California Catholic bishop resigns, says he has 2 kidsHmmm ... according to this article a California Catholic bishop has resigned, saying he has 2 kids. More of the "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders.The PoliceHere are some articles on the brave police officers who risk their lives to protect us.Mesa cops don't like winning safe city awardAccording to this article the Mesa Police union doesn't like Mesa getting an award for being one of the safest cities in the USA.Of course the Mesa Police Union would prefer that Mesa be a crime infested slum, because it would mean for jobs for Mesa Police Officers. As H. L. Mencken said: "The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." North Carolina requires homeless people to get "begging license"According to this article the government tyrants in North Carolina and several North Carolina cities and counties now required homeless people to get a begging license.The license costs $20 a month and you must have a government issued photo ID to get the license. It never ceases to amaze me how mean and cruel our government masters can treat the people they pretend to serve. Santorum Surge Brings Ethics QuestionsWhat's the difference between a dictatorship, a royal monarchy and a democracy?Not much!!!Who needs to live in a dictatorship or royal monarchy when you have elected rulers with ethics like this? I consider a "democracy" a form of government that is pretty much like a dictatorship or monarchy, but where the serfs or slaves get to elect their royal master every 2 or 4 years. Any how check out this article in which Presidential candidate Rick Santorum has the same ethics as any third world dictator or royal king or queen. Texas cops murder 8th graderIn this article trigger happy cops in Brownsville, Texas shot and killed an 8th grader at Cummings Middle School.Feds toss Jan Brewers bogus medical marijuana lawsuitAccording to this article U.S. District Court Judge Susan Bolton dismissed Arizona's bogus medical-marijuana lawsuit.But don't plan on Arizona tyrant and governor Jan Brewer obeying the law and letting Arizonans use the medical marijuana they voted for. She will probably appeal the case, in addition to finding some other lame excuses to not to implement the medical marijuana laws Arizonans voted for. Politicians only lie when their lips are movingIn this article a super PAC backing Gingrich releases a Web ad showing Mitt Romney telling two completely different stories.But don't worry about those crooked politicians, they only lie when their lips are moving. Innocent man spends 31 years in prison for rapeAccording to this article Rickey Wyatt of Texas spent 31 year in prison for a rape he didn't commit. He was convicted because the Dallas cops withheld evidence that would have shown he is innocent.Will the cops be punished? Probably not. Will he be paid for the time spent in prison? Yea, the poor slob will probably get not a penny more then the minimum wage for each of the 271,560 hours he spent in prison. But what do you expect from the sadistic mean spirited folks that create the laws in Texas. Obama circumvents Congress to make appointmentsWhy can't our government masters obey the laws and rules they create for themselves??? In this article Obama circumvents Congress to make several appointments.Obama seems to think he is the American Emperor and should make all the rules. Of course the Constitution says that Congress, not the President makes all the rules. The President, per the Constitution is supposed to enforce or execute the rules made by Congress. |
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Ron Paul for President???Tired of the usual government bureaucrats who run for public office and tell you nothing but lies on how they are going to fix the system which is totally f*cked up?And of course after the jerks get elected they continue to rob, rape and loot the American public just like the prior crooks did? In that case you might want to check out Ron Paul. For the last 20 years as a Congressman from Texas, Ron Paul has been doing his best to reduce and limit the size of government. While almost all of the crooks running for President, Congress or the Senate will tell you nothing but lies they think you want to hear to get your vote, Ron Paul has continually voted to reduce the size of government for the last 20 years. Ron Paul is known as "Dr. No", because he continually votes against big government. Even though Ron Paul isn't 100 percent Libertarian he is very Libertarian. I would say he is about 90 percent Libertarian. Normally I don't vote for Democrats or Republicans but I will make an exception for Ron Paul. I have a few problems with Ron Paul but over all he is better then any of the other candidates running for President or even running for Congress. The main problem I have with Ron Paul is he is against a woman's right to have an abortion. If you ask me it's a woman's body and the woman should be the one to decide if she has an abortion, not some government nanny in Washington D.C., Phoenix or Sacrament. Normally I vote against anybody that wants to prevent woman from getting abortions but since Ron Paul has a proven track record on the other issues and I will make an exception for him. Arizona Senator Scott Bundgaard![]() When the incident happened Arizona Senator Scott Bundgaard claimed he would be vindicated when the facts came out. But so far Arizona Senator Scott Bundgaard seems to want to keep the facts hidden from the public. Read more about Arizona Senator Scott Bundgaard in this article. Salvation Army PervertsMore of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" from our religious leaders. In this article a Salvation Army official is arrested for the victimless crime of looking at dirty pictures.I don't have any problems with people looking at "dirty pictures", but I do have a problem with religious hypocrites who think it's OK for them to look at "dirty pictures", but wrong for the rest of us to look at the same "dirty pictures". Mesa Arizona to give corporate welfare to Catholic College???I wonder will the city of Mesa, Arizona be giving corporate welfare to get this Catholic University to move to downtown Mesa?Read more in this article. Missing Dallas teen accidentally deported to Columbia![]() Government Unions Suck???This article gets into why unions should not be allowed in government.I have always viewed unions a pretty much a group of thugs who use violence or threats of violence to get higher wages from their employees, and so I don't think unions belong in the private sector either. Yes I do think employees should have every right to band together in unions. But I think it is wrong for these unions to have the ability to shut down a business, when the union decides they are not being paid enough. Regulating feeding of killer whales is a power of CongressPlease tell me what part of the Constitution gives the U.S. Congress the power to regulate the feeding of killer whales?You mean it doesn't have that power? OK, then why did the jackbooted federal thugs arrest this poor woman for feeding a killer whale in this article. Regulating the color of traffic signals is a power of CongressPlease tell me what part of the Constitution gives the U.S. Congress the power to regulate the color, shape and size of traffic signals and road signs?You mean it doesn't have that power? OK, then why did the jackbooted federal thugs talking about the laws mentioned in this article. D.C. Council member Harry Thomas charged with embezzlementAccording to this article a Washington D.C. city councilman has been charged with stealing $350,000 from the taxpayers.I wonder will he claim the theft was justifiable because stealing a measly $350,000 in Washington D.C. is just chump change compared to the millions, if not billions of dollars the Congressmen and Senators routinely steal from us taxpayers? Bill Heywood commits suicide![]() I could care less about the guy but since he is a famous radio personality I decided to put his suicide or death on this web page. Rick Santorum is a corrupt Washington insider???Sadly American government is corrupt to the core. In this article they say that Rick Santorum paints himself as an outsider who wants to reform government in Washington D.C., but in reality Rick Santorum is a corrupt Washington insider who is part of the problem.Obama only lies when his lips are moving!!!According to this article Obama isn't that big of a liar. He only lies when his lips are moving.Sadly Obama only gets one Pinocchio for his lies in this Washington Post article. Obama’s recess appointments are unconstitutionalIn this editorial former White House crook Edwin Meese III bitches that Obama's appointment or Richard Cordray to to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau during a bogus Congressional recess is unconstitutional.Look I know having former government criminal Edwin Meese III call Obama a crook is kind of silly. But Edwin Meese III is right. Anaheim employees ordered to delete embarrassing emails and filesAccording to this article Anaheim employees were ordered to delete embarrassing emails and files because they were showing up in public records requests and making their government masters look like tyrants and fools.State Sen. Scott Bundgaard resigns from Legislature![]() Scott Bundgaard was accused of beating up his girl friend Aubry Ballard on the Squaw Peak Freeway in Phoenix. Sheriff Joe sells marijuana???From this article it sure sounds like Sheriff Joe's goons are selling marijuana.I suspect Sheriff Joe's goons are selling marijuana as a way to raise revenue for Sheriff Joe and the Maricopa County Supervisors. What the cops in Chandler have been doing is offering to sell large quantities of marijuana to dope dealers. When they find somebody that wants to buy the marijuana, they sell it to them, take the cash, and then steal the dope back. Does this sound like these cops who are sworn to protect us are behaving like gangsters and robbing the people they pretend to protect? I certainly think so!!!! Super Bowl Conviction ReversedCops always seem to make mountains out of molehills and sadly the courts seem to buy into the fantastic lies made by police.In this article The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday reiterated an earlier decision reversing the federal convictions of a man who sent the press a confused manifesto about a mass shooting he never carried out. Emperor Obama gives Federal workers a pay raiseAccording to this article President Obama wants to give all the government bureaucrats that work for Uncle Sam a pay raise.I