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March, 2012

Obama - I would like to apologize to President Karzai and the people of Afghanistan

Obama - I would like to apologize to President Karzai and the people of Afghanistan


How to remove your Google Web Data History

In this article they explain how to turn off Google's software that keeps track of your web browsing history.

Removing Google History Data

In this article they explain how to turn off Google's software that keeps track of your web browsing history.

100th Anniversary of the "Drug War"

On December 14, 2014 we will have the 100th Anniversity of the insane and unconstitutional "Drug War".

It's time to protest 100 years of government drug war tyranny.

100th Anniversary of the "Income Tax"

On February 3, 2013 we will have the 100th Anniversary of the "Income Tax" or 16th Amendment.

It's time to protest 100 years of government income tyranny.

Did you know that the 16th Amendment or the Income Tax was passed as a soak the rich tax designed only to tax rich people and make them pay for running the government? Read more about the evil "Income Tax" and 16th Amendment.

A perfect job for Santorum if he loses

A perfect job for Santorum if he loses - And here's the newest member of our TV ministry - 700 Club - SATAN - same sex marriage, abortion, the pill, atheists, not naming him, but it rhymes with yo'mama

In Utah acting sexy makes you guilty of prostitution???

According to this article in Utah acting sexy can make you guilty of the crime of prostitution. The pigs are complain that without the law it's just too difficult to make a prostitution case stick.

I guess the Utah police and government rulers just assume that all woman are prostitutes and this law makes it easy to get convictions.

What sadly that's how things work in a third world police state that has a theocracy for it's government.

Burned in Afghanistan - Is there any point in staying?

One defination of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If you read this editorial you will quickly realize that is what the American Empire is doing with our silly, illegal and unconstitutional wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Of course the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are not about making the world a better place to live. Both of the wars are more or less a jobs program for generals giving then a place to hone their killing skills along with a government welfare program for the corporations in the military industrial complex.

And sadly by both of those definitions the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are a success.

Of course the American tax payers are beings screwed by the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq along with the hundred of thousands and of innocent Iraqi and Afghanistan civilians who have been murdered by the American Empire.

Texas shakes down motorists for trivial traffic violations

Sure Texas loves to brag about being the biggest state in the union. But if you read this article on how Texas shakes down motorists for fines for trivial traffic violations you might also think that the politicians and cops in Texas are also the biggest thieves in the good old USA.

Sadly more often then not, government is not about making our lives better, but about politicians stealing our money so they can give it to the special interest groups that helped get them elected.

10 signs you are being abused by your spouse or loved one

In this article they tell you 10 signs that you may be in an emotionally abusive relationship.

Sadly these signs are pretty obvious to most people, except the person being abused.

My mom was abused by my dad. Sadly my mom never figured out on her own that she should dump the abusive *sshole.

It wasn't until my dad kicked my mom out of the house for not keeping it clean enough that my my mom become free of the abuse.

It still took my mom a few years after that to figure out that my father was an abusive *sshole she should have dumped years ago.

Valley Metro bus drivers to go on strike Friday?

According to this article the overpaid bus drivers at Valley Metro are planning to go on strike Friday. Valley Metro bus drivers are the highest paid drivers in the Phoenix area and average $22 an hour.

I could understand a strike if Valley Metro were making megabucks, but Valley Metro is a government bureaucracy that loses money hand over fist. For every dollar in revenue Valley Metro receives from customers it loses $3, and the difference is made up by Uncle Sam.

Sheriff Joe says President Obama is an illegal alien???

According to this article Sheriff Joe seems to be trying to imply that President Obama is an illegal alien who snuck into the USA illegally.

Well I guess if you are a government bureaucrat who is in deep doo doo, the best defense is to come out slinging the BS higher and deeper.

Of course I don't like Emperor Obama any more the I liked Emperor Bush. And I don't like American's worst sheriff any better then I like Emperor Bush or Emperor Obama.

Another drug tunnel busted in Nogales!

According to this article another drug tunnel was busted in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora. Let's face it the insane, unconstitutional drug war is unwinnable.

Emperor Obama's Afghanistan Exit Strategy

Obama's Afghanistan exit strategy - Now? Not yet!

It costs $850,000 for each GI in Afghanistan

According to this article it costs the American Empire $850,000 for each GI in Afghanistan for each soldier stationed in Afghanistan. Other then that the article didn't have any interesting information in it.

The Jerk steals my food again

Some previous
stories on the jerk.

For a while I stopped buying frozen food because the jerk steals it.

I am currently sick and yesterday I bought some frozen food because I figured that it was a lot healthier then the stuff I normally eat here.

Of course it didn't take the jerk more then 24 hours to open the bag to my frozen vegetables and steal some of them for his dinner tonight.

Jesus Christ, the Jerk want to raise my rent and I can't even expect to keep my frozen food in the freezer for a day with out him stealing it. I guess that is good enough reason to move out.

Of course the reason I quit buying frozen food was because if I bought it and I left it in the freezer the jerk would steal it and eat it.

I could understand the Jerk taking my food if he really needed it. Sure the Jerk doesn't work, but his wife works and supports him and provides him with lots of money to buy food.

And if the fridge was bare and didn't have any food in it I could also understand it. But both the fridge and the freezer are packed full of food. Which if you ask me doesn't even give the jerk a reasonable excuse for stealing my food.

Last but not least the food the jerk stole from me was an unopened 2 pound of vegetables. You would figure if the jerk was going to steal some of them he could at least ask before opening the bag.

On the other hand the jerk is a big time socialist who wants to use the government to steal money from rich folks and give it to him.

So I guess I shouldn't be surprised if the jerk also thinks it's OK for him to steal from poor people like me and give it to himself.

Gee, those socialists who think it's OK for them to steal and wrong for everybody else to steal are really annoying hypocrites.

And while we are talking about the jerk maybe it's time to ask "Are you in an abusive relationship?" and of course "How do you spot a sociopath?"

A while ago the Jerk attacked some guy in an attempt to force him to stop talking on his cell phone.

So I included this article on cell phone jammers, which I think the Jerk might find interesting.

It's uses a lot less violence to shut up people on cell phones then attacking them and beating them up does.

Of course my view on this is if you don't like the idiot that is talking on the cell phone, it is YOUR problem and YOU should leave if you can't handle it. You don't have some God given right to attack and shut up these cell phone idiots. Of course the Jerk probably doesn't understand that, because after all he thinks he is the center of the Universe.

More stories about the jerk.

Sheriff Paul Babau a child abuser???

This article doesn't accuse Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babau of being a child abuser or a child rapist, but paints a picture that he might have been involved in child abuse or child sexual abuse when he was the head master at a Massachusetts boarding school. The article points out children where both physically and sexually abused at the boarding school.

Problems at the Cato Institute?

Who controls Cato Institute? According to this article the Koch brothers are asking the courts to determine who controls the Libertarian Cato Institute.

Special interest groups rig elections???

I don't know if special interest groups rig the elections they put on the ballot. This article doesn't present any evidence to prove that.

But special interest group certainly do rig the date and times of elections to maximize voter turn out for their pork and minimize the turn out of opponents to their pork according to this article.

Personally as a libertarian anarchist I think any and all government is the problem, not the solution. And my solition is to get rid of the government.

But that ain't going to happen and in this article the folks at the Goldwater Institute think the problem can be fixed by limiting the dates of elections.

I will agree that probably will reduce the problem, but if you ask me the only way to fix the problem is to get rid of government.

Sheriff Joe is a fraud????


We have examined this image carefully and it's an obvious fake - Arpaio lawman extraordinaire

We have examined this image carefully and it's an obvious fake - [Sheriff Joe] Arpaio lawman extraordinaire

Arpaio's cynical birther rebirth

In this article Montini make fun of buffoon Sheriff Joe for another one of his silly publicity stunts. In this article Sheriff Joe seems to be saying that Emperor Obama is an illegal alien who needs to be deported.

Look I don't like Emperor Obama any more then I liked Emperor Bush, but I suspect that Emperor Obama is a native born government tyrant, not some dictator who came here from Kenya or some other third world country.

Uncle Sam wants to regulate malt liquor - Four Loko

According to this article Uncle Sam wants to regulate a malt liquor drink called Four Loko.

Please could somebody tell me what part of the Constitution gives the Feds the power to regulate booze??

Perhaps the 18th Amendment?

Nope that was repealed with the 21st Amendment!

You mean this is another one of those illegal unconstitutional laws that Uncle Sam is passing?

Yep, I guess so. Just like the unconstitutional war on drugs!!!!

Will Emperor Obama invade Iran????

Sadly Emperor Obama has pretty much turned out to be a carbon copy clone of Emperor George W. Bush. I doubt that the American foreign policy would be any different if war monger John McCain had been elected President because President Obama is a war monger who is just as bad as McCain would have been.

In this article Emperor Obama seems to beating the war drums about invading Iran.

Air Force to wound live pigs for medics combat training

According to this article some sadists in the U.S. Air Force are going to mutilate live pigs with combat wounds to give Air Force medics training.

I wouldn't mind at all if the Air Force were inflicting this kind of torture on the two legged kind of pigs that carry guns and badges, but these are the 4 legged kinds of pigs, who should be treated much better.

Mesa Police arresting medical marijuana users for DUI

According to this article the Mesa, Arizona police are arresting people who have medical marijuana prescriptions or recommendations for DUI.

I suspect the Mesa Police are intentionally falsely arresting medical marijuana patients for DUI despite the fact that Prop 203 allows medical marijuana uses to have trace amounts of marijuana in their system with out being considered guilty of DUI.

Under Arizona's DUI or DWI laws if you drive and have a trace amount of any illegal drug in your body you are automatically guilty of DUI.

But per Prop 203, which is Arizona's medical marijuana law medical marijuana users are not considered guilty of DUI if they have trace amounts of marijuana in them. Prop 203 says:

Operating, navigating or being in actual physical control of any motor vehicle, aircraft or motorboat while under the influence of marijuana, except that a registered qualifying patient shall not be considered to be under the influence of marijuana solely because of the presence of metabolites or components of marijuana that appear in insufficient concentration to cause impairment.
I suspect the Mesa Police are intentionally falsely arresting medical marijuana patients because they know a DUI arrest will cause them to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend themselves.

I suspect that the Mesa Police also realize that this is a good way for the city of Mesa to steal money from these medical marijuana patients because a number of them who can't afford to defend themselves against these bogus charges will accept a plea bargain and pay the city of Mesa a few thousand dollars in fines.

Yea, and you thought the cops were here to protect you from bad guys. At least from this more people will learn the police are frequently used to raise revenue for their government masters.

Oklahoma police dump Babau as their speaker

According to this article the Oklahoma police have dropped Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babau as their guest speaker as a result of the incidents where he threaten to deport his ex-lover for being an illegal alien.

I could care less if Babau is gay. But I do have a problem with him for being a hypocrite and sleeping with some illegals while deporting others. If you are going to be a cop you should treat ALL people equally under the law.

The Jerk is a parasite who will suck every cent out of you???

Some previous stories on the jerk.

It sure seems like the Jerk is a sociopath who only cares about himself and considers himself to be the center of the Universe.

This story story seems to verify that!!!!

The Jerk is allergic to work???

The Jerk is allergic to work
The Jerk is allergic to work
The Jerk is allergic to work

More stories about the jerk.

Greg Stanton will bring a bigger government bureaucracy to Phoenix

From this article it sounds like the new Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton will be bring a much bigger and fatter government bureaucracy to the city of Phoenix compared to his predecessor Phil Gordon.

The article seems to say that some of these bureaucrats will work for free. That may be true, but I suspect they will all be demanding that the city of Phoenix give the special interest groups they represent free pork.

