggies want us to believe!!!!

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu is a liar????

Babeu's ex-boyfriend, Jose Orozco denies hacking allegations

According to this article Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu ex-boyfriend Jose Orozco denies the charge Sheriff Babeu has accused him of.

Check out Venus, Jupiter and the moon this week!


Venus, Jupiter, moon offer dazzling night show

Feb. 23, 2012 11:43 AM

Associated Press

CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida -- Stargazers of the world are getting a treat this weekend.

On Saturday and again Sunday, Venus, Jupiter and Earth's moon converge for a brilliant night show.

Venus and Jupiter already are lining up in the western sky. In mid-February, the two planets were 20 degrees apart from a viewing perspective. The gap narrows to 10 degrees by month's end.

A crescent moon joins the show this weekend for a triple combination. The celestial encounter will be visible from around the world at twilight. The moon will appear closer to Venus on Saturday and closer to Jupiter on Sunday.

The moon then retreats from view, but Venus and Jupiter keep drawing closer. The two planets will be just 3 degrees apart by mid-March.

Ron Paul knows that Sheriff Joe Arpaio sucks????

According to this article all of the Presidential candidates, with the exception of Ron Paul have sought police state thug Sheriff Joe Arpaio's endorsement.

Well thank God, as any freedom fighter know, Sheriff Joe sucks. It's nice to see freedom fighter Ron Paul also understands that.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio attack ad

Here is a link to an article about the attack ad that ran during the Arizona Presidential debate demanding that Sheriff Joe Arpaio resign.

Sheriff Joe claims to be the meanest sheriff in America. Citizens of Maricopa County and Phoenix, Arizona can certainly attest to the fact that in addition to being the meanest sheriff in America, Sheriff Joe is also the most corrupt sheriff in America, along with having the biggest ego of any sheriff in America.


Pinal County Sheriff Babeu investigated for Hatch Act violations

According to this article Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu is under investigation by the Federal government for Hatch Act violations. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu was recently in the media when he admitted to being gay, and was accused of threatening to deport his alleged illegal immigrant Mexican lover.

Pigs stealing from pigs

According to this article Deer Park police Officer Kevin Yang was arrested for stealing food from other cops that was placed in the refrigerator. The pigs set up a surveillance camera to get the evidence to arrest crooked piggy Kevin Yang.

Didn't Emperor Obama tell us he won the Iraq war????

Widespread gunfire, bombs kill 55, hurt 225 across Iraq

OK, politicians don't consider it lying when they make up a fib to get reelected. And how else is Emperor Obama going to get reelected if he doesn't lie and tell the American public that he won the illegal and unconstitutional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

According to this article the war in Iraq seems to be proceeding at full speed, despite Obama telling us that the American Empire won it.

Sheriff Paul Babeu's boyfriend keeping a low profile

It was recently discovered that Sheriff Paul Babeu had threatened to deport his allegedly illegal immigrant boyfriend, Jose Orozco. That's no big deal, but Sheriff Paul Babeu seems to be a hypocrite who talks about running Mexican's out of town while sleeping with a Mexican that is here illegally. According to this article Jose Orozco seems to be keeping a low profile.

200 pound Chicago cop beats up 100 pound women bartender

In this article a 200+ pound Chicago police officer is on trial for beating up a 100 pound woman bartender.

Look at the video and a normal person will probably think the 100 pound women is having the sh*t beat out of her by this 200 pound Chicago cop.

Of course in the trial we will probably hear that the 200 pound Chicago cop was terrified of the woman and was afraid she would kill him and that the cop was defending himself against her.

Sure me and you know it's an outrageous lie, but juries are pretty dumb on these issues and frequently believe the police.


The tawdry tale of 'The Sheriff' Paul Babeu's New Clothes'

In this editorial E.J. Montini's picks on Sheriff Babeu for his bad decisions.

Normally I could care less what a person does in their private life. But Babeu seems to be a hypocrite. He is sleeping with his allegedly illegal Mexican lover, while at the same time as a cop trying to run all the Mexicans out of town.