don't think this is about good government. I suspect that Obama thinks he can get 2 million votes from these bureaucrats in the 2012 Presidential election if he bribes them with a pay raise. Sure it's a lousy one half of a percent pay raise, but the economy sucks, millions of Americans are unemployed and with that in mind it is a fantastic bonus for these bureaucrats, who should get a pay cut, or even better be fired. California legislator admits to shoplifting $2,500Remember these are the tyrants who tell us they are better, smarter and more moral and ethical then the rest of us. Scottsdale bars keep residents awake at nightAccording to this article music from Scottsdale bars is preventing people that live in nearby residential neighborhoods from sleeping at night.Since the bars pay $400,000 a year in sales taxes I doubt the royal rulers of the city of Scottsdale will help these people get any sleep at night. New cargo drones used in Afghanistan warAccording to this article they are now using helicopter transportation drones in Afghanistan.Mesa Mayor Scott Smith has some illegal signs in MesaCheck out this link and see some illegal signs that Mesa Mayor Scott Smith has been erecting all over his royal kingdom of Mesa, Arizona for the folks at the Phoenix and AZBrainFood.Those silly zoning laws that make these signs illegal are for the serfs that Mayor Scott Smith rules over. Do you really think that our government masters like Mayor Scott Smith are going to obey the laws they expect us serfs to obey. Black children not welcome in French Quarter???In this article the rulers of New Orleans are accused of being racists who passed a curfew specifically designed to keep Black children out of the French Quarter. The government rulers of New Orleans don't want tourists to have to look at Black kids.Virginia prisons’ use of solitary confinement is scrutinizedAccording to this article the state of Virginia loves to lock prison inmates in solitary confinement, for years at a time.No Need for All These NukesI suspect that most of these nuclear bombs and other nuclear weapons are not needed and that instead of being about national defense, it's a jobs program for generals, and corporate welfare for the companies in the military industrial complex!!!Read more about it in this editorial in the New York Times. Iraq Turns Justice Into a Show, and Terror Confessions a ScriptIf you ask me the American puppet government installed in Iraq isn't one bit better then the dictatorship run by Saddam.On the other hand I suspect both American officials and Iraqi officials will tell you that the current Iraqi dictatorship, or whatever you want to call it is really a democracy and the Iraqi people should be proud of it. Read more about it here. Kyrsten Sinema loves shopping with YOUR money!!!![]() In this article we find out that "Kyrsten Sinema loves shopping", well no make that "Kyrsten Sinema loves shopping with YOUR money". Kyrsten Sinema is also an enemy of the people legalized medical marijuana. Kyrsten Sinema introduced a bill that would slap a 300 percent tax on medical marijuana. Kyrsten Sinema is also a gun grabber, who wants to take you guns. Of course what do you expect from a politician who thinks she owns your wallet. I am sure Kyrsten Sinema want to take your guns so you can't prevent her from stealing your wallet. Supremes - Can FCC censor TV ShowsIt this article the Supreme Court may take a case to decide if the FCC can censor TV shows. The TV shows say it is a violation of the First Amendment to censor them while cable shows are not censored by the FCC thought police.No Child Left Behind - A great example of dysfunctional governmentAccording to this article George W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind" as become a great example of how government is dysfunctional and doesn't accomplish anything.Criminals banned from visiting the White House![]() If the government is going to ban people who have been convicted of crimes from entering government buildings I think the same folks should be banned from paying taxes. I will gladly give up my right to visit Emperor Obama in exchange for the government stopping taxing me. Man scalped by leopard in IndiaAccording to this article some poor guy in India was scalped by a leopard.
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Denver cops arrest 500 people because of mistaken identitiesWe are routinely told that the cops would rather let 100 guilty people go then jail one innocent people.Of course that is an outright lie. I suspect exactly the oppsite is true, the cops would rather arrest 100 innocent people if it helps them put one guilty person in jail. In this article the Denver Police admit to falsely arresting more then 500 people because of mistaken identities. A woman named Jaime was arrested because the cops though she was a male named Jaime who had a warrant for his arrest. Several Black men have been arrested for White men with the same name who had warrants for their arrests. An 18 year old man was arrested for the crimes of a 48 year old man. A White man was arrested for the crimes of an Indian who was a foot taller and 100 pounds fatter. A number of people where arrested, even thought their tattoos didn't match the tattoos that the person they were arrested for had. The cops give a bunch of lame excuses to justify the false arrests, but they are just lame excuses. LAPD arrests 1,480 people because of mistaken identitiesWe are routinely told that the cops would rather let 100 guilty people go then jail one innocent people.Of course that is an outright lie. I suspect exactly the opposite is true, the cops would rather arrest 1,480 innocent people if it helps them put one guilty person in jail. In this article the police in the Los Angeles area admit to falsely arresting more then 1,480 people because of mistaken identities. Like the Denver cops who have falsely arrested hundreds of people because of mistaken identities the LAPD does nothing to fix the problem other then come up with lame excuses on why they routinely falsely arrest thousands of people falsely. Alaskan piggies bust people in bars, for (gasp) drinking!!!According to this article the fearless piggies in Anchorage Alaska are risking their lives hunting down people who are in bars that get drunk.My first thought was that these Anchorage Police officers are afraid to risk their lives hunting down real criminals like bank robbers, rapists and murders. That may be true, but according to one of the articles the piggies are after federal loot that Uncle Sam gives to piggies. Mesa cops use trivial traffic violations to search bicyclists for drugsAccording to this article the Mesa police are using trivial traffic violations as a lame excuse to stop people and search them for illegal drugs.In this article a man was stopped for riding his bicycle with out a light. Instead of writing the guy a ticket and letting him go the cops used that as an excuse to search him for drugs, and he was arrested when the cops found some illegal drugs. E-payments rapidly phasing out paper checksAccording to this article E-payments rapidly phasing out paper checks.TSA defends confiscation of woman's cupcakeAccording this article the TSA is not a bunch of jackbooted government thugs who are treating us like criminals for no reason. In the article the TSA defends the confiscation of woman's cupcake. Of course if the TSA gets it's way and protects us in the way it should, to prevent terrorists, we will all be flying naked wearing nothing but handcuffs. Ain't you glad we have the TSA to protect us from the monsters hiding under our beds and in this case the monsters hiding under our plane seats. [ Hey, I'm just joking. please don't quote me out of context. ]Supremes don't know what f*cking free speech is!!!From this article it seems that the Supreme Court is clueless on what free speech is. Yes, it should be wrong to yell "fire" in a crowded theater. But the morons that produce TV shows should be allowed to curse and use what ever silly cuss words they want in TV wasteland.American states were forcefully sterilizing people till 1977???According to this article American state government were forcefully sterilizing people till 1977. In this article the state of North Carolina is moving to compensate victims of forced sterilization and might give them a measly $50,000.Of course don't hold your breath waiting for this to happen. Government tyrants rarely admit their mistakes, much less pay people for the damages they caused them. If you ask me government crimes like this are a damn good reason people need the Second Amendment to protect them against tyrannical governments. Goal US sanctions is to overthrow Iran's governmentAccording to this article the goal of U.S. and other sanctions against Iran is a regime collapse, a senior U.S. intelligence official said.Ron Paul said the US sanctions against Iran are an act of war. I certainly agree with him. I wish Iran luck in getting a nuclear bomb, that is the only certain way to guarantee that the American Empire will not invade them. WMD in Iran? A lame excuse to invade them too???Will the American Empire use "weapons of mass destruction" as a lame excuse to invade Iran, just like we did with Iraq? Maybe!Read more in this article. Of course if Ron Paul gets elected this won't happen. Unlike war mongering Emperor Obama and and all the Republican candidates, Ron Paul doesn't support any wars. And that includes ending the evil "drug war". LA requires porn actors to wear condoms???Of course if this silly law is passed the idiots and tyrants on the LA City Council will wonder why all the porn shoots start moving out of LA to Arizona or down to Orange County.Iranian nuclear scientist murderedI wonder, did the American Empire have this Iranian nuclear scientist murdered? Did the American Empire finance Israel terrorists to commit the murder?Read more about the murder of this Iranian nuclear scientist. Chandler, Arizona declares war on homeless peopleAccording to this article it sure sounds like the folks in the Chandler Libraries have declared war on homeless people.Mexico's drug war murders hit 47,000According to this article the drug war deaths in Mexico have hit 47,000. Let's face it the drug war is a miserable failure and it is time to end it.U.S. Marines p*ss on dead Taliban soldiers in videoIn this article we have some proud U.S. Marines p*ssing on dead Taliban soldiers.I guess they are really proud to be Marines and proud to be bring democracy and freedom to Iraq and Afghanistan. Well at least that's what they think. To the rest of us they are just war criminals.