Which in this case will mean for each penny saved on salaries, an extra dollar will be spent on government pork to satisfy the special interest groups these bureaucrats represent.

Edward Lee Elmore spent 30 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit???

According to this article was freed after spending 30 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

For the last 30 years Edward Lee Elmore has said he was framed for murder. This week, Edward Lee Elmore, lied and said he was guilty of the murder in exchange for being released from prison.

I suspect Edward Lee Elmore lied feeling it was better to be released from prison then to spend the rest of his life in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

The police tell us they would rather let 100 people go then have one innocent person spend time in prison, but that is 100 percent bullsh*t.

Innocent people like Edward Lee Elmore are routinely framed by the police and frequently spend their lives in prison or are executed for crimes they didn't commit.

Will Colin Tetreault find new ways to waste Phoenix tax dollars???

This article says that Colin Tetreault is coming to Phoenix to help newly elected Mayor Stanton figure out clever uses for vacant land.

I suspect the owners of the vacant land know much better how they should use their land then government bureaucrats Colin Tetreault and Greg Stanton.

I wonder if Colin Tetreault is one of those "free workers" that is going to help Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton. Even if this guy works for free it sounds like he has lots of expensive and unneeded plans to waste our taxpayer money.

Before Colin Tetreault vacant land didn't cost the taxpayers of the city of Phoenix a dime. I suspect once Colin Tetreault gets established in the Phoenix government bureaucracy vacant land will be costing the taxpayers of Phoenix big bucks.

If we behave our government masters may let us take our guns into public buildings

The Second Amendment was created to give the people a way to overthrow the government when our elected officials turn into tyrants.

Sadly over the years almost all of these elected officials have turned into the government tyrants the Founders created the 2nd Amendment to protect us from.

According to this article our royal government masters might let us carry our guns into public buildings if we behave.

No stinking free press at Arizona House of Representatives

According to this article photographers from the media are not welcome at the Arizona House of Representatives, unless they bring good publicity for our government masters.

Does this mean we can kiss a free press good by in Arizona?

Drug tests to get unemployment benefits???

According to this article the tyrants in the Arizona Senate want to flush the 4th Amendment down the toilet and require drug tests for anyone who receives unemployment.

Cell Phone Jammers

Hey just because you think the guy on the cell phone is a jerk doesn't mean you have a right to force him to stop talking. But despite that I think this article on cell phone jammers is interesting so I will include it here.

Using logic and reason to regulate medical marijuana dispensaries

In this editorial the author says that we should use some common sense when it comes to regulating medical marijuana dispensaries.

And then he correctly concludes that if you use logic and reason in this debate the only correct action is to totally legalize marijuana.

Law making it illegal to tape record crooked cops ruled unconstitutional

According to this article in Illinois if you tape record a crooked cop you can be arrested and sent to prison for many years. Thank God, Cook County Judge Stanley Sacks thinks this law which protects crooked cops is unconstitutional and has voided it.

Of course you can expect our crooked police officers to appeal this decision which protects crooked cops from honest law abiding citizens all the way to the Supreme Court.

Gang bangers shoot 13 14 people at Tempe, Arizona night club

According to this article gang bangers shot 13 14 people at a Tempe night club.

While Arizona is one of the few states in the USA that has not totally flushed the 2nd Amendment down the toilet the tyrants on the Tempe City Council are gun grabbers who want to take your guns away from you.

The Tempe Police are pretty much helpless to protect you from armed criminals like the ones who shot thirteen people in this article, and the members of the Tempe City Council want to make it impossible for you to defend yourself from criminals like these by taking away your guns.

BART Police violated Constitutional Rights by shutting down cell towers???

In this article the San Francisco BART police are accused of violating the 1st Amendment rights of San Francisco area residents by shutting down the cell towers that carry cell phone towers.

The BART Police also violated federal law by interfering with access to cellphone networks.

And last but not least the BART Police also a violated their contractual obligations to cell phone carriers by turning off cell phone switching equipment it doesn't own.

But don't expect the BART Police to be punished for the crimes. Cops are rarely held accountable for their crimes.

"Public Servants" or "Bloodsucking Parasites"

Government bureaucrats often are often paid more after they retire

According to this article government bureaucrats in California are often paid more after they retire then what they earned on the job.

In Kern County, 77% of retirees with pensions greater than $100,000 a year are getting more now than they did before.

Former Sheriff Bob Brook's pension to $272,000 a year, almost 20% higher than his base salary.

Former Undersheriff Craig Husband pension is $257,997, nearly 30% above his working pay.

Fire Department Captain T.N. Roberts gets $159,598 a year in retirement pay, which is 84% higher than his base compensation.

States' rights: Utah bills demand return of federal land

According to this article the Utah House passed four bills this week demanding that the federal government hand over more than 30 million acres of land to the state,

Sheriff Joe's goons selling birther book?

According to this article Mike Zullo who is a member of Sheriff Joe's posse that investigated Obama's birth certificate and declared it a fake is selling a book on the subject.

Of course I suspect he will claim he is totally unbiased even though he stands to make money off of the deal.

California Highway Patrol Officers busted for guns, drugs and explosives

According to this article a CHP officer was busted for guns, drugs and explosives.

It's kind of rare for cops to be arrested for their crimes, so I suspect this crooked cop p*ssed off his boss for one thing or another that led to his arrest.

The piggy also seems to have been stealing drivers licenses from people he stopped.

History of US taxes

Here is an interesting article on the history of taxes in the USA.

It's interesting to know that our government masters in modern times are much bigger and bolder thieves then they were when the country started out.

Gay public officials in sharper spotlight

Here is an article on gay elected officials, and Paul Babau the Pinal County Sheriff is the star of the article.

I don't have a problem with elected officials that use drugs. I do have a problem with elected officials who are hypocrites and use drugs, but continue to preach the insane war on drug and jail citizens for drug use.

I feel the same way about gay elected officials.

Of course sadly many of the folks who run for office tend to be power hungry nut jobs, which is the real problem.

Deatbeats live in home for 5 years without paying mortgage

If you think the government protects the rights of property owner's you are 100 percent wrong.

According to this article the deadbeat Ritter family has lived in this home for 5 years without making any of their mortgage payments.

And they will use the legal system for as long as possible to keep their creditors from taking back the property which they refuse to make mortgage payments on.

I guess part of the problem is that people think it is OK to use the government to help them steal money.

For these jerks, some how robbery is OK, when the government points the gun at the victim and forced the victim to empty their wallet.

Jewish terrorists on West Bank

In this cool looking photo some Jewish terrorists on the West Bank pose with a snowman and a M-16 machine gun.

Sure the Photo looks cool, but I support the Arabs. That's because the American Empire helped the Israeli government steal their land. I wonder, will the terrorists in the Homeland Security arrest me for that????

Jewish terrorists on the West Bank pose with a snowman and an M-16 machine gun

It ain't racist cuz God approved it???

Here is an interesting article where the Mormon church seems to justify past racism because God approved of it.

Apparently God changed his mind because Mormon have decided that church sponsored racism is no longer acceptable.

Think God I am an atheist and don't have to figure out how the insane mind of the Christian God works. [pun intended]

An interesting form of tax fraud

According to this article someone created more than 100 fake W-2 forms to report in excess of $4 million in nonexistent salaries to state and federal agencies.

I suspect the same person then filed income tax returns under these 100 fake names and asked for a tax refund.

Let's all get a grip on Google's privacy policy

Here is another article on the information that Google keeps on you and how to turn off their tracking, really minimized their tracking.

Policing for $$$ dollars $$$$

According to this article the U.S. Marshal’s Service of Arizona is holding an auto auction on Saturday featuring vehicles that have been forfeited to the government.

I suspect most of the $3.9 billion in assets seized by the Federal cops is a result of victimless drug war crimes.

I call it policing for dollars, because anytime the cops get to keep the assets they steal from criminals, anybody with assets, quickly becomes a criminal in the eyes of the police, because the cops would love to steal their assets.

Emperor Obama to invade Iran???

According to this article American Emperor Obama is willing to launch a preemptive attack on Iran to prevent them from getting a nuclear bomb.

If you ask me the only way for Iran and any other third world to prevent the evil American Empire from invading them is to get a nuclear weapon. That's because bullies don't pick on people that can defend themselves.

Cop cars for campaign contributions????

According to this article Los Angeles Couny Sheriff Baca will give you a free LA County cop car if you give him enough cash in campaign contributions. Hmmm ... and you thought the cops were here to protect you from criminals.

Simi Valley Condom Police

According this article the Semi Valley may start a police force of condom cops, who's job is to force porn starts to wear rubbers while they are screwing.

Sure we don't need no stinking "condom police" but the cops love it, after all it's nothing more then a jobs program for overpaid, underworked cops. And plus they get to see hot porn stars screws as a job perk.

Messy yard cops order man to remove yacht from yard

In this article the messy yard cops in Newport Beach, California are forcing a man to remove a yacht from his back yard.

Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down????

Why it's OK for Obama to murder Americans abroad

In this article we find out that Eric Holder is expected to explain the rationale on why it is OK for President Obama to murder U.S. citizens abroad.

Hey, I don't agree with it, I am just the messenger of this insane news.

Don't expect the FDA & USDA to keep your food same

I suspect the most important function of the FDA and USDA is to provide a jobs program for overpaid and under worked food inspectors.

And while doing that the pretend to keep the food Americans eat safe.

Read more about it here.

Of course the real question if what part of the US Constitution gives Congress the power to food, and more importantly did Congress have the power to create the FDA and USDA.

OK, there isn't any part that allows it. But if they pass a Constitutional Amendment allowing it please send me and email.

Did I see a gila monster Sunday?

On Sunday I saw a large lizard that might have been a gila monster.

It was about a foot and a half long. (18 inches or 45 cm) It was a light brownish color. It had a stripped tail. It had a rather fat body that looked more like a horny toad then a lizard like an iguana.

It didn't have the bright orangish colors that I usually associate with gila monsters. Nor did it have the black, black lines that gila monsters usually have. Hmmm ... well maybe it wasn't a gila monster.

It was over on those large rocks in front of the rich people house on Fairway Drive.

Who says Mormons can't be bribed

OK, Mormon politicians accept free gifts just like most politicians according to this article. But like most crooked politicians they claim it doesn't influence the way they vote. Honest, swear to God.

March 4 - Summer's almost here

Today it hit 80°F, which I guess means summer is almost here. Some time in April we should be getting our first 100°F temp which will mark the official beginning of summer in Phoenix.

I was kind of ticked when I read the California new. It hit 95°F in Fullerton, which was much better then our stinking 80°F high.

Today it is supposed to hit 84°F, but Wed it will be freezing cold with a high of 62°F. Man I hate told weather.

Penalties for growing medical marijuana are draconian

Yes in Arizona, California, Colorado and Nevada growing medical marijuana is legal.

But if you are a sick person with a medical marijuana prescription or recommendation in these states, if Uncle Sam catches you growing your medical marijuana there are some rather draconian penalties.

On this web page I put the penalties under Federal and Arizona law for growing marijuana.

Uncle Sam's jackbooted DEA thugs will put in you in prison for 5 years for growing a one to 49 marijuana plants. The fine is up to $250,000. For 1000 or more plants the DEA thugs will put you in jail for life.

Feds to keep Jared Loughner dopes up

According to this article the Feds are going to keep Jared Loughner doped up until they can convict him of murder. Jared Loughner is accused of shooting Congressman or Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.

OK, I know I am have a very negative view of the government, so the official title of the article is

Loughner loses appeals over forced medication

You have a right to video tape the police

According to this article you have a right to video tape the pigs, something the police frequently dislike.