I also get angry by those gay closet Republicans hypocrites who profess politically that gays are the scum of the universe, while at the same time being gay. If Babeu is then that is a second charge that Babeu is a hypocrite.

Why shouldn't North Korea be allowed to print counterfeit US dollars??

In this article they bitch and moan about how North Korea is counterfeiting U.S. dollars. But I don't see a problem with it.

First if U.S. dollars were backed by gold or silver, like American money was prior to 1970 I would consider the counterfeiting to be a crime. After all they would be defrauding the people that accepted the money out of the gold or silver that the money was backed by.

But since the 1970's American money has been backed by nothing other then thin air.

And because when you are rolling the printing presses printing worthless money that isn't backed by anything other then thin air I don't consider it counterfeiting.

If you ask me private citizens should be able to print their dollars, just like the North Korean and American governments do.

Of course the solution to this problem is to get rid of the fiat money systems and use money that is backed by something of value like gold or silver.

You don't need money backed by gold or silver, but it can be backed by anything of value. It could be chickens, cows, wheat, or anything else of value.

NYPD busy spying on Muslims

I suspect both the American government and the NYPD believe that if you are a Muslim you must be a criminal. In this article they document a huge amount of spying the New York Police Department has been doing on the Muslim community.

WordPress is freeware????

I walked into a conference on Word Press and I discovered that Word Press is a free ware product t hat anybody can download off of the internet for free.

Talking to some other people I confirmed my susxpiscion that Word Press is for people that don't know html.

Accused cops killers can't get a fair trial in Chicago???

From this article it sure sounds like Timothy Herring, who is accused of killing a Chicago cop won't get a fair trail.

Represent an accused cop killer and you will go to jail???

Sladjana Vuckovic is a lawyer who works for free representing people who can't afford a lawyer when they are arrested on criminals charges.

From this article it sure sounds like the Chicago Police arrested her in an attempt to prevent her client from getting a fair trial.

Los Angles Police murder carjacker

In this article the LAPD appears to have murdered a carjacker by pumping 60+ bullets into the car he was driving.

They claimed the carjacker pointed a gun at an innocent bystander but from the video you can't see anything to support that.

Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu illegally hires Mexicans????

OK, Sheriff Paul Babeu didn't illegally hire any Mexicans, but according to this article Sheriff Babeu broke the law by letting his boy friend, who is a Mexican national work on his political campaign.

Yes, I think the law is a silly and stupid law. I also think the law should not be enforced.

Of course the problem is Sheriff Babeu is a hate monger who uses promises to run all the Mexicans out of Arizona as one of his campaign platforms.

I think it is a little hypocritical for Babeu to break the law that makes it illegal to let foreigners work on political campaigns, when he has openly declared war on Mexicans.

Of course if I had my way I would rip down all the fences that separate Mexico, Canada and fire everybody in the INS, Border Patrol and La Migra. I am a big fan of open borders.

White supremacists railroaded in Scottsdale bombing?

In this article two racist white supremacist brothers, Daniel Mahon and Dennis Mahon were convicted of a Scottsdale bombing.

While the brothers may be guilty of the crime I suspect they were railroaded by the police because they were White Supremacists.

Not a shred of evidence was presented in the trial that linked the brothers to the crime.

The cops got their conviction by loudly screaming these guys are racist White supremacists who did it.

While that may be true, I would expect a jury to demand some evidence linking the racist White supremacist brothers to the crime before convicting them.

NYC mayor defends intelligence-gathering on Muslims

Didn't Hitler say the same thing about the Jews? According to this article New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended his police state tactics of having undercover cops and snitches follow Arabs and Muslims, simply because they are Arabs and Muslims.

I believe Hitler used the same tactics against the Jews in Nazi Germany.

Chandler creates a government welfare program for ASU???

According to this article the city of Chandler has created a government welfare program in which the citizens of Chandler will be giving the State of Arizona money to build a new Arizona State University campus in downtown Chandler.