Hundreds protest on 10th anniversary of Guantanamo prisonAccording to this article 100's of people are protesting the 10th anniversary of Guantanamo prison which is an American copy of the evil Soviet gulag prisons.NIA says Afghanistan war is at least a tie???CIA says Afghanistan war is at least a tie???I am not sure who the NIA or National Intelligence Agency is. I suspect the NIA is a part of the CIA or U.S. Military.Any way the folks at the NIA claim that the war is Afghanistan is at least a tie according to this article. Of course the rest of us think the American Empire has been losing the war since day one. I suspect that in both Iraq and Afghanistan a few days after the American Empire pulls out it's troops both countries will break out in civil wars. Of course Emperor Bush and Emperor Obama will both claim that the wars were both won and that both wars brought freedom and democracy to these two third world countries. Zubia brothers are back????According to this article the Pistoleros, Dead Hot Workshop, Ghetto Cowgirl will be playing this week in Phoenix at the Crescent Ballroom. |
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Easy Legal - by Mark FioreHere is a really funny animated cartoon by Mark Fiore titled Legal Easy or Legal-Easy about the American gulag in Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, which is fondly called Gitmo by the American soldiers who torture and abuse brown skinned Muslims from Iraq, Afganistan and other parts of the world the American Empire has invaded.The star of this cartoon is a military thug named Knuckles who is an expert on committing human rights violations. Ain't you proud the American Empire now has a prison camp that rivals the Soviet gulag in Siberia??? I'm not, but I am sure the government thugs in the White House would love to jail me for my anti-war views. And I bet that is why Emperor Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act which allows the government to jail people like me for the rest of my life without a trial or court hearing in a secret prison like Guantanamo. If you love the police state proudly yell: Heil Obama |
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Magic door opens itself and lets cops search dorm at ASUAccording to this article a magic door in an ASU dorm magically opened it's self and lets the ASU police search the dorm for marijuana.Lucky for the police, if the ASU cops had opened the door on their own the search would have been ruled and illegal search and the charges against the woman would have been dropped. Too bad a defense attorney can't order the door on the witness stand and ask the door if it really opened itself and invited the cops in! Or if the cops made up the whole story to justify an illegal search of the dorm. Fire the under worked, over paid government bureaucrats!!!If I had my way I would fire all the under worked over paid bureaucrats in the government. Of course our government masters would never want that to happen.Instead, according to this article those under worked, over paid bureaucrats can receive $25,000 if they quit. Of course when you translate "government double talk" to English, it frequently doesn't mean what our government masters what us to think. I wonder if "quit" really means "transferring from one do nothing job to another do nothing job". Homeland Security is spying on youAccording to this article the jackbooted police thugs in the American Homeland Security are spying on just about everything that you do on the internet.If you love the American police state thank Emperor Obama, and former Emperor Bush. We are losing in Afghanistan???This article compares the war in Afghanistan to the war in Vietnam and guess what. They think we are losing in Afghanistan, just like we lost in Vietnam.Ron Paul’s achievementWow! Charles Krauthammer writes a good article about Ron Paul in the Washington Post.Of course if you are sick of the insane and unconstitutional "war on drugs" Ron Paul is the man to vote for. Same for if you are sick of the insane wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Ron Paul is your man. Mitt Romney's double talk on corporate welfareFrom this article it sure sounds like Presidential candidate Mitt Romney is a double talking hypocrite who will say anything to get elected.While conservative Presidential candidate Mitt Romney claims to be against corporate welfare, the firms he was involved with accepted millions of dollars in corporate welfare. El GordoAccording to this article the galaxy El Gordo has 2 quadrillion (that's 2 followed by 15 zeroes) times the mass of earths sun.El Gordo — which means "the fat one" in Spanish — is officially known as ACT-CL J0102-4915 and "is located more than 7 billion light-years from Earth, at a time when the universe was half its current age," study co-author John Patrick Hughes at Rutgers University told The universe is about 13.7 billion years old.If you assume it was a single star how many times the diameter of the sun would it be? Now the mass is 2 quadrillion (that's 2 followed by 15 zeroes) times that of the sun, but that is a huge number that is too large to understand. But what would the radius of a star need to be that is 2 quadrillion (that's 2 followed by 15 zeroes) times that of the sun. That is a little bit easier to comprehend. If you assume the sun has a mass of 1 unit, that would give the sun a radius of .62 units or a diameter of 1.24 units. And according to this little table which I wrote a computer program to generate radius or diameter of a star with 2 quadrillion times the mass of the sun would be between 65,000 and 131,000 times the diameter or radius of the sun. Now that number is a little easier to comprehend then the 2 quadrillion number.
Volume of a sphere
Here is a similar table for the volume of a cube
which I wrote a computer program to generate.
Notice that just like a sphere, every time you
double the size of the edge of the cube the volume
of the cube increases by a factor of 8.