The legal case against attacking Iran

According to this article a preemptive strike against Iran would violate both U.S. and international law. Of course I think Emperor Obama thinks he is above the law. And of course how else is Emperor Obama going to show the voters that he is more of a war monger then the Republican challenger for the President.

Congress has given Obama the power to murder Americans???

In this article Eric Holder, the U.S. Attorney General says that Emperor Obama can murder American citizens with out a trial in the American war on terror.

Senator John McCain - Bomb Syria

According to this article war monger John McCain wants the American Empire to bomb Syria.

I suspect Senator John McCain wants to start another American war so that the special interest groups in the military industrial complex that give him campaign contributions will make lots of money off of this tragedy in Syria. And of course to create a jobs program for his general and admiral buddies in the military.

Yes our government masters love war, because it gives them lots of excuses to spend money on the special interest groups that helped them get elected.

Jose Orozco to sue Sheriff Paul Babeu

According to this article Jose Orozco is planning to sue Sheriff Paul Babeu and Pinal County, Arizona. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu allegedly threatened to have his boyfriend Jose Orozco deported to Mexico if he disclosed their homosexual love affair to trigger this dispute.

We don't have any problem with Sheriff Babeu being gay. The problem seems to be that Sheriff Babeu is a hypocrite who thinks it's OK to sleep with illegals and then deport them when the love affair ends.

Youngtown Arizona fires it's entire police force

According to this article Youngtown, Arizona has fired it's entire police force. From the article it sounds like the problem is that the members of the Youngtown council have been spending the taxpayers money like drunken sailors and spending more money then they steal in taxes.

The police force was not fired for being corrupt, but for lack of money.

'Christian' con artist gets 5 years in prison

According to this article 'Christian' con artist Edward Purvis of Chandler received 5 years in prison for creating a Ponzi scheme to screw Christian believers out of their money.

Ain't it interesting that those Christians always like to say they are somehow morally better then atheists.

If that was true the prisons would be full of atheists, and not have any Christians in them. But the truth is prison inmates are about 90 percent Christian, which reflects the general population.

Meth lab almost burns down nursing home

According to this article an illegal meth lab almost burnt down a nursing home in Ohio.

The only way to end problems like this is to re-legalize all drugs.

If these speed freaks could buy their recreational drugs in a liquor or drug store we wouldn't have problems like this where innocent people are endangered by an illegal drug lab almost burning down a nursing home.

Where will Ron Paul's supporters go in the general election

It's highly unlikely that Ron Paul will be on the Republican ballot for President, so how will Ron Paul's supporters vote in the general election. This article raises that question, but doesn't answer it.

Normally I consider Democrats and Republicans the cause of the problem and I would never vote for one of them.

Of course Ron Paul is the exception, and he is the one Republican I would vote for. If Ron Paul ain't on the Republican ballot I am voting Libertarian.

Sure I can waste my vote on a Democrat Nazi or some other Republican Nazi, but I am not going to waste my vote on a Nazi that will win and enslave me, so I am voting Libertarian.

The American Sniper

American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History

In this article we have a book review on

"American Sniper: The Autobiography of the Most Lethal Sniper in U.S. Military History"
Man these people that help our government murder people are really sick.

The sniper who wrote this book seems clueless on why he is murdering all these people, other then that the government told him it was a good thing to do.

I suspect the soldiers that helped Hitler murder the Jews were just as proud of their murders.

Obama is a war monger just like the Republicans

According this article American Emperor Obama is a war monger just like the Republican candidates for President. I have always said that President Obama is a carbon copy clone of Emperor Bush and this article seems to agree with that.

Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane to bust drunks who whiz in alleys

According to this article Scottsdale Mayor Jim Lane wants to declare war on drunks who whiz in alleys.

If you ask me it sounds like its more about raising revenue then getting dangerous yuppies who whiz in alleys off of the streets.

A couple of questions.

Why doesn't Mayor Jim Lane install portapotties in the Scottsdale bar district if there is a major problem with drunks whizzing in alleys? I suspect the answer is that would cut into the revenue that will be raised by these fines.

Why did the Scottsdale rulers give liquor licenses for all those bars and nightclubs in this area? The certainly should have know that drunks have to pee?

Let's face it, it's not about making all the yuppie bars in south Snotsdale a safer place, it's about raising revenue for the city of Snotsdale.

Arizona sued for barbaric inhuman prison conditions

According to this article the state of Arizona and the Arizona Department of Corrections are being sued for barbaric inhumane conditions in it's prisons.

Dangerous 6th grader handcuffed for being rude

According to this article the Colorado police handcuffed a 6th grader for the heinous crime of gasp "being rude".

Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down???

Jerked around by the pigs at Tempe Transit Center

I didn't get arrested this time, but I suspect the rent a pig at the Tempe Transit Center jerked me around.

Normally when I use the restroom at the Tempe Transit Center I take my bicycle inside the restroom with me so it doesn't get stolen.

It's a lot easier to do that then locking my bike to a rack on the outside, taking a leak or a dump and then unlocking my bike again.

The incident happened on Tuesday, March 7 6 just before 8:43 am. I screwed up. The date was March 6, not March 7. I found that out a few seconds ago when I took a photo of my bus pass. It says today is March 6, not March 7.

I just got off the light rail, went to the rest room to take a leak, and when I was leaving the restroom the rent-a-pig told me not to take my bike into the restroom again.

There are no signs posted saying that it is illegal to take bicycles into the restrooms, so I suspect the rentapig just told me that it wasn't allowed because he enjoys bossing people around.

I added the details to this url.

In my written notes I incorrectly wrote the incident was on March 7, but I screwed up. The incident happened on March 6, as my bus and light rail pass shows.

Pat Robertson wants to re-legalize marijuana???

I don't know if Pat Robertson wants to re-legalize marijuana, but he sure wants to relax the insane laws that put people who smoke pot into jail according to this article.

On course his ranting that God caused the tornadoes in Georgia to punish for not praying enough is the usual insane rubbish we hear from superstitious people.

Rape is AOK in the American Military

8 women allege rape, harassment in military suit

According to this article 8 woman have filed a law suit in the Federal Courts accusing the military of condoning their rapes in the U.S. Military. The article makes it sound like the American military is still in the 16th century when it comes to how it treats women.

Some travelers get special treatment by the TSA thugs

According to this article some travelers will get special treatment by the TSA thugs and just waved thru the searches.

I wonder, this this violated the "Equal Protection" clause of the Arizona Constitution and the "Equal Protection" clause of the 14th Amendment in the Federal Constitution????

6 British soldiers killed in tank attack in Afghanistan

According to this article 6 British soldiers were killed in a tank attack in Afghanistan. Hey I thought the evil American Empire was winning this war??? OK, that's what Emperor Obama is telling us, but government masters always lie to the serfs they rule over.

Useless information on Manhattan

Here is some useless information about Manhattan. That is Manhattan, like in New York City, not Manhattan, like Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles!

I paid a bribe

Web Sites Shine Light on Petty Bribery Worldwide

This article talks about a number of web sites that try to expose bribery worldwide.

Border Patrol testing spy blimp in Nogales

According to this article the Border Patrol, or La Migra is testing a surveillance blimp on the Mexican border in Nogalas, Arizona.

If you love the American police state raise your right arm and scream Heil Obama, Heil Bush, Long live the "Drug War", Long live the "War on Terror", screw the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Hace mucho frio!!!!

March 7, 2012. Yesterday it was 85°F, which was a pretty decent day for being in the middle of the winter.

According to the newspapers today we are going to have a 20 degree drop in the temperature, which means it will only get up to a freezing cold 65°F.

Last night before I went to bed it started to get real windy and cold. And today it was real cold when I rode my bike to the library.

Ron Paul doesn't win anything on Super Tuesday

The news media said that the Ron Paul folks were hoping to win in Alaska, North Dakota or Idaho, but sadly Ron Paul didn't win in any of those states.

The good news is Ron Paul's run for President might help us Libertarian pick up a few members.

In Arizona Libertarians are slightly less then one percent of the registered voters.

Ron Paul almost always gets at least 10 percent of t he votes when he loses badly, and frequently gets 20 percent or more of the votes when he does well.

"War on Drugs" is also a racist war on Black people

This article didn't exactly use those words, but the "War on Drugs" is also a racist "War on Blacks".

Supreme Court Ruling Prompts FBI to Turn Off 3,000 Tracking Devices

Hmmm .... According to this article the FBI has at least 3,000 GPS tracking devices that it has attached to the cars of suspected criminals without getting a search warrant.

Of course we can only accept the FBI's word that these 3,000 devices have been turned off. I personally wouldn't trust any cop farther then I could throw him. So I doubt if the FBI has deactivated these spying devices.

Since the USA has a population of about 300 million people that means the FBI has illegally installed a GPS tracking device on one out of every 100,000 citizens.

Which means there are about 42 people in the Phoenix area with cars that the FBI is illegally spying on. And about 10 in the Tucson area whom the FBI is illegally spying on. (The Phoenix metro area has a population of about 4.2 million and Tucson a population of 1 million).

Light rail pork to Mesa Gateway Airport???

According to this article it seems like Mesa Mayor Scott Smith is trying to use is iMesa plan to justify spending billions of our tax dollars on light rail pork to the Mesa Gateway Airport.

$3.50 for a stinking half size cupcake???

Yesterday I was in yuppie downtown Scottsdale and I checked out the super expensive "Sprinkles Cupcakes" on Scottsdale Road just north of Camelback Road.

I was underwhelmed, by the half size cup cakes they were selling for $3.50 each. For $3.50 I wonder if those puppies were laced with medical marijuana.

On the other hand even if I think they stink, I think we should let the free market make the final decision on the store. If snowbird tourists are willing to pay $3.50 for a stinking half sized cupcake let them have them.

It ain't rape if you have a gun and a badge.

Phoenix Police Officer Ricardo Orosco - If you have a gun and a badge it isn't rape - Well that's how cops feel I got a gun and a badge and that means I can screw any woman I want to - Well at least that's how the cops feel!!!!

I suspect that is how Phoenix Police Officer Ricardo Orosco feels when he dates a woman too. You can read more about Ricardo Orosco behavior in this article.

Arizona to murder Robert Charles Towery

The state of Arizona is going to murder Robert Charles Towery tomorrow According to this article the state of Arizona plans to execute Robert Charles Towery tomorrow. The real problem with the death penalty is every once and a while the government murders an innocent person. So far almost 300 people have been released from death row after DNA testing proved they didn't commit the crime they were convicted of and sentenced to die for. I remember one Texas prosecutor justifying executing innocent people by saying they got a fair trial. I wonder how that sadistic government b*st*rd can sleep at night!!!!

A little over a week ago the blood thirsty killers at the Arizona Department of corrections murdered Robert Moormann.

It's ain't about arresting criminals, it's about publicity

In this article it sure sounds like Sheriff Joe is getting sued for his publicity stunts. If you ask me he shouldn't be arresting people for these victimless crimes.

New trial ordered in death of inmate forced to wear pink underwear

Did the pink underwear cause this inmates death??? According to this lawsuit Sheriff Joe is being sued for that. The lawsuit says that forcing macho men to wear pink underwear is an intentional punishment.

The problem is Sheriff Joe is more interested in getting publicity for himself then he is in doing good police work.

Spending millions to get a job that pays a lousy $400,000 a year???

Hmmm ... Why are politicians willing to literally spend hundreds of millions of dollars to get elected to the job of President of the United States of America, a job that pays a lousy $400,000 a year. Read more here.