This sounds like a repeat of the corporate welfare program where ASU sucked the city of Phoenix into building a new campus in downtown Phoenix.

My question is why the hell are the citizens of Chandler being forced to be pay for a university which should be paid for by the state of Arizona????

American drone executes suspected criminal in Somalia

According to this article the American government used a drone to execute a suspected terrorist in Somalia.

Sure the American government plays the role of judge, jury, and executioner in these trial and execution by drones, but if you ask our proud military members they have never executed an innocent person yet.

Of course by their definition if you have brown skin, are an Arab or Muslim you are guilty of any crimes charged with.

My only question is when will the police in America start using drones to execute suspected criminals in America. After all it is a lot cheaper and faster then a trial by jury.

4G cellphones vs 3G cellphones

Questions to consider in deciphering 4G technology

Here is some useless information on 4G cell phones vs 3G cell phones.

Gun charges filed against San Bernardino assemblyman

When our government masters violate there own gun laws it's an "innocent mistake". When us serfs break the same gun laws we are terrorists who should be jailed for life.

Read more about it in this article.

What does it cost the government to execute a prisoner

According to this article the cost of the chemicals when the government murders a person to carry out the death penalty has risen from $83.55 to $1,286.86.

I say it would be cheaper to buy a .22 bullet and shoot the guy in the head. Of course that would make the death penalty look like murder, something our government masters would hate to admit.

Of course that assumes the guy was actually guilty. Not framed for murder like the 300 people who have currently been released from death row after DNA testing proved they were innocent and framed by corrupt cops and prosecutors.

Congress is corrupt????

Read more about that here.

No child left behind???

Read more about it here.

Use government to bankrupt your competitors???

They tell us that government is there to do stuff we can't do. But that hasn't stopped a lot of smart businessmen from discovering that they can use government to put their compeditors out of business by bankrupting them. Read more here.

Some phobias????

Check out some fobias in Spanish here.

Playboy or Carl's Jr???

OK, these ads are from Carl's Jr., not playboy!

News articles on corrupt cops!

Check out these articles on corrupt police officers. And for bonus points here are some more articles on corrupt police officers.

Obama mixes religion and government

Check out this article on how the American Emperor Obama is mixing religion and government!

American Empire bombs Yemen

In this article you can read about the latest American Empire bombings in Yemen.

If I say "American Empire" does that mean the folks at the Homeland Security have classified me as a terrorist?

Iran to invade the USA???

That is about as silly as saying Greenland is going to invade the USA. But if the rulers of the American Empire want to invade Iran they will have to stir up enough hate towards Iran to justify the invasion and that is what they are doing in this article.

News on the insane drug war

Check out some articles on the insane war on drugs.

News on Sheriff Joe Arpaio, America's worst Sheriff

Check out the latest news articles on Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio who claims to be the meanest Sheriff in American, but in reality is the worst Sheriff in American, and probably the worst sheriff in the world!

Tired of government tyranny? Vote for Ron Paul

If you are tired of the American police state and want a government that obeys the constitution you should check out Ron Paul who is running for President in 2012!!!!

Drones are the latest weapon of government tyranny

Here are a number of articles on airplane drones. Many of the articles talk about the cool high tech stuff used by drones.

Some of the articles talk about how the American Empire uses drones to murder and kill innocent people in third world countries.

Chicago politicians pay themselves very well

In this article they list the outrageous salaries that politicians in Chicago pay themselves. Who ever said crime does not pay, wasn't looking at how much government employees get paid.

Jan Brewers silly government proclamations

Here is some information about the silly proclamations that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer wastes our tax dollars making.

In my limited and incomplete research I could find no part of the Arizona Constitution or any laws in the Arizona Revised Statutes that allow Governor Jan Brewer to waste our tax dollars making these silly proclamations.

I suspect the sole purpose of these silly proclamations is to help Jan Brewer get votes from the people she issues the proclamations for.