The same is true with a sphere. Every time you double the radius or diameter the volume of a sphere increases by a factor of 8. |
Volume of a Cube
Scottsdale messy yard cops paint over owners graffatiAccording to this article Wayne Rozdolski is the latest victim of tyrannical messy yard cop.The Scottsdale messy yard cops painted over a bunch of angry graffiti he painted on his fence complaining about being screwed by the bank and a judge. I don't know who is right in his dispute with the bank. But I certainly know that the "messy yard laws" which allow messy yard cops to control how you use your home are wrong in additional to being unconstitutional. |
BATF violates rights of suspected Scottsdale bombers???Wow if you read this article the BATF is sure using a lot of under handed dirty tricks, which are probably unconstitutional in an attempt to get a conviction of these guys suspected of a Scottsdale bombing.The cops can circumvent your 5th Amendment rights by getting a non-cop to question you??? "In 2005, an agent for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives hired Rebecca Williams as a confidential informant. Her goal was to befriend the Mahons and get information. She set up in the trailer park in Catoosa, Okla., where the Mahons were living"So this wasn't a quick questioning by the cops. It went on for almost 5 years "For nearly five years, Dennis interacted with her" - So this wasn't a quick questioning by the cops. It went on for almost 5 yearsSo the BATF was willing to pay their snitch $100,000 to get a conviction. Of course if the defendants attempted to pay their witnesses $100,000 in cash to get an acquittal they would probably be charged with perjury, bribery or something along with those lines. But it's OK for the cops to pay money to get somebody to help them railroad a person. "Deborah Williams said federal agents dangled a $100,000 carrot in front of the informant, promising her the reward if the brothers were convicted in the bombing"Last just because I am outraged at the police conduct in this case doesn't mean I agree with this bombing. It was wrong. But it is just as wrong for the police to flush these guys constitutional rights down the toilet in an attempt to convict them. Governor Jan Brewer still dragging her feet on implementing medical marijuana lawsAccording to this article Arizona Governor Jan Brewer still dragging her feet and doing everything possible to throw a wrench into the new medical marijuana laws that voters passed last year.Tempe city hall keeps digging into taxpayer pocketsUsually I don't agree with jack booted police thugs like Bill Richardson, but in this case he is right. According to this article the tyrants that run the city of Tempe think they own your wallet and keep coming back for more and more money.Arpaio protesters: 'We want him behind bars'According to this article about 100 protesters gathered Friday afternoon in downtown Phoenix to demand the arrest of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio."We want him behind bars," said Carlos Garcia, an organizer for Puente, the human rights group that planned the event. The Pope is Jewish!!!!Obama takes on big governmentAccording to this article Emperor Obama is going to fight the entrench government bureaucrats and reduce government fat. Yea, sure. I will believe that just as much as I will believe that the Pope is Jewish!"Obama announced ... a bid to save $3 billion by eliminating more than 1,000 jobs over the next decade." Big stinking deal. That is only cutting 100 jobs a year for the next 10 years and that ain't jack sh*t in the huge Federal government. "the specific consolidations being proposed would barely dent the number of workers and the amount of spending in the country’s 2.1 million-employee federal bureaucracy" And cutting $3 billion over 10 years is only a measly $300 million a year. Again that ain't jack sh*t in the $3.7 trillion budget for 2012. $300 million is less then a .01 percent savings. "His announcement came a day after he notified Congress of his intent to raise the national debt ceiling by $1.2 trillion to cover increased U.S. spending commitments" The $1.2 trillion increase in spending is 400 times his $3 billion in alleged savings. And of course the $1.2 trillion increase will be increase NOW, not over 10 years as the alleged $3 billion in savings. North Korea reportedly punishing insincere mournersDoes this mean fake tears will keep you out of prison?According to this article North Korea is punishing insincere mourners. According to the article “authorities are handing down at least six months in a labor-training camp to anybody who didn’t participate in the organized gatherings during the mourning period, or who did participate but didn’t cry and didn’t seem genuine,”But don't worry, we live in American and you will never be punished for not crying hard enough at the misfortune of some government bureaucrat. On the other hand per the Patriot Act, you could be locked in prison for the rest of your life for thinking negative thoughts about the American government. Santorum charity screwed donors????According to this article Rick Santorum's charity spent most of its money on management, political friends. Well at least if Santorum gets elected President he won't screw us serfs any worse then he screwed the donors to his charity!Serial Killer in Orange County Hunts Homeless PeopleAccording to this article there is a serial killer in Orange County that is murdering people in Anaheim, Placentia and Brea. I used to live in Anaheim and Brea.Luxury cruise ship sinks off Italian coastAccording to this article a luxury cruise liner sunk off of the Italian coast.
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CIA assassinated Iranian nuclear scientist???According to this article Iran thinks the CIA was involved in the assassination of one of it's nuclear scientists.ArduinoArduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software.The microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring) and the Arduino development environment (based on Processing). Here is some simple stuff you can do with your Arduino board. Here are some Arduino boards or hardware you can buy. I saw this Arduino stuff at Radio Shack. They were selling most of the Arduino boards for $35 to $60. Of course Radio Shack has fantastic rip off prices, so you can probably buy the words cheaper else where. One of the posters at Radio Shack seemed to says that Parallax makes the Arduino boards. Lots of planets out there????According to this article astronomers say that our galaxy is crowded with planetsScottsdale weighs property-tax increase, pay raisesHide your wallet, the royal rulers of the city of Scottsdale want more of your money according to this article.Corporate welfare program for Scottsdale artists needs more money!!!!Hide your wallet, this government welfare programs for artists in Scottsdale needs more money and according to this article the government rulers of Scottsdale are looking at you for the money.Jan 15 - PF Chang's marathon causes businesses huge losesYesterday I want to an atheist meeting in Scottsdale. But it took me a lot longer to get there because of a silly marathon that the cities of Tempe, Scottsdale and Phoenix were putting. I think it was the PF Chang marathon. Hayden Road and McClintock was blocked off for the race and there were literally thousands of people on the road. It probably took me 10 minutes to cross the road.The restaurant that the meeting us usually held at was absolutely deserted. Usually the restaurant is full of people, but I doubt if there were more then 6 or 7 customers there. Our atheist meeting was about half the size it normally is. Government's claim they help us, but in this case the governments of Tempe and Scottsdale are absolutely screwing the business owners along the route of the silly PF Chang's marathon. I asked the manager if I could take this photo and at first she told me no, because she thought I was going to make fun of her restaurant, but when I told her I was going to make fun of the government idiots that were driving all the business away from her restaurant she said yes.
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The Woz thinks IPhones suck!!!OK, not quite, but according to this article Steve Wozniak does prefer the Android over the iPhone.7 years in solitary confinement????No this isn't in some Russian gulag or some third world police state where inmates are held in solitary confinement for 7 years, it's the good old USA, home of the free and brave and all the other propaganda BS coming from the government.According to this article on guy has been held in solitary confinement for seven years, while the average length of time in solitary confinement is 2.7 years. Kyrsten Sinema will say anything to get elected????According to this article our favorite tax and spend socialist Kyrsten Sinema is running for Congress. From the article it sure sounds like Kyrsten Sinema will say anything to get elected!!!Ron Paul supports a zero percent income taxUnlike Arizona's royal tax and spend queen Kyrsten Sinema, Ron Paul knows that taxes are stealing and that stealing is wrong.In the Presidential debates last night in South Carolina they asked the candidates what the maximum tax rate they supported for the income tax. Most of the candidates picked numbers of 15 percent or more. Jesus these *ssholes think that the Federal government owns a minimum of 15 percent of what you make??? Serfs in the Middle Ages only paid 10 percent of their incomes in taxes. Ron Paul gave the correct Libertarian answer and said he supported a maximum income tax rate 0 percent. If you check out this form, which is published by the IRS you will see the first income tax rate in the USA was a measly 1 percent. The first income tax maxed out at 6 percent.'t be afraid to look at it. It is a simple one page form. Not like the 100,000+ page tax code of today. The first constitutional income income tax which was in 1913 only applied to rich people who made $3,000 or more. Adjusted for inflation that was about $50,000 to $60,000 in 2000 dollars. Of course back in those days most people lived and worked on farms and didn't make anything close to $3,000 a year which you had to make to pay the Federal income tax. So most people in 1913 did not pay income tax. I have read other articles that said that they thought a 10 percent income tax was outrageous and actually debated in Congress about capping the income at a maximum of 10 percent. Sadly that didn't happen and today even if you make minimum wage the crooks in Congress will force you employer to steal 10 percent or more of your wages with withholding taxes. Ron Paul was also booed, for some of his anti-war answers. Ron Paul wants to withdraw the troops from the American bases all over the world. And apparently the military war mongers in South Carolina don't like that, but f*ck em, Ron Paul should be proud that he was booed. Congress has an 84% rating of disapprovalI guess if tax and spend welfare queen Kyrsten Sinema gets elected to the US Congress she won't be any more popular stealing our money in Washington D.C. then