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Israel gets $3 billion in military aid in 2011

  US gave $3 billion in military aid to Israel in 2011.

That is about $384 for each of the 8 million people in Israel.

It’s about $10 for each of the 310 million men, women and children in the USA, or about $20 for every tax paying adult in the USA.

I wonder does this gift violate the First Amendment which says:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion”
by helping the people of Israel create a Jewish theocracy in the land they stole from the Arabs?

I got the $3 billion figure from an article in the Feb 6, 2012 issue of Time magazine titled “Can Israel stop Iran’s nuke effort?” which was on page 32.

I got the population of Israel from Wikipedia which says the population of Israel is 7,798,600 people as of September 2011


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