Police state "No Fly" list expanded

In this article we find out that Emperor Obama has expanded the police state "No Fly" list. Didn't Emperor Obama promise to reduce the police state when he was running for office in 2008???

Will my name be added to the police state "No Fly" list because of these negative comments about it????

Religious Crime

I added a new web page where I will start listing dumb, stupid and criminal things that are done in the name of God and Religion.

Did Ricky Duncan die?

I was pretty much screwed over by the folks in the Arizona Libertarian Party. But despite that I still like Libertarian Ricky Duncan. He is a good guy and a true freedom fighters.

I have heard rumors that Ricky Duncan die.

I will put any news about Ricky Duncan's death, if it happened on this link.

Of course just because Ricky Duncan is a good guy, that doesn't make the jerks in the Arizona Libertarian Party that screwed me over good guys.

About 10 years ago I found out from Ernie Hancock the David Dorn was spreading lies about me accusing me of being a government snitch.

I am not a government snitch and never have been. And needless to say I am very angry about these lies that have destroyed my live by making me a hated outcast.

Falsely arrested 3 times in the last 2 months???

Falsely arrested in Chandler, Tempe and Mesa

I certainly have been terrorized by government tyrants in the last 2 months or so. On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 I was falsely arrested by the Mesa Police at the Ron Paul debate. I wasn't arrested more then a minute or so in that false arrest. On Wednesday, January 18, 2012 I was falsely arrested by a Chandler cop. In that false arrest I was only detained for a few minutes. And on Friday, December 16, 2011 I was falsely arrested at the Tempe Transit Center by a rent-a-pig, who probably works for the City of Tempe and Valley Metro.

In that false arrest I was illegally removed from a Valley Metro by the rent-a-cop at the request of the bus driver who thought I was a homeless person.

Oddly the bus drivers were changing at that time and the next bus driver let me back on the bus.

And on Tuesday, June 21, 2011 I was almost run over by a cop in Mesa as I was walking down Alma School Road.

I didn't know it was a pig so I flipped the guy off.

The piggy then came back and waved his badge at me like he was going to arrest me.

It figures, the pig breaks the traffic laws by failing to yield to me as I am crossing the street in a marked cross walk. Then when I flip him off he comes back and waves his badge at me in a threatening manner like I am some type of criminal.

Arizona will murder Robert Moormann this Wednesday

According to this article Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona will murder Robert Moormann this this Wednesday. Yes Robert Moormann is a sadistic killer (if the police didn't frame him) but he is also a mentally retarded man with the IQ of a small child.

About a week after this murder, the blood thirsty killers at the Arizona Department of Corrections also murdered Robert Charles Towery.

Only 30% of drone murders are civilians

According to this article only a measly 30 percent of the people murdered by the American drone strikes are civilians. Doesn't that make you feel great! That means 70 percent of the people murdered by drone strikes in America's undeclared wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan are alleged terrorists.

OK, I am just joking but I suspect that line of BS is what our military leaders want us to believe.

Emperor Obama's DEA thugs shut down medical marijuana program

According to this article Emperor Obama's jackbooted federal thugs are responsible for closing down the medical marijuana program in Mendocino County.

President Obama lied to us when he ran for office in 2008 and said he would support medical marijuana. Instead of lessening the war on medical marijuana Emperor Obama has increased it.

I have one question for the Federal, State and local cops and government spies who are reading this post. Do I get two demerit marks in my police dossier each time I refer to President Obama as Emperor Obama?

Help the police start dossiers on your children

According to this article you can help the police start a dossier on your children. The cops didn't write up the press release with exactly those words, but that is probably how this program will end up working.

19 years of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Tent City Gulag

According to this article Sheriff Joe is celebrating the 19th year of his Tent City Gulag. All I can say is "Sheriff Joe has got to go".

Federal prisons will allow inmates to have MP3 players

I suspect this change will make the Federal prisons a little safer, by reducing the anger level of the prison inmates in them. According to this article prisoners in Federal prisons will be allowed to have MP3 players.

