凍結 天然氣 火車

Tempe gives corporate welfare to millionaire baseball teams

  Tempe gives corporate welfare to the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim


Take the trolley to the game

Posted: Sunday, February 26, 2012 3:11 pm


Tempe is encouraging fans of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim to use a free trolley to get to and from spring training games this year. The new service will begin on March 6 and run through April 1 on game days, shuttling fans from Tempe Diablo Stadium to downtown or Tempe Marketplace.

The trolley will stop at the northwest corner of Mill Avenue and Fifth Street, and on the north side of Tempe Marketplace, between the Thirsty Lion Pub & Grill and Kabuki. Signs will mark each stop. Fans will be dropped off just south of the stadium.

The free service will begin at 11 a.m. at both locations and continue until a half-hour past each game’s end. The trolley will pick up fans every 40 minutes at Tempe Marketplace and every 20 minutes downtown.

In downtown, fans can park for free at the three Parkit locations, which can be found at www.millavenue.com/angels. Parking validation will be provided on the trolley. People who use the trolley or who are designated drivers can sign up for a free O’Douls or soft drink.

For more information, go to www.tempebaseball.com.


凍結 天然氣 火車

凍結 天然氣 火車 Frozen Gas Train