she is in Arizona. According to this article 84% percent of Americans think their Congressman is a crook. OK they didn't exactly say it that way, but I am sure that is how these 84 percent of the folks feel about their crook in D.C. who steals their money and gives it to the special interest groups that helped him or her get elected.Wikipedia to black out site over anti-piracy billAccording to this article Wikipedia is going to black out their web site over anti-piracy bills called the "Stop Online Piracy Act" and the Protect Intellectual Property Act".Of course the webmasters thinks both laws are just police state extensions of the Patriot Act, which is also a police state law that flushes the Bill of Rights down the toilet. Obama 'the food stamp president'According to this article Newt Gingrich says that Obama 'the food stamp president'.Hey it's just one tax and spend tyrant calls another tax and spend tyrant a crook. Yes I guess Emperor Obama is the "Food Stamp President" as Gingrich says. But the Republicans certainly dole out as much corporate welfare to the special interest groups that help them get elected as the Democrats do. Maybe Newt Gingrich should have said that if you are a government ruler you are part of the problem. Find out how Mesa police thugs opperateAccording to this article folks can attend the Mesa offers Citizen Police Academy for free and learn how the Mesa cops operate.Of course I suspect that this is mainly a propaganda class to get support for the Mesa police and more importantly get people to vote to give the Mesa police more money. I suspect that is why the Mesa police are refusing to let people who have been arrested attend the class. Folks who have been arrested by jackbooted police thugs for victimless crimes probably will not support the police and I suspect for that reason are being excluded from the class. I suspect the exclusion of people that have been arrested from this Mesa Citizen Police Academy is also a violation of the "Equal Protection" clause of the Arizona Constitution. Insider: Self-serving bills mark new legislative sessionAccording to this article Lawmakers have proposed more than 750 bills in this week-old 2012 legislative session. A handful would help the lawmakers themselves.Lies from Mitt RomneyAccording this article Ben Smith as its editor-in-chief, has found and posted what it purports is Sen. John McCain's complete 2008 opposition-research dossier on his then-Republican presidential rival Mitt Romney. It hammers Romney on social issues, economic issues, foreign policy, domestic policy, his business record, his flip-flops and other political and personal issues. You can read the entire devastating 200-page document at this link.Help stop misguided Internet legislationIn this article Ken Colburn of the Data Doctors explains why the current bills aimed at stopping internet piracy need to be killed.LA government nannies drive porn industry out of LA?Will the petty, bible belt idiots on the Los Angeles city council drive the porn industry out of Los Angels by requiring actors in adult films to wear condoms? Read more about it in this article.Head found in Hollywood![]() Maybe this is a good news story to use to make my next password. Let's see should I use "hollywoodhead" or "mulhollandhead"??? [ For those of you who are not familiar with the LA area Mulholland Drive separates Hollywood and LA proper from the San Fernando Valley. Mulholland Drive is on top of the Santa Monica Mountains which is between LA proper and the San Fernando Valley. For a fun drive take a trip along Mulholland Drive between the San Diego Freeway (I 405) and the Hollywood Freeway (US 101). If you read the article just before this you discovered that 90 percent of the porn films made in the USA are shot in the San Fernando Valley. ] No free speech at Arizona State CapitalAccording to this article free speech at the Arizona State Capital has been shut down.The tyrants that run the Arizona House and Senate now require that anyone who wants to hold an event in the courtyard between the House and Senate buildings to get a permit 10 days in advance if their event involves equipment and/or any kind of amplified sound, such as loudspeakers or a bullhorn. ASU computers hackedAccording to this article the passwords for 300,000 computer accounts at Arizona State University were stolen. ASU doesn't describe it that way they say somebody download the passwords. Duh! What's the difference stolen? Downloaded?Drunk takes his SUV on San Francisco subwayAccording this article A drunken driver tried to take his SUV for a ride on the San Francisco subways.
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Government forces religions to offer birth control.According to this article the Obama administration is forcing church-affiliated institutions will have to cover free birth control for employees. Sure I am an atheist, but even still it is wrong for our government masters to force their views on religious groups.Falsely Arrested - Again!!!!Chandler piggy falsely arrests meHere are some notes on my false arrest by a Chandler Motorcycle cop for riding my bicycle during the "no walk" light.Wednesday, January 18, 2012 just before 4:06 p.m. on Arizona Avenue and Warner a motorcycle pig failed to yield me the right of way to me and made a left turn and almost ran me over. No big deal I just rode my bike around him. But the piggy decided to arrest me and blame his traffic offense on me. The piggy ordered me to go back to the side walk and accused me of not obeying the traffic signal that said "not to walk". The light was green, but this is the first time I every hear a pig tell me that I had to obey the silly no walk sign. To be honest I don't know what the sign said. I do know the light was green and I had the right of way and the piggy didn't give it to me when he made his left turn. Oh well, looks like I will be suing the Chandler pigs this time. I was only arrested for 60 seconds or so. No biggy. But the jack booted police thugs should still know better then to falsely arrest people for trivial things. When are lights required on bicycles????According to ARS 28-922 lights are required on cars and bikes from sunset to sunrise in Arizona.I thought it was something like a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise, but I was wrong on that. There is a different law that does required lights on not cars, but trucks and buses a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise, but the above law is more restrictive and requires lights from sunset to sunrise. When are lights required on cars and motor vehicles???According to ARS 28-922 lights are required on cars and bikes from sunset to sunrise in Arizona.I thought it was something like a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise, but I was wrong on that. There is a different law that does required lights on not cars, but trucks and buses a half hour after sunset to a half hour before sunrise, but the above law is more restrictive and requires lights from sunset to sunrise. Airplane show in Apache Junctioncheck out this model airplane show in Apache Junction. It's near Brown Rd and Meridan Rd.The last open area of the US/Mexican borderBorder Patrol checkpoint in Bootheel area of New MexicoAccording to his article the US Border Patrol is now building a station or check point in the Bootheel area of New Mexico. The article says it is an isolated and unforgiving area where Geronimo made his last stand. Today, it remains largely isolated with no cellphone service and few unpaved roads but growing lawlessness as drug dealers and human smugglers increasingly look for alternatives to more traveled routes.I googled for both Bootheel, New Mexico and Animas, N.M. and could not find any towns with those names on the New Mexico US border. But both towns are maybe 30 or 40 miles north of the U.S./ New Mexico, border near the Arizona/New Mexico border. They are also both a 10 or 20 miles south of Interstate 10 or I-10. Budget cuts are no big stinking deal!!!SourceLetter: Cuts in waste are all hype, no substance Posted: Thursday, January 19, 2012 12:12 pm Letter to the Editor Obama's cuts in government waste are all hype with absolutely no substance. Obama announced that he is going to cut government fat and waste by eliminating 1,000 jobs and $3 billion in spending over the next decade. Big stinking deal. That is a lousy 100 jobs per year which is absolutely nothing in a 2.1 million-employee federal bureaucracy. The $3 billion in cuts again is a lousy $300 million per year. That is a cut of less than .01 of a percent of the $3.7 trillion budget for 2012. And at the same time Obama is preaching cutting government waste he asked Congress to raise the national debt ceiling by $1.2 trillion. That is 4,000 times his yearly $300 million cut in government spending Obama is also bragging about cutting military spending. His plan is to cut 8 percent over 10 years. Again big stinking deal. That is a lousy .8 percent cut per year. LA County shuts down free speech at supervisors meetingsAccording to this article the tyrants on the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors are trying to shutdown free speech at the LA County supervisors meetings.The TSA only makes VIPs bend over half wayAccording to this article if you are a VIP using LAX, the TSA thugs will only make you bend over half way as they search, feel up, demean and belittle you before you board your flight.Ain't it great when VIPs can get special treatment from the government thugs that run the American police state!!! Fantastic Chinese TV showsWho knows, if the American police state keeps expanding we may be able to have cool government TV shows like the one in this article. Of course with the Patriot Act we now have the same First Amendment rights they have in China. Ain't you proud to be an American!!!!Finally government morons figure out we hate those $1 coinsAccording to this article the morons in the Federal government have finally figured out that we hate those stupid $1 coins and are going to stop wasting our tax dollars minting the coins.I guess I shouldn't be so nice to those government idiots. Years ago the government idiots figured out that the serfs they rule over hate the coins, but for years they wasted our tax dollars trying to get us to use the silly $1 coins. It looks like the morons in the Federal government have finally figured out they can't force us to use their stupid $1 coins. Application to attend Mesa Police AcademyHere are the forms I filled out to attend the Mesa Police Academy which according to this article is open to anyone who lives or works in Mesa according to this article.Because our ancestors shed a lot of blood to fight the British and give us the Constitutional rights we have I took the 5th Amendment to almost all the answers on the form and I suspect the Mesa cops will reject my application for that reason. Which means that the Mesa Police will be the same government tyrants when they reject the application that King George was when he terrorized the American colonists. Which means that I have enrolled in the class and I will almost certainly be rejected.