Phoenix to offer Tours of Tovrea Castle

According to this article the city of Phoenix is going to start giving tours of the Tovrea Castle. The Tovrea Castle originally was going to be a tourist wonderland, until they built the cattle stockyards next to it, which made the whole place smell like cow poop.

Tovrea Castle, 5041 E. Van Buren St., Phoenix, Arizona

Oxnard school teacher a porn star????

According this article a Junior High School teacher in Ventura County California may be a porn star.

As it usually happens in government bureaucracies the principle of the school seems more concerned about firing his porn start teacher then educating the children in his school.

I guess that is one good reason to get rid of the government schools.

Utah schools don't want kids to know where babies come from???

From this article it sure sounds like the government nannies in Utah don't want the children in their schools to know where babies come from.

Of course that is another good reason to replace the government schools with private schools.

Prison Inmate 40892-424 - That's Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich

Prison Inmate 40892-424 - That's Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich

According to this article former crooked Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich will be prison inmate number 40892-424 when he is placed in a federal prison in a few weeks.

If you ask me I bet Rod Blagojevich will jump bail and become a fugitive.

Gun grabbers in Chicago and Illinois hit with lawsuits

According to this article the gun grabbers in the city of Chicago and state of Illinois have been hit with at least 9 lawsuits because of their unconstitutional laws that ban guns in Chicago and Illinois.

Crooked Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich who will soon be in prison is one of these gun grabbers.

Wow!!! Pigs are paid very well!!!!

Lt. Kenneth Denson got $407,908 this year

According this article cops are paid VERY well.

Lt. Kenneth Denson got $407,908. Police manager Douglas Keith got $311,060. 77 cops and firemen made more then $151,000.

Vultures expose police "junk science" to convict killers

According to this article a Texas study which found vultures eating the bodies of murder victims is proving that a lot of the assumptions police use to convict people of murder is nothing more then junk science.

Sadly juries suck up this junk science and use it to falsely convict innocent people.

LDS Church blocks abuse of proxy name submissions

According to this article the Mormon Church is locking up the churches databases to keep mischief making trouble makers from embarrassing the church.

Look if you have to keep all the details about your religion secret to prevent people that do research from making your religion look bad, how do you expect me to do the research to discover that your religion is the one true and correct religion???

Yes, I am an atheist, but if I ever find proof of the one true correct religion I will certainly join. But I am not holding my breath on that.

My toes froze today

After a couple of nice 85°F days it got cold again. According to the news it was going to drop 20 degrees. The high today is supposed to be 70°F, I don't know what the low was this morning, but tomorrows low will be 47°F.

My toes froze to death as I rode my bike this morning. OK they didn't turn red like they usually do in the middle of the winter, but they got real cold.

Thank God in April we will start hitting 100°F again. I hate cold weather.

Marine's Facebook page tests military rules

Tyrants, dictators and kings hate free speech. So to officers in the military which leads us to this article about Marine Sgt. Gary Stein who's Facebook page called Armed Forces Tea Party Patriots seems to be p*ssing off his military masters.

Mexican election may change the course of "war on drugs"

According to this article Mexico's upcoming Presidential election could alter the course of Mexico's insane "war on drugs". Of course it isn't really Mexico's "war on drugs", it's Mexico's American backed "war on drugs".

To date about 50,000 people have been murdered in Mexico because of this insane "war on drugs" started by the current Mexican President Felipe Calderón.

House member Danial Patterson pleads not guilty

Arizona House of Representative Danial Patterson accused of 4 counts of domestic violence According to this article Arizona House of Representative member Danial Patterson is pleading not guilty to four counts of domestic violence.

Jan Brewer thinks Sheriff Joe is full of BS???

When it comes to Sheriff Joe Arpaio's claim that President Obama is an illegal alien from Kenya, according to this article Arizona Governor Jan Brewer thinks Sheriff Joe is full of BS!!!!

Of course they are both government tyrants, that deserve to be booted out of office.

LAPD detective Stephanie Lazarus found guilty of murder

According to this article LAPD detective Stephanie Lazarus was found guilty of murdering a woman on Feb. 24, 1986. Sherri Rasmussen was murdered for stealing detective Stephanie Lazarus's boyfriend.

Some recent run ins with crooked cops

Falsely arrested at Presidential Debate in Mesa
I certainly have been terrorized by government tyrants in the last 2 months or so. On Wednesday, February 22, 2012 I was falsely arrested by the Mesa Police at the Ron Paul debate. I wasn't arrested more then a minute or so in that false arrest.
Almost run over by a Chandler motorcycle pig
On Wednesday, January 18, 2012 I was falsely arrested by a Chandler cop. In that false arrest I was only detained for a few minutes. And on Friday, December 16, 2011
Falsely arrested at Tempe Transit Center
I was falsely arrested at the Tempe Transit Center by a rent-a-pig, who probably works for the City of Tempe and Valley Metro.

In that false arrest I was illegally removed from a Valley Metro by the rent-a-cop at the request of the bus driver who thought I was a homeless person.

Oddly the bus drivers were changing at that time and the next bus driver let me back on the bus.

Almost run over by a pig in Mesa
On Tuesday, June 21, 2011 I was almost run over by a cop in Mesa as I was walking down Alma School Road.

I didn't know it was a pig so I flipped the guy off.

The piggy then came back and waved his badge at me like he was going to arrest me.

It figures, the pig breaks the traffic laws by failing to yield to me as I am crossing the street in a marked cross walk. Then when I flip him off he comes back and waves his badge at me in a threatening manner like I am some type of criminal.

Jerked around by rentapig at Tempe Transit Center
And then last but not least a few days ago on Tuesday, March 6 I was jerked around by a rent-a-pig at the Jerked around by the pigs at Tempe Transit Center. That pig told me I was not allowed to bring my bicycle into the restroom.

Deputy steals cash meant for "drug war" snitch

According to this article a Maricopa County Sheriff's Officer was arrested for stealing money intended for a "drug war" snitch.

Let's face it the "drug war" is not winnable and the only thing it does is to corrupt the police because of the huge sums of money that can be made by committing victimless drug war crimes.

Pat Robertson: Pot should be legal like alcohol

Look, I am a stinking atheist, but if Pat Robertson wants to legalize pot I will agree with him 100 percent on that. This is a second article that came out recently about how Pat Robertson wants to legalize marijuana.

Mesa Government nannies know how to run your life

Yea, from this article it sure sounds like the government nannies on the Mesa city council think they know how to run your life better then you do, but we all know they are full of BS.

Give those idiots on the Mesa city council any more power and we will all be living in the 18th century, forced to ride a horse and forced to use a out house.

Damn right those idiots on the Mesa city council know how to run our lives better then we do. At least that's what those morons want us to believe.

4 to 6 weeks to get a stinking passport???

According to this article if you get a passport from Uncle Sam it will take the government bureaucrats 4 to 6 weeks to process it.

And if you want it fast you can shell out an extra $60 to speed it up and it will get there faster then a snail can crawl in two to three weeks.

Ain't nothing like speedy service from government bureaucrats. Don't these government bureaucrats understand the concept of "next day service"???

Emperor Obama's $8,000 gas lie

In this article President Obama claims that he is going to save you $8,000 a year on gasoline expenses.

That is an outright lie, considering the average American family only spends $3,000 or less on gasoline.

$50 government light bulb saves $3 a year????

According to this article this $50 government light bulb which is expected to replace energy hungry incandescent light bulbs that cost $1, will save you a whole $3 a year.

Ain't you glad you have the government to help you run your life???

I made up the $3 and $1 figures, but they are ball park estimates which illustrate my point that this $50 government light bulb ain't going to save you jack sh*t!!!

President Obama can be bought with as little as $50,000

According to this article Emperor Obama can be bought with as little as $50,000. That's what Attorney General Eric Holder paid to get his job.

But more then likely you are going to have to give Obama $500,000 or more to get the government job you want.

NYPD cop locked in nut house for reporting police corruption

According to this article New York Police Officer Adrian Schoolcraft was locked up by his fellow cops in a psychiatric ward for reporting police corruption.

Here is another article in the Village Voice about the police corruption.

NYPD - If you are a Muslim you must be a criminal???

According to this article the New York Police Department seems to think that anybody who is a Muslim is some type of anti-American criminal. And for that reason a special task force is spying on Muslims in New York City. Didn't Hitler's Gestapo and SS troops do the same thing to the Jews in Nazi Germany?

All the Presidential Candidates except Ron Paul want to bomb Iran

Remember in the last Presidential election when we the media made fun of war monger John McCain when he was caught singing "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran" to the tune of the Beach Boys song "Barbara Ann"? Even the phony baloney peace candidate Obama made fun of McCain.

According to this article all the Presidential candidates (expect Ron Paul) and including the former peace candidate President Obama want to bomb Iran.

As President I wouldn't hesitate to bomb Iran - I'd bomb Iran on my first day in office - I'd bomb Iran on election day - (Sigh) I guess I'd better find something to wear too!

NYPD rigs crime statistics

According to this article in the Village Voice the New York Police Department frequently refuses to let people report crimes so that the NYPD looks like it is preventing crime.

The article also says that the NYPD also frequently down grades reports on serious crimes to minor crimes, again to make it look like there is less crime in New York City then there really is.

Video of space shuttle Challenger blowing up

Here is an interesting video of the space shuttle Challenger blowing up 25 years ago. It was shot by Jeffrey Ault. I was working at Sperry Flight System when it blew up and they gave us the day off.

It was a really stupid and preventable accident. The engineers at Morton Thiokol told NASA that it was too cold to launch the rocket and that if they did the seals would blow up.

Of course the idiots at NASA had a "deadline" to meet and they launched the rocket anyhow, and it blew up.


Spring Forward, Leap Backwards - Silly Daylight Savings Time again

I think America is going on that silly Daylight Savings Time again.

I am not quite sure if it's "Spring Forward" or "Leap Backwards" because in Arizona we don't do that silly daylight savings time nonsense.

All I know is we switch to California time and it's the same time in Phoenix as it is in Los Angeles!

Ain't no such thing as a temporary sales tax!!!!!

When ever a government bureaucrat or elected official tells you it's only a temporary sales tax they are lying. A temporary sales tax is an oxymoron. In this article our government masters are trying to convert the last "temporary sales tax" they created into a permanent sales tax.

Welfare program for Game & Fish Police Officers???

Raising revenue with DUI tickets in the boondocks

According to this article the Arizona Game and Fish Department has a new program to bust drunk drivers out in the boondocks.

If am not sure if this is a program designed to raise revenue by busting people for DUI when they are on deserted roads in the middle of the boondocks, or a jobs program that allows the Game and Fish piggies to make some extra over time.

US drone strike murders 12 in Pakistan

In this article an America drone strike murders 12 human beings in Pakistan. In the article the US government called the murdered humans "militants". That's odd, the military usually calls the woman and children they murder "insurgents".

Remember the American Empire is not current at war with Pakistan, either in a declared mode or undeclared mode. Although the American Empire is still engaged in undeclared wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

CHP cop gets 50 years for murdering her husband

In this article a California Highway Patrol Officer gets 50 years in prison for murdering her husband.

50 years for murder sounds a little stiff for a cop convicted of murder. Usually they get off with a slap on the wrist. I suspect the stiff sentence is because the officer is Black and the judge is a racist.

Doonesbury mocks Texas abortion law

According to this article next weeks Doonesbury cartoon strip will mock the Texas abortion law that makes woman third class citizens.

According to the article the comic strips feature a woman who goes to an abortion clinic and is confronted by several people who suggest she should be ashamed. Among them is a doctor who reads a script on behalf of Texas Gov. Rick Perry welcoming her to a "compulsory transvaginal exam," and a middle-aged legislator who calls her a "slut."

