I don't agree with everything in this guys letter, but over all he is right.
Every election cycle the new guys "promise" to end government corruption and fix the problems created by the last batch of corrupt politicians, but sadly nothing changes. Taxes go up, and government regulations increase, and America turns into a bigger police state.
How Long Can We Wait? 1/25/12 Do you believe the time has come to balance the budget? Are you ready for a simple and fair tax system? Do you want Term Limits? Ninety percent of the nation does, yet nothing changes. How much longer are we going to re-elect the same politicians who promise these things but never deliver? Regardless of who is chosen as our next president, little will change if we do not replace a majority of those currently in Congress. Most predictions indicate that 90% to 97% of all incumbents will be re-elected this November. Hoping for a different outcome is not sufficient. Ignoring the problem has not made it go away. Waiting for others to force change only makes it worse. We must challenge the incumbents collectively. Competing one-on-one is a fool’s game. For the last fifty years, the challenger has lost 95% of the time. Last election’s ten percent turnover in the House, the largest in our lifetime, fixed nothing. It arguably slowed spending, by a little, but none of the core issues destroying our nation have been addressed. Despite all the campaign rhetoric, what really changed? We continue spending more than we collect. The federal government still grows without bounds. The tax system has not changed. The borders are not more secure. Ask yourself, what has been fixed in the last two, four or ten years? The Republicans blame everything on the Democratic Senate. The Democrats blame everything on the Republican House. The media ignores alternatives. The net result is that nothing changes. Nor will it. Every indication is that the Republicans will retain the House, but barely. The Senate could go either way, but neither party will have a filibuster proof Senate. The President, remember, only vetoes. It appears almost certain we will have two more years of gridlock. Both parties are so focused on power that they will begin their next campaign as soon as this one ends. It is impossible to see how these two parties will ever serve ALL of America again. Can anything other than a complete financial collapse change the ways of career politicians? I’ve never hoped to be more wrong, but the crystal ball sure looks clear. By 2014, our debt will approach $20 trillion. Interest payments alone could demand 50% of the government’s “income.” Look at Greece. Is that where we are headed? There is but one solution: elect citizen representatives. Citizen Representatives will force the needed change. They will not raise the debt ceiling. They will cut wasteful government programs. Career politicians have created this mess. They cannot fix it. We offer a solution, but it will only work if YOU will help lead the effort in your district. Our plan is simple. We have proven we can find quality candidates. Now we must repeat the process a few hundred times. If you are willing to help change the direction of this nation, pick a date and place for the first selection round in your district. We will walk you through the process, step-by-step, but someone must lead. Do not wait for others. Make this your contribution to our country. If you will lead in your district, and others will do so in theirs, we can force change this election. But, if nobody steps forward, nothing will change. Not only is this the right thing to do for our nation, you will find it fun and rewarding! It is up to you. How much longer do you think we can wait? We would like to hear about your success stories so we can share them on Facebook. Please email photos from your events or links to articles you have published to gooohpromo@gmail.com. In Liberty,
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