They violated these rightsArticle 2, Section 8 of the Arizona Constitution:8. Right to privacyArticle 2, Section 17 of the Arizona Constitution: 17. Eminent domain; just compensation for private property taken; public use as judicial question Water beds for cows???According to this article a farmer in Ohio lets his cows sleep on waterbeds.Before I became homeless I used to sleep on a waterbed. I like them. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords stepping downAccording to this article Gabrielle Giffords is finally quitting Congress. I can't see how a brain dead zombie was allowed to hold the office as long as she did. She is supposed to be representing the people, something which is pretty hard to do if you are a brain dead zombie in a hospital room.Government tax cheatersAccording to this article Federal employees owe $1.03 billion in unpaid taxes. I have nothing against tax cheaters, because taxes are theft.I do have a problem with government hypocrites, who expect us serfs to pay our so called "fair share" of taxes while they cheat on their taxes. Supremes - Cops need a search warrant to hook GPS device to your carAccording to this article the Supreme Court has just said that the police need to get a search warrant before they can hook a GPS device to your car and use it to track your movements.The case is U.S. v. Jones, 10-1259. Of course don't expect the cops to obey the law. In the future they probably will hook up the GPS device to your car and track your movements, but they will probably not tell the court about it, now that they know it is illegal. Lying politicians and elected officialsHere are a number of articles which address the question of why do Americas tolerate the crooks and liars that run for public office.The articles do make a number of good points, but I think the real problem is in American elections we really don't have a choice of who we vote for. We can either vote for candidate A who is the liar and crook from the Democratic party or candidate B who is the liar and crook from the Republican Party. What we need is for every election to have a "none of the above" candidate. If "none of the above" wins the election the office should not be filled for that term. I suspect having a "none of the above" option in every American election would dramatically reduce the amount of tyranny that Americans have to put up with from our government. Who is getting food stamps?Is Emperor Obama really the "Food Stamp President"??? Did you know that 14 percent of all Americans receive food stamps? Read more about it in this article about the socialist American police state.Robot software to scan the web for email addressesI discovered some interesting software that is used to scan the web looking for email addresses.Here is a blurb on the software. The software is called something like Atomic Email Software Atomic Email Software - It's robot software to scan the web for email addressesRobot software to scan the web for email addressesWhen I was at the place in Tempe that wanted me to write software to scan the internet for email addresses they had a pretty good piece of software that does it for them. It is called something like: Atomic Email SoftwareTheir web site is: massmailsoftware.comThe software only costs $80. Their phone number is (888)447-1175For some reason I thought the place was in Utah, but I must have read it wrong. Here is the address on their web site:
AtomPark Software Inc.
(707)709-8405 for United States Bible classes in Arizona Public schools???According to this article Arizona government schools may be soon offering Bible classes. The article says the Bible classes will teach the effect of the Bible as a historical document, but we know that fine line will be quickly crossed and the classes will soon be teaching that the Bible is the God of our government rulers.Presidential LiarsThe article's title is "FACT CHECK: Gingrich flubs history in GOP debate" but they don't think they are lying! To them they are just telling us how history was supposed to have happened. They don't think it's lying.It ain't about education, it's about money!As Frank Zappa said, "we are only in it for the money", which applies perfectly to the school teachers and schools, as this article points out it's more about the money, then it is about educating the children.Gingrich’s firm paid $25,000 a month by Freddie MacWow these government contracts pay really well! Wonder where I can sign up to get one. Or are they only available to former members of Congress??? Read more about it here.NYPD spreads hate and lies about MuslimsAccording to this article the New York Police Department is spreading hate and lies about Muslims. I wonder if Hitler used the same "hate film" the cops are using to demonize Muslims. Of Hitler would have had to change all the references to Muslims to references about Jews.Newt's morality problem - Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae |
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Why is he running for a job that pays a lousy $400,000According to this article Mitt Romney made $45 Million the last two years. I wonder why he is running for President which pays a lousy $400,000 per year with a dinky $50,000 expense allowance?The DNA police state?According to this article Cyrus R. Vance Jr. who is the Manhattan district attorney thinks everybody should have a copy of their DNA on file, just in case the cops think they might have committed a crime.Of course the Founders like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson would consider Cyrus R. Vance Jr. to be the same type of scum they thought King George was. We don't need no stinking search warrantI believe that I have read other news articles that says what the police did here is illegal.The article says that after the people in the truck told the police they were not allowed to search the truck they brought in a dog and used it as a lame excuse to search the truck anyway. From prior cases I have read about I believe that in this case the police are required to write the people any tickets and then let them go, without searching their truck. Of course the last people in the world you would expect to actually obey the law is the police. They have guns and badges and if you don't bend over and do what they say, they will kill you. One out of every 7 Americans gets food stampsAccording to this article 1 out of every 7 Americans receives food stamps. Who says America isn't a socialist police state.More on Ron Paul for PresidentThis is a link to Ron Paul's official web site.This is a link to a number of articles I have been posting about Ron Paul. If this is Ernie Hancock or Mike Renzulli please get lost. Why are you guys bothering me? Tempe Fire Fighters want to micro-manage your lifeOur government masters claim to be "public servants" who help us. But that is 100 percent BS. They think they are our masters who should micro-manage our lives in every detail.In this article the Tempe Fire Department thinks that they should be allowed to micro-manage your life and dictate what you can and can't keep in your home. And of course if you disagree with the tyrants at they Tempe Fire Department, they think you are mentally ill. The must be guilty - The snitch the BATF offered $100,000 to get a convictions says soAccording to this article these guys must be guilty. After all the snitch the BATF promised to pay $100,000 if she could get a conviction for them says they are guilty. Why on earth would the woman have any reason to lie when the BATF is offered to pay her $100,000.Marine gets no jail time in killing of 24 Iraqi civiliansHey, brown skinned Muslims aren't humans!!! Well I suspect that's how the American government feels about them, and why this murder didn't get any prison time.I wonder, when this guy gets back to the civilian world will he get a job as a cop and help the government murder pot smokers. I suspect the government feels the same way about drug users as they do about brown skinned Muslims. You can read more about this terrible injustice by the American government in this article. The must be guilty - The snitch the BATF paid $27,000 to get a convictions says soAccording to this article these guys must be guilty. After all the snitch the BATF paid $27,000 says they are guilty. Why on earth would the woman have any reason to lie when the BATF paid her $27,000 to help them put the brothers in prison.Monster solar storms hit earth???OK, lets take a break from talking about the jackbooted government thugs that routinely violate our rights, steal our money and micromanage our lives and talk about some interesting science stuff. Here are a couple of interesting articles on an alleged monster solar storm that is on it's way to Earth from the Sun.Basically most of this stuff is ions, positively and negatively charge ions. What is an ion? Well take an acid, like hydrochloric acid. When it dissolves in water it splits into two parts, a negatively charge chlorine atom, which is has an extra electron, and a single proton which is the hydrogen atom with a missing electron. Well the same thing happens when atoms on the sun get super hot. They split into ions.