El Mirage Photo Radar - It ain't about safety, it's about revenue

According to this article the city of El Mirage, Arizona over charge 600 people for photo radar tickets and has still not given them a refund for the over payments.

Of course I have said this before, but the photo radar traffic bandits are all about raising revenue, not safety.

Pink underwear is cruel and unusual punishment???

Well maybe not. This article seems to say that an inmate in Sheriff Joe's gulag thought that the guards were going to rape him because they were forcing him to wear that sissy, gay pink underwear. He ended up dying over the issue and that's what the article is about.

Romney used private email accounts to conduct government business

According to this article Presidential candidate Rick Romney used private emails to conduct government business when he was governor of Massachusetts.

Marijuana legalization in California having problems

According to this article the movement to legalize marijuana in California is in disarray. Four different groups are attempting to get a measure on the ballot to legalize marijuana in California but they don't seem to be working together for a common goal.

Let's hope they legalize the weed, because having to get a permit, prescription, or recommendation to legally smoke marijuana sucks!

Joseph A. Califano Jr. shovels the drug war propaganda

In this article police state drug warrior Joseph A. Califano Jr. gives us some propaganda on why marijuana should remain illegal. His line of BS sounds like it came straight out of the movie Reefer Madness.

Town Lake debate at heart of Tempe mayoral race

According to this article a lot of people think that Tempe Town Toilet sucks and is a huge waste of money.

GI murders 16 innocent civilians in Afghanistan

According to this article a U.S. Sergeant murdered 16 civilians in Afghanistan.

Phoenix bus drivers go on strike

According to this article the bus drivers at Valley Metro are going on strike.

Tempe, Arizona bus drivers go on strike

According to this article the Tempe bus drivers at Valley Metro are going on strike.

Tempe wants to drive the Clubhouse out of business

From this article it sounds like the city of Tempe wants to run the Clubhouse bar out of business because of the shooting that happened recently.

I suspect the real reason is the city of Tempe doesn't like the Black folks that enjoy visiting the club.

Drug users' union in San Francisco part of growing movement

In this article drug users in San Francisco are organizing to legalize drugs and end the insane war on drugs.

Berkeley police chief sends armed cop to reporters home with orders for him to rewrite story

Berkeley Police Chief Michael Meehan sends armed cop to reporters home with orders for him to rewrite a story According to this article the Chief of Police in Berkeley, California sent an armed cop to a reporters home at 12:45 a.m. with orders that the reporter update a story.

This reminds me of when Sheriff Joe's thugs went to the homes of the owner and manager of the Phoenix New Times and arrested them for publishing an article that was critical of Sheriff Joe's thugs.

Venus and Jupiter star in closest encounter in years


Venus and Jupiter star in closest encounter in years

By Michael Muskal

March 12, 2012, 1:39 p.m.

For many terrestrials, the night sky this week will display the conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, two of the brightest lights in western sky.

The planets -- named for a father-and-daughter pair in classical Greek mythology -- will appear to be just three degrees apart in the twilight. The planets have been moving closer together for weeks and will be at their apparent closest on Monday and Tuesday evenings, according to astronomers.

As any daughter can testify, Venus will be the brighter of the pair. It should be to the right and above Jupiter.

The planets will appear close all week in what experts are calling the best such apparent near meeting in years.

The sun and the moon are the brightest objects in the sky, usually followed by Venus and Jupiter.

Institute for Justice sues IRS

According to this article the IJ is suing the IRS over new rules that require some businesses that help citizens file their taxes to get licenses.

Today was the first day of this year I went barefoot

March 12 was the first day of this year that I went barefoot. In the afternoon it was warm enough for me to walk to Wal-Mart barefoot.

Illegal liens on my home????

I was talking to Anita and she got on a rant on how the banks routinely put illegal liens on people homes.

Hell I suspect government criminals put a bunch of illegal leans on my homes and used them to steal the homes.

Remember several things.

First all the messy yard laws are unconstitutional so any lien they put on your home out of this is illegal.

Second the way the messy yard laws work you are not cited for a criminal action. You are cited for a civil action because you didn't preform your part of a contract you had with the government entity.

Of course a contract was never signed between you and the government entity so any lawsuit that the government issues is an illegal, bogus lawsuit.

And of course any liens the government puts on you home as a result of suing you over that non-existent bogus contract are illegal liens.

I am not sure if that is how it works, but it seems logical.

But when you are dealing with government thieves the only thread of logic they have is that the government thieves have is that they have a God given right to steal anything you own. While Constitutionally that doesn't cut it, for the most part it does cut it because like other thieves they have guns and badges and they will kill you if you don't let them steal what they want.

NYPD rigs crime statistics

According to this article the New York Police Department routinely rigs the crime statistics to make themselves look like heroes.

This frequently involves NOT letting people report crimes, or forcing people to report major felony crimes as trivial misdemeanor crimes.

It's impossible for American police to be corrupt

If you buy into that silly mythology please read some of these articles.

We are winning the drug war????

Again if you buy into that silly mythology please read some of these articles.

We have been losing the "drug war" ever since it was created in 1914.

Chicago politicians pay themselves very well

If you think working for the government is a low paying job please read this article. The members of the Chicago City Council all are paid in excess of $100,000 for part time jobs.

Interesting phobias???

Many years ago my friend Grey Staples gave me a list of phobias which cause his web site to get tons of hits. I stole them and the list caused my site to get ton of hits. Here is a list of phobias in Spanish or Espanol.

Life sucks living with Sheriff Joe

You thought live sucks where you are at? Well come live in Maricopa County where Sheriff Joe lives and terrorizes the 3 million plus citizens of the Phoenix metro are. Read some articles about how Sheriff Joe terrorizes the citizens of Maricopa County.

Using government to commit crimes

Most honest ethical people would never think of committing a crime to put their business competitors out of business.

But sadly most people don't consider it a crime when they use irrational or unconstitutional laws to put their business competitors out of business. Read more here.

Most people also think it is wrong to steal. But sadly that changes when they uses the government to help them steal from their fellow citizens. This article is about how some deadbeat home owners are using the government to helped cheat their mortgage company out of money.

Useless information on Manhattan

Here is an interesting article with lots of useless information on Manhattan. That's Manhattan in New York City, not Manhattan Beach, California where I used to live.

"No Child Left Behind" - A great example of our dysfunctional government

In this article you can read all about how "No Child Left Behind" is a great example of our dysfunctional government.

Ron Paul for President

Here are a whole bunch of articles about Ron Paul who is a libertarian Republican guy running for President. Want freedom? Don't waste your vote, vote for Ron Paul.

Is the US Congress is corrupt to the core???

If you read this article you will probably go away thinking the U.S. Congress and U.S. Senate are corrupt to the core.

Iran plans to invade the USA???

Yea, sure! And I am going to invade the Soviet Union? Probably the only people on the planet who think Iran is going to invade the USA are the war mongers who work for Emperor Obama and the war mongers in the US House and US Senate.

Of course they know that Iran will never invade the USA, but it will be a good excuse for the American Empire to invade Iran, like of like the "Weapons of Mass Destruction" were a lame excuse for the American Empire to invade Iraq.

Read more here.

Congress declared war on Yemen???

Don't make me laugh by accusing Congress of declaring war on Yemen. That ain't how it works any more. The President declares war on anybody the President feels like and Congress later rubber stamps it.

Well that's how it is working out in Yemen where the American Empire is bombing to support the royal rulers.

President Obama - Screw the First Amendment!!!!

In this article Emperor Obama seems to think the First Amendment is null and void and that it is OK for him to mix religion and government.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's silly proclamations???

I suspect Arizona Government Jan Brewer doesn't have any Constitutional right to issue all these silly government proclamations.

My guess is Governor Jan Brewer is just issuing these silly proclamations as a way to get a few votes from the special interest groups that request the proclamations.

Of course Jan Brewer will not issue any silly proclamations for groups that might cause her to lose a few votes, like atheist groups.

Of course if you ask me Arizona Governor Jan Brewer should not be issuing proclamations for ANYBODY.

Ohio cop tases 9 year old

According to this article an Ohio cop tasered a 9 year old child.

I suspect the piggie will justify it by saying the child was carrying an AK-47 and the cop feared for his life. You know some 9 year olds are really dangerous.

Pakistan want American Empire to end drone strikes

According to this article the government of Pakistan wants the American Empire to end the drone strikes on it's country which are routinely used to murder Pakistan citizens suspected of being anti-American.

Gun fire at Arizona Mills Mall in Tempe???

According to this article 14 shots were fired near Arizona Mills Mall in Tempe. About two weeks ago there was also a shoot out at the ClubHouse in Tempe where 16 people were shot when gang bangers opened fire on people waiting to get into the nightclub.

LAPD to investigate their own traffic accidents

In an effort to reduce the cost of lawsuits from traffic accidents that members of the LAPD are involved in this article says all traffic accidents involving cops will now be investigated by a team of cops that specialize in cop crashes.

Now why does my suspicious mind think this will lead to the team always finding fault with the civilians involved in these crashes and absolving the cops involved in the crashes of any responsibility or guilt???

I am sure the cops involved will tell you that even thought it looks suspicious as hell, they are perfectly capable of investigating their buddies on the force without showing any bias toward them and against civilian. Honest!!! Well, at least that's what the LAPD wants you to think.

Did the internet kill printed encyclopedias???

According to this article Encyclopaedia Britannica is halting it's print edition.

I have the flu???

I am not quite sure if I have the flu or a cold. But I am leaning toward thinking I have the flu. Sunday, I was sicker then krap and slept all day.

In this article they say this is one of the latest flu seaons ever to hit the USA.

What if Latin America goes first with legalization?

I don't know if this means Robert Robb wants to legalize drugs, but he is certainly right that the solution to the problem is legalizing drugs and ending the insane drug war.

You need permission from the government to buy gasoline????

Maybe 1984 is here even it has arrived almost 30 years late. According to this article you won't be allowed to buy gasoline or petrol in England unless you have permission from the government.

The goal of this police state plan is to keep uninsured drivers off of the road.

What's next. Making cash illegal and forcing everybody to use a government issued debit card with your Social Security Number as your ID. That way the government can track everything you buy and prevent you from buying anything that is politically incorrect???

Phoenix police officer accused of aggravated DUI

More of the old "Do as I say, not as I do" line from our government masters. According to this article Brian Gentry a Phoenix police officer was busted for aggravated DUI.

Accused murder of 16 flown out of Afghanistan

I suspect this will be the beginning of an American cover up of this soldier who allegedly murdered 16 Afghanistan civilians. According to the article the alleged killer was flown out of Afghanistan.

The article says that means any of the Afghanistan civilians who witnessed the murders won't be allowed to testify.

I suspect the guy will get a slap on the wrist, like most of the other Americans who have been accused of murdering or terrorizing the people of Afghanistan.

2 unprovoked coyote attacks on humans in Peoria

According to this article coyotes in the Peoria area attacked and bit two people. The attacks seemed to be unprovoked attacks by the coyotes on humans.

If you are a homeless person living in the desert that is scary, because coyotes are everywhere.

Ex-lawmaker Richard Miranda admits fraud, tax evasion

Arizona Legislator members Richard Miranda admits fraud, tax evasion According to this article Arizona Represenative. Richard Miranda, a 56 year old Democrat from Tolleson pleaded guilty in federal court to felony wire fraud and attempted tax evasion.

All I can say is here is another one of our government masters who is a hypocrite with the old "Do as I say, not as I do" line of BS.

TSA thugs will no longer break the legs of old farts???

According to this article the TSA is turning it's thugs into kinder, gentler thugs, who won't break your legs if you are 75 years or older.

Ain't that sweet.

