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There are 22,912 registered Libertarian voters in Arizona

  Libertarians make up a little less than one percent of the state's total registration with 22,912, while 4,996 voters are currently registered as members of the Green Party.


Number of Arizona registered voters decreases

Posted: Tuesday, January 31, 2012 5:53 pm

From staff and wire reports

Arizona now has 3,138,327 registered voters, a decrease of 27,231 since the last report in October, according to the latest numbers released by Secretary of State Ken Bennett.

The decrease is due largely because Arizona's counties routinely perform list maintenance to purge inactive voters from the rolls.

Of the state's 3.1 million voters, 1,118,938 are Republicans, 957,786 are Democrats and 1,033,584 have either registered with independent parties or not designated a party preference. Each category saw decreases of 5,235, 17,106 and 3,866 respectively, according to the Secretary of State's Office.

Libertarians make up a little less than one percent of the state's total registration with 22,912, while 4,996 voters are currently registered as members of the Green Party.


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