Speedy trial??? You don't get not stinking speedy trail

The U.S. Constitution says you are entitled to a speedy trial but the government doesn't even pay lip service to the fact that people are required to a have a speed trial when accused of a crime.

Currently it is Feb 2012 and in this article Elizabeth Johnson has been rotting in jail since 2009 without a trial in the “Baby Gabriel” case.

I have other problems with this case.

First there is no evidence that a crime has been committed other then some conflicting statements made by an angry, confused Elizabeth Johnson.

Second the court seems to be saying that Elizabeth Johnson is insane and they are going to keep her jailed until they can force her to become sane again. Give me a break. That is just a lame excuse to jail Elizabeth Johnson indefinitely.


Obama - I would like to apologize to President Karzai and the people of Afghanistan

Obama - I would like to apologize to President Karzai and the people of Afghanistan

Bend over, Uncle Obama wants your money!

Who Pays for the President's fund raising trips???

OK, you guessed it, you are paying for the multimillion dollar trips that the President makes around the country to raise money for his reelection and the re-election of people in his political party according to this article.

The link to that web page ain't called "bend over for uncle sam" for nothing!

Odd medical cures??

Sometimes these things are a bunch of BS, other times they actually work, and sometimes it's a little of both. Duct Tape to Remove Warts? Vapor rub cures toenail fungus? Yogurt to cures bad breath? Gargle salt water for a sore throat. Bite a pencil to cure a headache. Oatmeal to soothe eczema.

White House paid NYPD to spy on Muslims & Arabs

According to this article the White House and President Obama paid for the program that allowed the New York Police Department to spy on Muslims and Arabs.

Many times I have said the newest "war on terrorism" is just an extension of the "war on drugs" and from this article it sounds like that is true.

Feb 27 - Not too cold

In the afternoons I had been sweating like a pig when I go home wearing my coat.

Today I rode my bike at 6:10 a.m. like I always do, but I left my coat at home. And I didn't freeze to death.

But I think tomorrow will again be real cold. According to the news there is a monster storm coming in from California.

Yesterday it was OK, the high got up to 80°F (27°C), but as I said there is a monster storm coming in from LA and the high tomorrow is only expected to be 60°F (16°C).

More bad news - I will soon be homeless again

Where I live they are going to raise my rent by $50 a month which I can't afford. So I will go back to being homeless on April 1.

No big deal, by them the weather should be getting nice.

Even if I could afford that isn't competitive with what other people are renting rooms for. If you check out the East Valley Tribune want ads you can find a room for $300 a month, which is what I currently pay.

Of course I suspect those rooms would include heat, something which I don't get much of.

And I wouldn't have to deal with a guy who gets extremely upset over trivial things. Which is why I rarely go home in the day time. I don't want to do some innocent thing which will put him on the warpath.

Gov. Jan Brewer protests Defense Deptartment cuts

It's not about good government, it's about Federal pork!!!

According to this artilce Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is protesting U.S. Defense Department cuts. Of course it ain't about good government, it's about Federal pork coming to Arizona government bureaucrats.

Jan Brewer wants the Federal government to spend unneeded billions of our tax dollars on the evil American war machine simply because that Federal pork will end up in the hands of the local Arizona government bureaucrats.

Think of it as a Federal jobs program for state government bureaucrats.

Tempe gives corporate welfare to professional baseball teams

According to this article the city of Tempe is giving lots of government welfare to the multi-millionaire California Angels, Los Angeles Angels, or Anaheim Angels. Hey those folks who own those rich professional baseball teams need the money more then the citizens of Tempe do, so the members of the Tempe City Council have decided to steal your money and give it to them.

Colorado election to legalize marijuana

According to this article votes in Colorado will be allowed to vote for a law to allow to legalize marijuana for recreational use. It's time to end the insane drug war. Let's hope the voters of Colorado pass this measure.

How to remove your Google Web Data History

In this article they explain how to turn off Google's software that keeps track of your web browsing history.