Sheriff Babeu spends our money like a drunken sailor??

According to this article Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu has over spent his budget by $1.6 million. And he wants us to send him to the US Congress where he can spend our money like a drunken sailor???

Royal government rulers ignore public records laws

According to this article our royal government rulers routinely ignore our public records laws and have to be sued to force them to obey the law.

Afghans attempt to assassinate Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta???

According to this article an Afghanistan freedom fighter attempted to assassinate US Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta.

I wonder. If the assassination attempt didn't fail would it have helped end the war a little earlier???

Blagojevich leaves home in predawn dark for Colorado prison

According to this article Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is on his way to Colorado to begin his 14 year prison sentence.

Paint home address numbers on streets

Paint house address numbers on street curbs to make money - Carlos Bazan - (480)433-5819

Paint street address numbers on houses

Paint street address numbers on street curbs to make money - Carlos Bazan - (480)433-5819

Paint house address numbers on street curbs

Paint house address numbers on street curbs to make money - Carlos Bazan - (480)433-5819

Paint house address numbers on street curbs

Here is an interesting scam to make money by painting the address numbers of homes on street curbs and accepting donations from the owners of the homes.

I found this flyer on Extension and Guadalupe in Mesa.

Blagojevich I'm innocent!!!!!

Look Mr. Rod Blagojevich, if you are not willing to do the time don't commit the crime. In this article Rod Blagojevich complains he is innocent and will have his conviction overturned.

Who says President Obama can't be bought???

According to this article you can bribe the President of America with as little as $200,000. OK, Emperor Obama doesn't like the word "bribe", he says it's a "campaign contribution".

"Campaign contribution", "bribe", what's the difference. The point is give President Obama $200,000 and you can get stuff done.

In this case 24 people that own President Obama gave him a measly $200,000 and got to meet British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Uncle Sam has a few problems in Afghanistan

If you talk to Emperor Obama, he will tell you we are kicking Taliban butt and winning those wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Of course if you read the articles in the media it sure sounds like we are winning the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan about as well as we won the war in Vietnam and kicked the butts of those evil Viet Cong.

If you ask me Emperor Obama should just declare victory in both countries, remove the America troops and pretend we won both wars just like we pretended to win the war in Vietnam.

Sure it's would be a big lie, just like the victory in Vietnam was a big lie. But it would be great to end both of those illegal, unconstitutional wars and stop the American government murder of all the innocent people in both countries.

Senator Ted Stevens can't get a fair trial! Will you???

If powerful U.S. Senator Ted Stevens can't get a fair trial from the Federal government do you really think one of us serfs on the street has a change of getting a fair trial???

Read more about it here.

Vin mocks the "war on bath salts"

In this editorial Vin mocks the insane "war on drugs", which has turned into a "war on bath salts".

Phoenix City Council bows to the demands of union thugs

According to this article the Phoenix City Council members bowed to the demands of a bunch of union thugs and modified the contract between them and Veolia Transportation Services.

Feds would have to seek local sheriff's approval

If this new law is passed Uncle Sams thugs would have to first notify the local Sheriff before terrorizing the citizens of Arizona. Of course this wouldn't help much in Maricopa County where Sheriff Joe's goons are just as much of a problem as the terrorists from the Federal government.

Can Congress require Americans to buy broccoli???

Is Obamacare unconstitutional???

Can Congress require Americans to buy broccoli? How about gym memberships? Or Chevy Volts? Is Obamacare unconstitutional??? That is the real question this article addresses.

How did OUR American "rare-earth metals" get into Chinese soil???

How did OUR American "rare-earth metals" get into Chinese soil??? Will the American Empire invade China to get OUR "rare-earth metals" back???

I'm just joking? But the Obama administration may not be joking according to this article.

Saying that Americans deserve a cut of the "rare-earth metals" found in China is just as silly as saying Americans deserve a cut of the gold found in China or all the rice grown in China.

Obama’s whopper about Rutherford B. Hayes and the telephone

Who needs fact's when it gets in the way of insulting the other parties political position. Read more in this article.

Illinois government Rod Blagojevich begins prison sentence

According to this article crooked Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich entered a Federal prison yesterday to begin his prison sentence.

Firm Romney Founded Is Tied to Chinese Surveillance

I don't think Romney loves police states. But I suspect Romney will support any police state that he can make a buck off of, and that is what this article is all about.

Bay area cops provide protection for prostitution ring

According to this article cops in Pleasant Hill and Contra Costa County seem to have provided protection for a Pleasant Hill prostitution ring.

Of course the laws against the victimless crime of prostitution also need to be changed just like we also need to end the insane war on drugs.

When ever the government criminalizes a victimless act, like prostitution, or drugs it causes far more problems then the original victimless crime causes.

Politicians only lie when their lips are moving???

No ‘Afghanistan’ in new Obama campaign video

Politicians will make up any lie they can to get your vote. Sure this article only makes fun of President Obama for his lies, but he isn't any more crooked then all the other politicians who will tell you anything to get your vote.

Itzcoatl Ocampo killed homeless because they are a blight on the community

I don't put a lot of faith in what the cops force a person suspected of murder to say, because a lot of it is coerced and scripted to make a person look like the scum of the earth, irregardless of the "facts".

But it is interesting that Itzcoatl Ocampo targeted the homeless because "they were available and vulnerable," and that he believed he was performing a public service because their presence was a "blight" on the community.

Here is more on the Orange County serial killer in this article.

The Death Penalty - A jobs program for lawyers

Money Pit: Andy Thomas’ Death-Penalty-Laden Years

This article is a good example of why I consider the "death penalty" a jobs program for lawyers.

And it's not only the prosecuting lawyers that get the loot, the public defenders get suitcases full of cash too.

Tempe bus strike ends

According to this article the strike against Valley Metro in Tempe has ended.

Government nannies demonize "hoarders"

In this article government nannies and firemen demonized people they call "hoarders". I call them "messy yard criminals".

Government nannies demonize "messy yard criminals"

In this article government nannies and firemen demonized people they call "hoarders". I call them "messy yard criminals".

Firemen demonize "hoarders"

In this article government nannies and firemen demonized people they call "hoarders". I call them "messy yard criminals".

Firemen demonize "messy yard criminals"

In this article government nannies and firemen demonized people they call "hoarders". I call them "messy yard criminals".

Colorado cops write man ticket for cat on leash

Apparently the police in the Colorado town of Lafayette don't have any real criminals to hunt town so they decided to jerk around Seth Franco for having his cat on a leash. According to this article it gets even worse. Seth Franco tied the cat's leash to a tree while he jogged a few laps around the park.

Remember Lafayette, Colorado as being one of those police state towns where the police will do anything to shake you down for money.

Staff Sgt. Robert Bales accused of 16 murders

Staff Sgt. Robert Bales accused of murdering 16 Afghanistan civilians According to this article Staff Sgt. Robert Bales is accused of murdering 16 civilians in Afghanistan.

Obama - F*ck the 1st Amendment!

He needs the vote of the religious right

According to this article President Obama want to flush the First Amendment down the toilet and keep a religious monument at a San Diego veterans memorial.

Crooked California cops have special rights

According to this article crooked police officers in California have some sort of God given special rights to protect them from the citizens they commit criminals acts against.

No I didn't accidentally transpose or flip any words around. I said that in California police officers who are criminals have some sort of God given rights to protect them from the public, whom they committed crimes against.

The article is about UC DAVIS Police Lt. John Pike when became world famous for pepper spraying non-violent peaceful protesters who were doing nothing more then sitting down peacefully protesting.

UC DAVIS Police Lt. John Pike pepper sprays peaceful protesters

It's about money, not public safety

LA County Sheriff screws people they pretend to protect

In this article it sounds like the LA County Sheriff's Office is attempting not to maximize public safety, but in maximizing overtime collected by cops.

San Jose cop admits to having sex with teenagers

According to this article a San Jose Police Officer has admitted to having illegal homosexual sex with several teenagers.

What a f*cking hypocrite.

Personally I think any consensual sex act should be legal.

The problem I have with this piggy is he is a hypocrite and commits crimes he would throw the rest of us in jail for. Even if they are victimless crimes, which I think should be legalized.

Police states love electronic cash

Sweden edges closer to becoming cashless society [police state]

According to this article Sweden is edging closer to becoming cashless society.

In an ideal police state cash doesn't exists and the government knows everything you buy and sell thru your credit or debit card transactions. That's one more reason governments love fiat money.

Texas false puts man in prison 25 years

Compensation? Texas says F*** YOU Billy Frederick Allen

According to this article the state of Texas framed Billy Frederick Allen and forced him to spend 25 years in prison for a crime he didn't commit.

Is Texas going pay Billy Frederick Allen for the 25 years of his life they stole from him and forced him to be a prison slave?

Hell no, the response from Texas is F*** You Billy Frederick Allen. You don't get jack sh*t till you can prove you were innocent.

Remember that next time the government tells you that they protect your rights.

The article says the state of Texas generously pays people they framed $80,000 for each year they spent in prison, but the author of the article didn't do his math.

If you were to pay a person the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour for the first 40 hours worked and time and a half for each hour worked after that in a week it would work out to $87,464 a year, which is $7,464 more then the allegedly generous rate Texas pays people they falsely enslave.

Special perks for off duty government cops???

Sadly when government police officers or cops work off duty and moonlight providing security they often get special government perks that non-government cops don't get. Often the taxpayers pay for these special perks. Read more here.

Secrecy is common in government union pay talks

Sadly when our government masters negotiate with unions on pay issues they often love to keep the talks secret, leading to questions that they are giving union cronies special deals. Read more about it here.

Screw the Constitution - Church's get free use of ballpark suites

According to this article city governments often give churches free use of baseball ball park suites, violating both the Arizona and U.S Constitution.

Ballpark suites - a way for government to give pork to special interest groups

According to this article local city governments often use ballpark suites as a way to give free government pork to the special interest groups that help their elected officials get into power.

Inventor of Red Bull Dies

What about Coca Cola, America's original energy drink???

According to this article Chaleo Yoovidhya, the inventor of Red Bull has died. What about Coca Cola, America's original energy drink? The inventor of that was John Pemberton. He died on August 16, 1888. And no he wasn't murdered by jackbooted Federal thugs. Back then cocaine was legal along with all other drugs.

Karzai says he's at 'end of rope' over American killing of civilians

Yea, so what!!!! 60 percent of all Americans are also at the end of their rope on the war in Afghanistan. Read about it here.

What's Ron Paul up to???

Look normlly I never vote for Republican or Democrat crooks, but Ron Paul is the one exception in which I would vote Republican. This article says Ron Paul is looking for stray delegates. I am not sure what that means but I wish him luck.

Ron Paul is the only major Presidential candidate who wants to end all the wars which includes the war in Iraq and the war in Afghanistan.

Ron Paul is also for ending the insane, and unconstitutional drug war.

U.S. accelerating cyberweapon research

Hmmm ... The American Empire spends more on it's military then all the other countries of the world combined and we need even MORE weapons??? Read more here.

Rick Santorum wants to put you in jail for looking at dirty pictures????

If Rick Santorum gets elected will have have a Federal porn cop stationed in your bedroom who will put you in jail for looking at dirty pictures? Read more here.

Cold weather & rain in Phoenix


Storm lingers, expected to stay through tonight

by Cassondra Strande - Mar. 19, 2012 09:28 AM

The Arizona Republic-12 News Breaking News Team

Scattered rain and thunderstorms are expected to last into Monday night, then give way to sunny and warmer temperatures up in the 80s by Wednesday, according to the National Weather Service.

Much of Arizona is under a hazardous weather outlook though Monday night, according to the Weather Service.