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Emperor Obama shovels the State of the Union BSIn this article we hear Emperor Obama shovel the State of the Union BS. Facts? Who needs facts? He has to says something to get reelected in 2012. Of course don't get me wrong. The Republican candidates are just as bad as Emperor, with the exception of Ron Paul.Another Buddhist Temple Murder TrialFirst the cops arrested the 4 Tucson kids and coerced confessions out of them. Then almost a year later they arrested Johnathan Doody and Alessandro Garcia and coerced confessions out of them.That 2nd arrested caused the cops to free the 4 Tucson kids. Now 20 years later we find out that the confession from Johnathan Doody was coerced. Sadly the government wants to try Johnathan Doody and second time according to this article. If you ask me the government blew it the first time when it illegally got a confession from Johnathan Doody. The charges should be dropped and he should be released, even if he is guilty. When the government doesn't give somebody a fair trial they should be released. Mexican Voter ID cardsHere is an article about the Mexican voter ID cards.Obama wants a third of your incomeAccording to this article Emperor Obama thinks that the Federal government deserves almost a third of the income of any well off person who makes over a million dollars a year.Are we a socialist country yet??? |
Danae has got the talent and skills to be a professional politician![]() |
Coyotes everywhere???I have seen coyotes a number of times during my life as a homeless person living in the desert. Mostly I see them at night. I have heard their howling a lot more then I have seen them. They only seem to howl during certain times of the year. Perhaps they only howl during mating season or something like that.They have never bothered me. They seem afraid of people. Only once did I see a coyote in the day time. It looked like a dirty brown German Shepard.
Source Drug war gunfight in Mesa at Fry's grocery storeAccording to this article the Mesa Police were involved in a drug war shootout at a Fry's grocery store in Mesa, Arizona.The only sane was to stop insane gun battles like this is to legalize all drugs. Or perhaps I should say to re-legalize drugs. Marijuana wasn't made illegal until 1937, with the passage of the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act, and most of the other drugs were legal until 1914 when the 1914 Harrison Narcotic Tax was passed. Mesa rulers don't obey their own silly lawsAccording to this article the city of Mesa routinely violates the laws and rules they have on hiring temporary employees. I guess they don't think royal government rulers have to obey the same laws the rest of us are expected to obey.The "drug war" is the problem, not the solution to the problemAccording to the Mesa Police in this article most property crimes are caused by the "drug war". Of course that means if you legalize drugs all these property crimes caused by the drug war will disappear over night.The Mesa Police also point out that they love making drug war arrests, because it is a lot easier to arrest somebody for a drug war crime then hunt down real criminals who commit real crimes. 2 years in solitary confinement, without being convictedAccording to these articles Stephen Slevin was arrested for DUI or DWI and spent two years in solitary confinement, without being convicted of any crimes or even being given a trial.The police, judges and politicians and tell us the system is fool proof and full of checks and balances that prevent this type of stuff. But they are full of BS and this stuff routinely happens, where people are screwed over by the system beyond belief. Sadly part of the problem is sadistic cops, judges, prosecutors, and prison guards who think believe that anybody arrested by the cops and think it is their duty to make their lives miserable. Man spends 16 years in prison after being framed by Chicago PoliceAccording to these articles Thaddeus "T.J." Jimenez was framed by the Chicago PD and spent 16 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit.He was awarded $25 million in his lawsuit. Sadly the cops are going to put him in jail for another 3 years in prison for possessing drugs. Government is corrupt to the coreHere is an interesting letter from Tim Cox the founder of GOOOH.I don't agree with everything he says, but over all he is right. Government is corrupt to the core and it isn't going to get any better. Jan Brewer refuses to obey Arizona Public Records lawsAccording to this article Arizona Governor Jan Brewer seems to think she is an imperial royal ruler who is above Arizona's public records laws.I suspect that is one of the reasons the founders gave us the 2nd Amendment, because they figured there would always be government tyrants who forget they are public servants, not royal rulers. Twitter may censor tweets in individual countriesAccording to this article Twitter may censor tweets in individual countries.Philippe's 9-cent coffee about to become historyAhhh... so according to this article Philippe's is raising their prices. Philippe's is across the street from Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles and the 2600 meetings often spill over there.Philippe's home of the 2600 meetingsAccording to this article Philippe's is raising their prices. |
Jan Brewer shakes her finger at Emperor Obama![]()
Ron Paul calls for diplomatic relations with CubaAccording to this article at the Presidential debates last night Ron Paul called for diplomatic relations with Cuba.More on those racist Ron Paul newslettersHere is another article about this racist Ron Paul newsletters.I am not a racist. I have never read about Ron Paul saying anything racist. And I don't know if Ron Paul is a closer racist or not. I am not an insider and just get all my information about Ron Paul from the media like most other people. But since I support Ron Paul, and more importantly post a lot of politician articles about the government I think I should also report on the dirty side of Ron Paul when it comes up. LobbyistsHere is an interesting article on lobbyists.This article address Presidential candidate and crook New Gingrich who correctly claims that he is not a lobbyist. Although technically he is a crook. If you ask me the problem isn't the lobbyists that ask the government to give you money to special intrest groups, but rather the problem is the actual government thieves that steal your money. Ron Paul's 25 mile bike ride???In the Presidential debate last right Ron Paul challenged his opponants to a 25 mile bike ride in the Texas heat according to this article.I wonder, could Ron Paul kick my butt in a 25 mile bike race? I only ride my bike 20 miles every day in the dry Arizona 115°F heat. I would probably wilt if I had to ride my bike in that high humidity Texas heat. Scottsdale City Council members received $17,000 in giftsAccording to this article Scottsdale City Council members are raking in theI am not a phony that wears suits to impress peopleDoes wearing a suit make Hitler a nice guy?Here is an interesting article with some color photos of Hitler. Hell, I didn't even know that color photos existed at the time Hitler was alive.And just because somebody wears a suit doesn't make them a nice guy. Hitler even if he did wear a suit in this photo was a mass murder, government tyrant and all around jerk.
I used up all the hot water taking a showerClick here to see the last dumb thing the jerk did.Today the jerk gripped at me for using all the hot water when I took a show. Man what a major crime. Maybe I should go out and kill myself. Of course if the house was warm enough that I didn't have to wear a coat I probably wouldn't be taking those long hot showers to keep warm. And if the water heater was set on high to provide lots of hot water again I wouldn't be using up all the hot water. I guess I could move out again an pay $400 or so a month to live in one of the run down sleaze bag hotels on Main Street. When I lived in them before not once did anybody ever complain to me about using too much hot water. Or I could rent a room for about $300 to $350 a month from one of those ads I have been seeing in the New Times or Tribune. I doubt if they will yell at me for using all the hot water. OK, I admit the jerk didn't yell at me, attack me or even scream at me. He was just being his usual self. And it certainly is nice to have a home where you can live peacefully without worrying about people bitching at you for trivial things. The Jerk is allergic to work???
More on the jerk! RQ-4 drones to replace the U-2 spy planesAccording to this article the RQ-4 Global Hawk drones that are to replace the U-2 spy planes cost $176 million each.Snow sucks?In this article we find out the 5 coldest cities in the USA are:
Of course I am not an expert on this. I complain all winter that our freezing cold Phoenix winters are far too cold when it drops down into the 60°F's (16°C)! Government thieves love to rob people that can't defend themselvesAccording to this article the rulers of the city of El Segundo want to shake down Chevron for an extra $10 million a year in taxes. I suspect that is because the oil refinery owned by Chevron in El Segundo can't vote and is considered easy picking by the members of the El Segundo city council.El Segundo rules want to steal $10 million a year from ChevronAccording to this article the rulers of the city of El Segundo want to shake down Chevron for an extra $10 million a year in taxes. I suspect that is because the oil refinery owned by Chevron in El Segundo can't vote and is considered easy picking by the members of the El Segundo city council.Doonesbury makes fun of Ron Paul & Libertarians
SB 1070 enters the national news again![]() |
As an Arizonan I welcome any and all Mexicans or
people from Central American and South American
countries to our state.
If your legal or illegal I don't care.
You are still welcome to immigrate to Arizona as far
as I am concerned.
Same for all those Canadians who sneak across the
Northern border during those cold winter months.
