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Phoenix residents recycle at gunpoint

  Are government officials "public servants" or "royal rulers". I think this article shows they are certainly not "public servants" who serve us, but "royal rulers" who micro-manage our lives.

I have always thought that the "recycling programs" are just a bunch of politically correct BS, in addition to being costly and unneeded. But our government masters are attempting to shove them down our throats, even if we don't want them.


Phoenix starts pilot program to spur apartment recycling

by Maria Polletta - Feb. 19, 2012 08:17 PM

The Republic | azcentral.com

Recycling bins have been dropped off, initial informational sessions have been held, and the city's new, six-month recycling-program pilot for multifamily residences is up and running. [but it's a dismal failure because people don't use it!!! ]

The program -- being piloted at Park Lee Apartments and Sunnyslope Manor -- kicked off in early January after the housing department began looking for ways to make city-owned properties more sustainable, housing Deputy Director Angela Duncan said.

Some challenges are clear.

One is the transitory nature of residents at multifamily properties, acting public-works Director John Trujillo said. [ Well if we are a bunch of transits who are too stupid to recycle, why are you trying to force this silly recycling program on us. ]

Another is apathy. [ Well if we who are too stupid to apathetic, why are you trying to force this silly recycling program on us. ]

"When you have two separate containers on site, sometimes residents either get lazy or don't care, and they throw whatever they want in whatever container they want," Trujillo said. [ Again if we who are too lazy or don' care, why are you trying to force this silly recycling program on us. ]

Trujillo, as well as City Councilman Tom Simplot, who is also Arizona Multihousing Association president, said they believe both issues can be addressed by educating property managers. [ Bingo we have hit the nail on the head. This is a government welfare program for the owners of apartment complexes. ]

"When the city is trying something new like this, it's often difficult to generate excitement and participation (among residents)," Simplot said. [ Translation - your silly government program is a failure because people didn't want it. Now you are trying to blame the serfs you rule over for the unwanted programs failure, instead of the government idiots that voted for the program. ]

The city will audit the sites periodically to see how contaminated recycling containers are and how much recycling is still being thrown in garbage bins, Trujillo said. [ Of course that certainly won't get folks to use the unwanted program. Haven't you heard the line "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make the horse drink it" ]


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