Peoria police sergeant demoted over Obama photo incident

According to this article Peoria Police Sergeant Pat Shearer was demoted over an Obama photo incident.

I have never been a big fan of piggies, but they should have the same First Amendment rights as the rest of us!

If Peoria piggy Pat Shearer thinks Obama is a jerk he certainly should be allowed to say so on his Facebook page.

100th Anniversary of the "Drug War"

On December 14, 2014 we will have the 100th Anniversity of the insane and unconstitutional "Drug War".

It's time to protest 100 years of government drug war tyranny.

100th Anniversary of the "Income Tax"

On February 3, 2013 we will have the 100th Anniversary of the "Income Tax" or 16th Amendment.

It's time to protest 100 years of government income tyranny.

Did you know that the 16th Amendment or the Income Tax was passed as a soak the rich tax designed only to tax rich people and make them pay for running the government? Read more about the evil "Income Tax" and 16th Amendment.

16 year old busted with 4 pounds of heroin

In this article a 16 year old high school student in the border town of Nogales, Arizona was arrested with 4 pounds of heroin in his backpack.

Fired Sheriff's Captain Joel Fox takes the Fifth

When ever cops are under investigation for criminal charges they always take the 5th and you should too.

In this article Maricopa County Sheriff Captain Joel Fox who is under under criminal investigation for raising money for his boss Sheriff Joe is taking the 5th when asked questions about the case.

Court gives Arizona warning about execution protocol

You want us to follow our own rules? Don't be so silly. In this article a Federal court tells the folks in Arizona that execute criminals to follow their own rules. As usual our government masters don't think they should be bound by the same rules they expect us serfs to obey.

A perfect job for Santorum if he loses

A perfect job for Santorum if he loses - And here's the newest member of our TV ministry - 700 Club - SATAN - same sex marriage, abortion, the pill, atheists, not naming him, but it rhymes with yo'mama

Poll says Ron Paul beats Obama

In this article the Rasmussen poll reports that Ron Paul beats President Obama in a head-to-head matchup by 43 to 41 percent. I never thought I would see the day when a Libertarian leaning Presidential candidate would beat a standing President in a poll.

Ron Paul: Five of his unorthodox views on the economy

For those of you who are not Libertarians, these are our standard run of the mill libertarian views on how government should be run. So for us Libertarians this article isn't unusual or odd. But if you are a Democrat, Green or Republican you may be a little surprised on how Ron Paul and Libertarians think.

I would say Ron Paul is 90 percent Libertarian. He isn't as extreme as a true Libertarian who believes in the NIFF principle or Non Initiation of Force or Fraud principle, which defines the whole Libertarian platform.

San Francisco cops frame boss for having an affair

According to this article some cops in the San Francisco Bay area city of Richmond tried to frame their boss for having an affair.

Cops love to have sex with hot teenagers

First of all I don't consider consensual sex between an adult and a minor a crime. But on the other hand despite statutory rape being illegal many cops have a double standard and consider it OK for them to hump a hot teenager, while they will put the rest of us in jail for the same act. You can read more about it in this article.

Feb 29, 2012

Whoppie it's leap year. On the other hand big stinking deal it's leap year, Today it's Feb 29, which means it's leap year.

Did you know that any year that is a normal leap year, i.e., the year is evenly divisible by 4, which is also evenly divisible by 400 is not a leap year?

That means the year 2000 along with the years 1600 and 1200 are not leap years.

That is the first major bug I made in a computer program which I wrote at my first non-academic job.

I wrote a COBOL program that checked for leap years in the logic and my software treated the year 2000 as a leap year, which is wrong.

Venus, Jupiter and the Moon are lined up

For the last week or so from twilight on Venus, Jupiter and the moon have been lined up for an interesting sight at night.

Venus looks like a star, but it always is the brightest start in the sky so it is very easy to spot. This time around Venus is visible in the western sky.

Jupiter is also pretty bright. It is much higher in the sky then Venus.