Of course I would prefer that professional government thieves, tyrants and war mongers stay in Washington D.C. where they belong. And that includes American Emperor Obama, former American Emperor Bush, and of course our own local temper tantrum throwing war monger, and baby killer John McCain. |
Dead - Welcome back Kotter![]() |
Colorado medical marijuana shops in federal crosshairsI wonder, will Emperor Obama's jackbooted federal thugs shut down medical marijuana stores in Colorado? I don't know check out this articleLibertarians will win in the long runIn this political article John Kass thinks that the Libertarians will win in the long run, even though he admits Ron Paul won't win the next election.Glendale F*ck the Public Records LawAccording to this article the royal rulers of the city of Glendale, Arizona think that they are royal rulers who don't have to obey Arizona's public record laws.Lots of computer geek jobs in San JoseAccording to this article there are lots of jobs for computer programmers in San Jose. The article also says some San Jose or Silicon Valley companies are being sued by Uncle Sam's thugs for conspiracy to keep wages low. That is something I don't believe in because of my Libertarian views.Sheriff Joe continues to roll in the moneyAccording to this article despite being the worst crook in the state of Arizona, Sheriff Joe Arapio continue to roll in the money. No wonder government tyrants like Hitler can get into power."War on Terrorism" merges with the "War on drugs"From this article it sounds like the "war on terrorism" is merging with the "war on drugs".If you ask me they are both unconstitutional jobs programs for overpaid cops. Scottsdale anti-free speech law???According to this article the city of Scottsdale, Arizona claims it is an anti-litter law, but it sounds more like an anti-free speech law.I wonder what would happen if somebody distributed a bunch of pamphlets with the Mayor's name on it. Will the Scottsdale Police arrest the mayor? Using the tax code to modify the behavior of Americans?I always thought the purpose of the 16th Amendment, which allows the Federal government to collect income taxes was to raise revenue. In this article we find out that the Feds routinely use the tax code to force Americans to change their behavior and do things that our government masters in Washington D.C. want.We are told that our government rulers are just powerful servants, but that is 100 percent BS. our government rulers are also our government masters or royal rulers, no different then King George. Congress flushes the First Amendment down the toiletAccording to this article Congress has passed a law flushing the 1st Amendment down the toilet by passing a law that allows the government to erect religious monuments in grave yards.Chicago government rulers pay themselves rather wellHere are the salaries that the members of the Chicago City Council pay themselves. Man these pay rates are pretty good. My only question is are these pay rates for part time jobs???Of course the only people getting screwed here are the taxpayers. |
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Americans enjoy fantasy that health car is freeIf you should health care should be free, your certainly don't realize how expensive free health care is. Read more in this article.I was watching the Presidential debates with the Jerk and he was bitching and moaning that the candidates were all jerks because none of them was willing to give Americans free health care. I suspect what the Jerk really means is that he thinks he is entitled to free health care and he expects you and me to pay for his free health care. Socialists are that way. Ron Paul: Right on TSA, Still Wrong for the PresidencyOK, the author of this article is batting 50 percent and got one out of two right. If you want to end the insane "war on drugs", the insane wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terrorism, and the Federal Reserve you should certainly vote for Ron Paul.U.S. Drones Patrolling Its Skies Provoke Outrage in IraqI routinely make statements about ending the war in Iraq, even thought technically Emperor Obama says the war in Iraq is over.As long as there are still 15,000 military personal in Iraq, who are pretending to protect the American Embassy in Iraq, I consider the war in Iraq still to be on. I also consider the current Iraq government, just a puppet government installed by the American Empire, which is more or less controlled by the White House, in Washington, D.C., USA! I guess the American Embassy in Iraq, really the place that Iraq is ruled from, not wherever the official Iraqi capital is at. Here is an article about the drones which the American Empire uses to protect the Embassy. Jan Brewer's silly Governor ProclamationsI suspect these silly proclamations that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer issues are just for political reason, mainly to help her get reelected.They also sound like a big waste of time and tax dollars. Doesn't the governor have anything else to do besides worrying about getting reelected. Last but not least remember Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is one of the Maricopa County Supervisors that voted to build the Bank One Ballpark for Jerry Colangelo, which wasted a billion or so of our tax dollars. Governor Jan Brewer's silly birthday greeting cardsWow I suspect that Government Jan Brewer doesn't have a whole lot of real work to do.While investigating all the silly proclamations Arizona Governor Jan Brewer sends out I also discovered that she sends out a bunch of silly birthday greetings and other silly stuff. I suspect our tax dollars are used to pay for this silly stuff, and that the main purpose of this silly stuff is not to do work that some how makes Arizona a better place to live, but to help Governor Jan Brewer get reelected. No handcuffing pregnant woman?This proposed law would make it illegal to handcuff pregnant woman.No stinking pay raise needed for Arizona GovernorSo the Arizona Governor claims she is grossly over worked and needs a pay raise.Just eliminate all these signing of proclamations and issuing of birthday greeting letters and we can turn the job of being Arizona's governor into a part time job that doesn't need a pay raise. Read more about it here. Rob the rich, give to the poor?Who said that? Robin Hood? Nope, Democrats in the U.S. Congress.While they claim to want to rob the rich and give to the poor that isn't how these government programs end up working. They usually end up giving the loot to both the special interest groups that helped the congressmen get elected and the government bureaucrats that will run the "rob the rich, give to the poor" government programs. Read more about it here. Park Ranger has some "stun gun fun"According to this article even park rangers enjoy having some stun gun fun now and then.In this article a San Francisco Park Ranger blasted Gary Hesterberg with her stun gun because she though he gave her a fake name. Newt Gingrich's thugs attack Ron Paul supporterAccording to this article some of Newt Gingrich's thugs attacked a Ron Paul supporter because they didn't like a Ron Paul sign at a Newt Gingrich rally. I have been abused by police thugs before and I suspect it wasn't an isolated incident, but the normal run of the mill activities that Newt's body guards engage in.Ron Paul is off to NevadaAccording to this article Ron Paul has more or less written off Florida and is off to Nevada.Georgia cop admits falsifying DUI tests![]() TSA agent Nelson Santiago steals stuffAccording to this article![]() Paloma Del Mar Hotel309 Honduras Col. 5 Diciembre48350 Mexico Been screwed and abused by the policeLots of people have been screwed and abused by the police. But sadly in American the cops along with our government masters have done a damn good job of brainwashing Americans into thinking it never happens.Check out these articles and you will quickly come to the conclusion the corrupt cops in American are not an isolated incident, but a daily part of American life. Of course alleged Libertarian Mike Renzulli will almost certainly disagree with me on this. Mike Renzulli says "pigs" stands for Pride, Integrity and Guts. Sorry Mike I have to disagree with you. The police are the problem. And if you live in Arizona or Maricopa county here are some articles on the biggest police state thug in Arizona, and probably America! It's time to end the drug war.Here are a bunch of articles on the insane drug war that America has exported to the world.America is the premier police state in the 21th Century and the "war on drugs" is the cause of it. Vote for Ron PaulTired of the American police state? Tired of the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Tired of the insane "war on drugs"?Well then maybe you should check out Ron Paul who is running for President. Silly stuff from Jan BrewerHere is some information on the silly proclamations and greeting letters that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is wasting our tax dollars on.Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is also one of the government bureaucrats that voted for Bank One Ballpark, which I am still angry about. Chicago rulers pay themselves very wellAccording to this article the royal rulers of the city of Chicago pay themselves very well. They are all pulling in over $100,000 for what I suspect is a part time job.DronesHere are some interesting articles on drones. Some of the articles are on cool high tech drones. A few of the articles are on how the American Empire uses drones to murder brown skinned people in Arab countries."No Child Left Behind"This article is a great example of our dysfunctional governmentUse government to bankrupt your competitors?They tell us government is a powerful tool to do the things us serfs can't do on our own.Personally I think that is a crock of BS! In reality government is usually a tool that allows the special interest group to steal from the rest of us and micromanage our lives. I think this article is a great example of how special interest groups use government to put their competitors out of business. |