Phoenix has seen 0.08 of an inch of rainfall in the last 24 hours. Phoenix-Mesa Gateway Airport had 0.67 inches of rainfall in the past 24 hours, according to the Flood Control District of Maricopa County. It's the first measurable rainfall since Dec. 18, when 0.12 of an inch fell.

Temperatures are expected to be in the high 50s and cooling down to the low 40s overnight on Monday.

Tuesday is expected to clear up with a high of 66 and slight breeze in Phoenix. The duration of the week is expected to be sunny with highs in the low 80s.

Up north, heavy snowfall prompted school officials to cancel classes at Northern Arizona University and and Flagstaff Unified School District. And Coconino County authorities issued a rare avalanche warning to those traveling into back country beyond the ski boundary area of the Arizona Snowbowl near the Kachina Peaks Wilderness.

The Sheriff's Office said no avalanche mitigation is done outside of the ski boundary area and that unstable snow conditions can develop.

Arizona Snowbowl has 36 inches of fresh snow. Flagstaff Airport has 19.5 inches, according to the Weather Service.

Northern Arizona is expected to see an additional 1 to 3 inches of snowfall Monday.

Roadways are expected to be slick and snow covered in higher elevations, the Weather Service said.

Several roads in northern Arizona have been closed because of heavy snowfall. U.S. 180 is closed north of Arizona Snowbowl to Arizona 64 and Arizona 87 is closed north of Pine from Clint's Well to Winslow, according to the Arizona Department of Transportation.

Eastbound Interstate 40 between U.S. 93 and Winslow is now open. Arizona 260 has reopened between Camp Verde and Arizona 87. Arizona 87 has reopened between the junction of Arizona 260 and Clint's Well.

Bus workers steal half a million in coins

According to this article transit employees stole almost a half million dollars in coins from the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority.

22 killed in drug violence in south Mexico state

Legalize drugs and all this crime and violence will stop the next day. According to this article gunmen ambushed and killed 12 police officers in Mexico.

GI who murdered 16 Afghans involved in financial fraud???

According to this article Staff Sgt. Robert Bales who is accused of murdering 16 Afghanistan woman and children was found liable in some type of financial fraud.

Lame excuses to justify Afghanistan murders

According to this editorial the media and the government are coming up with all kinds of lame excuses to justify the murders of 16 innocent women and children in Afghanistan.

Explosions across Iraq kill at least 43

Didn't Emperor Obama tell us we won the Iraq war, and will soon win the Afghanistan war? I guess President Obama lied to us. Read more about the continuing violence in Iraq here.

Afghan murder suspect cheated Gary Liebschner out of $852,000

According to this article Robert Bales, the staff sergeant accused of massacring Afghan civilians cheated Gary Liebschner out of $852,000.

Israel outlaws skinny models!!!

According to this article the government twits in Israel have passed a law making it illegal for skinny models to work. What's next? Will these government nannies pass laws making it illegal for big busted woman to pose for Playboy???

More on those new plastic food pouches

New plastic food pouches that are replacing tin cans to sell food in Here is an article on those new plastic food pouches I have been seeing lately.

I suspect they will eventually replace cans, because they are cheaper.

6 teenagers busted in Sheriff Joe protest

According to this article the Phoenix Police arrested 6 teenagers at Trevor Browne High School for protesting against Sheriff Joe's terrorist thugs. Sheriff Joe Arapio runs the Maricopa County Sheriff's office and is the self proclaimed meanest sheriff on the planet.

San Francisco Sheriff being fired by SF Mayor

According to this article The San Francisco mayor says he'sintends to permanently remove the San Francisco County Sheriff from office following the Sheriff's domestic violence conviction.

Schools have more important things to do then educated the kids

Shue-Medill Middle School jerks Brianna Moore around about her pretty pink hair color According to this article the government bureaucrats at Shue-Medill Middle School have lots of more important things to do besides educating the children. One of those things is jerking Brianna Moore around about her pretty pink hair color.

Of course this is one good reason to replace the government run "public schools", with private schools that are more concerned with educating the kids then jerking them around for silly political correct rules.

Jan Brewer wants to kill again

According to this article the blood thirsty killers in the Arizona Department of Corrections want to murder two more men. Thomas Arnold Kemp will be murdered on April 26. Samuel Villegas Lopez will be murdered on May 16.

Yes some criminals are so evil they deserve to die.

But I am not concerned about those evil b*stards.

I am concerned about the innocent people that will be executed after they are framed by corrupt cops or power hungry prosecutors.

As of now about 300 people have been removed from death row after DNA testing proved they were innocent and framed by the police.

Of course I suspect that is just the tip of the iceberg.

Arizona's Ray Krone was the symbolic 100th person to be freed from death row when DNA testing proved the Phoenix Police framed him for the murder of a Phoenix bar maid.

Ray Krone was convicted not once, but twice for the murder and spent 10 years on the death row in the Arizona State Prison before DNA testing proved he was innocent.

Thomas Arnold Kemp will be murdered on April 26

Arizona Department of Corrections will murder Thomas Arnold Kemp on April 26, 2012 According to this article the blood thirsty killers in the Arizona Department of Corrections will murder Thomas Arnold Kemp on April 26.

Samuel Villegas Lopez will be murdered on May 16

Arizona Department of Corrections will murder Samuel Villegas Lopez  on May 16, 2012 According to this article the blood thirsty killers in the Arizona Department of Corrections will murder Samuel Villegas Lopez on May 16.

Hayden Flour Mill violates Tempe messy yard laws

According to this article the Hayden Flour Mill on Mill Avenue across from the Tempe Town Toilet violates the city of Tempe's messy yard laws.

Hayden Flour Mill violates Tempe zoning laws

According to this article the Hayden Flour Mill on Mill Avenue across from the Tempe Town Toilet violates the city of Tempe's messy yard laws.

California prison industrial complex becomes jail industrial complex

I suspect this is more of a jobs program for overpaid cops and prison guards, not by design but by the way it is implemented.

This article says the dysfunctional California Prison system is moving from a dysfunctional non working system at the state level to a a dysfunctional non working system at the county level, as California moves it's prison inmates from state prisons to county jails.

New dirt cheap chip from Freescale???

Kinetis L Series microprocessors - ARM Holdings plc

First of all this is a press release and they are almost always glowing articles that say nothing bad and everything good about the product released by the folks making the press release.

But the Kinetis L Series 32-bit microcontroller sounds like an interesting chip to check out to see if it is as cheap and fast as the press release says it is.

Only terrorists take photos of the Statute of Liberty

According to this article the cops say that anybody who takes a photo of the Statute of Liberty and other tourist attractions in New York City must be a terrorist. Or at least that is the lame excuse the police are using to spy on Muslims.

Medical marijuana images

Wow check out this medical marijuana

Sheriff Joe says President Obama has a fake draft card??

You gotta hand it to Sheriff Joe, he can always come up with some wild, wacky publicity stunt to get a few votes from the morons that support him.

In this article Sheriff Joe now says that President Obama is a draft dodger, has a fake draft card or something like that.

P T Barnum was right, there is a sucker born every minute.

Rod Blagojevich won't be able to dye his hair in prison??

I suspect Blagojevich is pretty angry and thinking "What kind of country club prison did that damn judge sentence me to".

According to this article ex-Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich won't be able to dye his hair in prison.

Drug lords targeted by Fast and Furious were FBI informants

More insane news from the insane war on drugs.

Marine sergeant being dismissed for criticizing Obama

According to this article The Marine Corps is firing Sgt. Gary Stein for having made "political statements" about American Emperor Obama on his Facebook page. The nine-year veteran, put comments on a Facebook page called the Armed Forces Tea Party page that said he would not follow unlawful orders from President Obama such as ordering the killing of Americans or taking guns away from Americans.

US Military protects deadbeats

Join the military to get out of court judgements

According to this article it sounds like crooks and deadbeats can join the military and use it as a way of cheating creditors out of money they owe them.

Robert Bales the sniper accused of murdering 16 innocent Afghan woman and children seems to be hiding behind these laws to cheat his creditors out of a $1.5 million judgment.

School uses computer chips to monitor children

According to this article a northeastern Brazilian city is using computer chips that are embedded in school uniforms to track the children's class attendance.

1984 may be a few years late in arriving, but the police state is definitively on its way.

Want to score a pound of meth?? Ask Officer Norman Wielsch

According to this article if you want to score a pound of meth you can get it from Department of Justice agent Norman Wielsch. Hey, he gets it from the evidence locker.

Ain't that sweet. The cops consider all the seized dope in the evidence locker their personal stash and resell it.

Let's fact it, the war on drugs will never be won. It's time to re-legalize drugs again.

U.S. to keep data on citizens with no terror ties

According to this article the jackbooted Federal thugs at the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security and other Federal police agencies will be able to store information about Americans with no ties to terrorism for up to five years under new Obama administration guidelines.

Hey, wasn't Emperor Obama the guy who said he would turn back the Bush police state???

Drug test to get unemployment in Arizona???

According to this article the police state twits in the Arizona House and Arizona Senate want to require people that receive unemployment benefits to take a drug test.

I suspect this is a violation of the 4th Amendment and is essentially an illegal search.

Dissolvable tobacco????

According to this article a new tobacco product called dissolvable tobacco may soon be on the market.

Let's hope the government nannies in the DEA or FDA don't make it illegal and create another "drug war".

Of course tobacco is probably the deadliest drug on the planet and kills more people then all illegal drugs combined. But if this "dissolvable tobacco" cuts the risks of people using tobacco products I think it is a step in the right direction, although quitting smoking is probably the better thing to do.

Dissolvable tobacco - Ariva - A kinder gentler way to die fro tobacco poisoning

Russell Pearce a soldier in Christian ‘war on women’

According to this letter to the editor Russell Pearce is a foot soldier in Christian and Republican ‘war on women’.

Tempe Center for the Arts losing money like crazy!!!

According to this article the Tempe Center for the Arts is losing money like crazy!

Tempe Cesspool for the Arts losing money like crazy!!!

According to this article the Tempe Cesspool for the Arts is losing money like crazy!

ASU Students protest against Sheriff Joe Arpaio

According to this article ASU students along with high school students staged a protest in downtown Phoenix against Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his police thugs.

ASU students protest Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his thugs in downtown Phoenix

No real criminals for Secret Service thugs to arrest???

According to this article Secret Service agents are shaking down a woman for yelling "Pretend it's Obama" to Rick Santorum who was shooting a few rounds at a target practice range.

Jesus, don't these government thugs have any real criminals to hunt down????

Albuquerque cops get bonus for each person they shoot???

According to these articles police in New Mexico get a $300 to $500 bonus for each person they shoot.

The Albuquerque police union says it does not turn cops into killers who shoot people for the bonuses they receive. [Believe that and you probably also believe that salesmen don't push stuff they get commissions on]

GI that murdered 16 Afghan civilians was a drunk???

According to this article Army Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, who is accused of murder 16 innocent women and children in Afghanistan is a drunk.

Of course the media loves to turn mole hills into mountains. Millions of people are drunks, but they don't go on killing sprees. So I doubt if the booze made Robert Bales kill the people. I suspect he was a jerk who would have done it anyway even if he wasn't a drunk.

Obamacare unconstitutional cause government can't force you to enter into a contract

According to this article Obama care is unconstitutional because the government can't force you to enter into a contract against your will. I suspect all the messy yard laws are also unconstitutional because they are not "criminal laws", but rather "civil laws" where the government forces you to enter into a contract against your will, where the contract requires you to keep your yard neat and clean.

Messy Yard Laws Unconstitutional

I suspect all the messy yard laws are unconstitutional for the same reason that Obama care is unconstitutional. And that is the government can't force you to enter into a contract against your will.