I am very depressed!!!

Lately I have been very depressed. I wonder how much longer I will live?

The beatings will continue until moral improves

As young child I was beaten up a lot by my dad. I guess nowadays my dad would be called a child abuser. I never consider him a that. I always thought he was just an *sshole!

It didn't take much for my dad to get out his belt and beat me. Saying hi wrong or acting funny were some of the crimes I frequently got in trouble for, although I don't every remember being beating for those sins.

I do remember being beaten sometime before 3rd and 5th grade for the horrible crime for not getting all A's and B's on my report card.

My dad made me lay down on the living room floor, take off my shirt and as he said he was going to "beat me like a pirate" with his belt, for not getting good grades.

The last time I was beaten with a belt was when I was in either the 7th or 8th grade.

I remember going to school and showing my class mates the welts on my back I got from the beating.

I suspect those beating made me be terrified of people.

The good thing is that after you have a beating and the welts go away you feel like a normal person. It's almost like the beating never happened.

Mental beatings are far worse then physical beating

In addition to being beating physically my dad frequently verbally beat the sh*t out of me on a regular basis.

I was always told that I was a "worthless piece of sh*t" and that "I would never amount to anything".

My dad had a whole bunch of different lines which he would use to tell me that I was a worthless piece of sh*t with.

The bad thing is that when you are a small child growing up and you are told that you are a worthless piece of sh*t, by your father, you believe it.

So I grew up believing that I was a worthless piece of sh*t.

That is probably why I don't have any friends, because I consider my self a worthless piece of sh*t that nobody would want to associated with.

And again it is probably the reason I have never really had a girlfriend or even gotten married. I always figured that any woman would consider me a worthless piece of sh*t and not go out with me.

But as an adult I realize that I am not a "worthless piece of sh*t", but sadly that lie has been burned into my brain as fact and even though I know it isn't true I often believe it.

Things get worse

I was rather successful in life and ended up buying several homes and saving a few hundred thousand dollars in cash. Yea, that's despite the fact that I was brainwashed into believing I was a "worthless piece of sh*t".

Of course that didn't last long. The government ended up seizing all my homes and stealing all my bank accounts. So now I am more or less a homeless broke person.

Who ever said that the government protects your rights was full of sh*t!!!

Screwed by the Arizona Libertarian Party too

A number of years before 1994 I became disillusioned with the government. The system doesn't work like our government masters brag it does.

A number of reason for that. The biggest is the insane drug war. Almost two thirds of the people in prison are their for victimless drug war crimes.

I also have a problem with all the other governments wars on victimless crimes. Such as the victimless crime of gambling. And victimless crimes such as prostitution and criminalizing sex between consenting adults and minors.

Now I am an atheist but even when I was a Christian and believe in the silly mythical Jesus God I had a major problem with the government for constantly mixing religion and government despite both the federal and Arizona constitutions forbidding that.

I ended up searching for a political party besides the Democrats, Republicans and Greens.

When I found the correct political party which was the Arizona Libertarian Party I even got screwed by them.

About 10 years ago I found out from Ernie Hancock that a guy named David Dorn had been spreading lies about me that I was a government snitch or something to that effect.

While I am still certain that the platform of the Libertarian party is a very good platform, I think that the people in the Arizona Libertarian party are just as much of hypocrites and crooks as the Republicans and Democrats are.

I was screwed by the Arizona Libertarian Party.


Monkees singer Davy Jones dies

Davy Jones of the band the Monkeys has died
  According to this article Davy Jones the singer from the flakey made for TV band the Monkeys died.

Of course I could care less if this stuck up rock star died, but I decided to put the news here any how. Maybe he reminds me of David Dorn. They both seem to think they are God's gift to mankind.


Bert launches the bipartisan Party - 
                Democratic Party Headquarters, 
                I'm not with stupid, 
                Republican Party Headquarters
January 2012

March 2012

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凍結 天然氣 火車 Frozen Gas Train