Valley Metro & Phoenix Suns contract to display propaganda

For years I have noticed that the buses run by Valley Metro for the cities of Tempe, Scottsdale, Mesa and Phoenix display propaganda on the buses supporting the professional sports teams that operate in the city of Phoenix.

I always wonder were the Phoenix Suns and the Arizona Diamondbacks paying for these ads or are the local government giving free advertizing to these multimillion dollar professional sports busnesses.

Here is a letter to Valley Metro and the cities of Tempe, Mesa, Phoenix and Scottsdale asking for info on the contract if it exists.

These government creeps usually think they are above the law and never answer my requests for public records, so if this is like it usually is I won't get an answer from this letter requesting public records.

Supreme Court ruling on plea bargains shouldn't effect Arizona

According to this article the US Supreme Court's recent ruling on plea bargain cases shouldn't have much effect on Arizona case, because the Arizona Supreme Court made a similar ruling years ago.

Atheists, others gather at Reason Rally

According to this article atheists, non-theists, secularists and others who say they believe in reason, not God, gathered Saturday on the Mall for the first Reason Rally, where they pledged to stand up for their beliefs in a society that they say sometimes views them with skepticism and distrust.

Emperor Obama pays shooting victims $50,000

According to this article the family members of the 16 or 17 innocent civilians murdered by Staff Sgt. Robert Bales received $50,000. The article says they were told that President Obama gave them the money.

Hmmm ... is Obama running for re-election in Afghanistan too??? Sure Afghanistan is run by a puppet American government, but I didn't know they could vote in American Presidential elections.


Spring Break 2012

Spring Break 2012 at the Colorado River on the Arizona California border - Check out that cool jet pack

Jupiter and Venus moving apart!!!!

Last week Jupiter and Venus were the closest together when seen in the sky as they have been in years.

I made a peace sign or letter V with my fingers and the distance between Jupiter and Venus was half the distance between my fingers.

Now they are getting farther and farther apart. The distance between Venus and Jupiter is now about 1 and 1/2 times the distance between my two fingers.

It's getting warm

The weather is finally getting nice. Yesterday it was warm enough for me to walk barefoot a couple of miles. Of course every year at about this time I have to start getting my feet in shape so I can walk barefoot when it is 115°F out.

Don't worry, it's not hot if you have thick callous on your feet that protect you from the heat.

Government wants to tell you who you can hire

According to this article the usual government idiots want to tell you who you can and can't hire.

These government idiots can't even operate within the budges they create and now they think they are smart enough to tell you who to hire in your business!!!!

Computer can search thru 36 million faces a second

1984 is almost here. Yea sure, it's almost 30 years late, but it's just around the corner. According to this article Hitachi Kokusai Electric, has unveiled a surveillance camera that is able to capture a face and search up to 36 million faces in one second for a similar match in its database.

Events focus on genocide awareness

According to this article April is Genocide Awareness Month in Arizona, and it kicks off early with a screening of a documentary, "The Last Survivor," on Tuesday at Arizona State University in Tempe.

Of course you should remember that most of genocide in the world is committed by governments. And of course that includes the evil American government. You don't have to look any farther then the Iraq or Afghanistan wars to see that.

Victim number 17 in Afghanistan murder spree

According to this article the 17th victim in the Afghanistan murder spree alleged committed by Staff Sgt. Robert Bales was an unborn child.

March 25 - Weather is starting to get good

The weather is actually starting to get decent. Yesterday I mothballed my coat because I won't wear it till next winter. I may be homeless this Sunday, so at least I won't freeze to death if I have to start sleeping outside.

Hi 76 °FToday
Hi 80 °FTuesday
Hi 84 °FWednesday
Hi 86 °FThursday
Hi 87 °FFriday

The reckoning on Obamacare

In this editorial Charles Krauthammer talks about the insanity of Obamacare.

Videotape the police in Las Vegas and you get beat up

According to this article Mitchell Crooks was beaten up by Las Vegas police officer Derek Colling for the crime of videotaping a cop.

The good news is Mitchell Crooks got $100,000 for the police beating.

In a really unusual move Officer Colling was fired for beating up Mitchell Crooks.

Officer Colling thinks he has a God given right to beat up civilians who disrespect cops and is appealing the firing.

Sanford, Florida police demonize Trayvon Martin to justify his murder???

According to this article the cops in Sanford, Florida are demonizing Trayvon Martin to justify his murder.

Sounds like the Sanford, Florida illegally released police records that show Trayvon Martin was expelled from school for having an empty plastic bag with minute traces of marijuana in it.

I guess the message from the Stanford Police is that the murder of Trayvon Martin was OK because he was accused of having a tiny amount of pot.

Congress calls TSA thugs ineffective, rude

According to this article members of Congress are calling the TSA airport screeners ineffective and rude.

Of course the idiots in Congress have failed to admit that THEY are the cause of this problems. If Congress had not voted to fund this illegal government agency the problems of these TSA terrorists would not exist.

Goodyear and Glendale taxpayers screwed by baseball projects????

From this article it sounds like the taxpayers of Goodyear and Glendale are being screwed by these government baseball programs which are really corporate welfare programs for the rich baseball teams.

Jesus loves your child

OK, the Priest loves your child (in a Biblical sense)

According to this article there are a lot of Catholic Priests out there who love your children. And in a Biblical sense.

Rep. Daniel Patterson's ex recants abuse claim

According to this article Georgette Escobar has recanted her claims that Arizona Rep. Daniel Patterson beat her.

Obamacare was invented by Mitt Romney???

Many people validly point out that Obamacare is pretty much a carbon copy clone of Romneycare, which was invented by Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney who is running for President.

Sadly these crooked politicians will say any lie they can to get your vote. Mitt Romney says Obamacare sucks, but he created it.

Read more in this article.

American Military expands in Australia

According to this article the American Empire is expanding in Australia. Will the America Empire use this as an excuse to invade New Zealand to reclaim all those American kiwis that have been mysteriously been found growing in New Zealand???

Is New Zealand going to invade Australia to corner the market on kangaroo meat, which has military importance???

Or is this just another lame excuse to expand the American military industrial complex to create a bigger jobs program for generals and give more corporate welfare to the businesses in the military industrial complex????

LAPD overpaid millions for airplane bills and equipment

According to this article the Los Angeles police department made millions of dollars in over payments for unneeded airplane supplies, equipment and expenses.

LAPD profiles Mexican

In this article LA Police Officer Patrick Smith seems to be a racist who profiled Mexicans and stopped then for no other reason other then the color of their skin.

LA police officer ordered to pay $309,000 for hoax

According to this article an LA cop who create a hoax where he shot himself was ordered to pay $309,000 to cover the cost of his hoax to the city of Los Angeles.

Cops arrest 80 year old for shooting burglar

I guess you don't have the right to defend yourself against burglars and other criminals who break into your home and threaten your life.

In this article the Chicago cops arrested an 80 year old man who shot a burglar who broke into his home.

Police attack dogs amuse cops with hours of sadistic fun

Sure our government rulers no longer can have fun throwing suspect criminals to lions and tigers and watching them being eaten.

But sadistic cops still have hours of fun telling their police dogs to attack suspected criminals, or people who were just at the wrong place and wrong time when one of these sadistic cops happened to be in the neighborhood.

In this article San Francisco area police officer Francisco Ibarra seems to get hours of sadistic police fun by having his police dog attack people that bug him.

FDA involved in smuggling illegal drugs used in a murder

According to this article the government bureaucrats at the FDA were involved in helping the folks at the Arizona State Prison score some illegal drugs that were used to execute Donald Beaty.

Will the dope smuggling criminals at the FDA be arrested for drug smuggling and assisting in a murder? Don't hold your breath on that. Our government masters are hypocrites and there is one standards for us and a second standard for them.

Arizona government used illegal drugs to murder Donald Beaty

According to this article the State of Arizona used illegal drugs to execute Donald Beaty. The government bureaucrats at the FDA helping the folks at the Arizona State Prison obtain these illegal drugs that were used to execute an Donald Beaty.

Arizona Legislator loses "war on bath salts"

According to this article the Arizona Legislator has lost the latest round in their insane war on drugs.

In this case their "war on bath salts" appears to have been lost as the makers have tweaked the chemical composition of bath salts to get around the latest law.

Let's fact it the "war on drugs' will never be won.

Also the "war on drugs" is a war on American citizens in addition to being a "war on the Bill of Rights"

Officer Jason Toth likes to shoot nude photos of women he dates

Phoenix Police Officer Jason Toth likes to secretly shoot nude photos of woman he sleeps with According to this article Phoenix Police Officer Jason Toth likes to shoot nude photos of women he dates while they are sleeping.

While I think the crime of "surreptitious photographing" is a "bullsh*t crime" because there is not victim to the crime, I do think his behavior is certainly unethical and he probably should not be police officer.

If Officer Jason Toth is going to abuse his girl friends I suspect he also abuses people he arrests.

Tempe drives the "Clubhouse" bar out of business

According to this article it sounds like the tyrants in the city of Tempe government have driven the "Clubhouse" bar out of business.

FBI spies on California Muslims

According to this article the FBI has been spying on California Muslims.

I think it is wrong for the government and the police to spy one people because of their religious beliefs. And of perhaps a violation of the First Amendment.

Woman who are raped go to jail???

According to this article in Afghanistan it is a crime for woman to be raped, and a woman could go to jail if she is the raped.

All I can say is ain't government and religion great. Of course I am just joking, but our government and religious leaders who treat these woman worse then the treat livestock probably don't think so.

If you don't love the government, you are a terrorist criminal???

If you don't love the government, you are a terrorist criminal??? Any rational human being knows that is false. But for FBI agents trying to jail their enemies they think it is fact. The good news is that according to this article the judge in the trail realized that is a bunch of BS by the FBI and threw out most of the charges against these guys.

Is Obamacare Constitutional???

I was looking at the MSNBC channel coverage of the Supreme Court's review of Obamacare and it's sad that most of the commentators don't even address the issue of "Is Obamacare constitutional".

Their line of reasoning is that Obamacare is a fantastic law and therefor the Supreme Court should approve Obamacare.

Come on guy, lets address reality.

The Constitution is much like a contract that was created between the people and the government. The Constitution gives the government a set of limited powers that allow the government to do a limited number of things.

Even if Obamacare is the best thing since sliced bread, that is NOT the question.

The question these folks should be asking is:

Does the Constitution give Congress the power to create Obamacare?
And of course if Obamacare is not constitutional my view is that the socialists at the MSNBC network should be demanding not that the Supreme Court approve Obamacare, but that the people pass a Constitutional Amendment allowing Congress to create laws like Obamacare.

Personally I am against Obamacare, because it is just a socialist program that allows poor folks to steal money from rich folks to pay for their medical expenses.

Also while the Socialists that passed Obamacare claim Obamacare will drive the cost of medical care down I think that line of logic is 100 percent BS.

Like all government program "free medical care" is an oxymoron, which will really mean super expensive medical care, and in reality drive up the cost of medical care.

Might makes right???

One of my socialist friends was saying that if Obamacare is declared unconstitutional it will be great for Emperor Obama because it that will convince him to pack the Supreme Court with socialist justices who will vote for his socialists programs.

I suspect that his reasoning is correct.

But in my view why even have a "constitution" which the government is supposed to obey, when you can be overridden anytime you have more folks on your side then the folks on the other side have.

If you ask me just because you have more power then the other side does not make you right.

NYPD accused of terrorizing people in their private residences

According to this article the New York Police Department has been given the keys to thousands of private apartment complexes. NYPD cops are accused of terrorizing residents in those buildings forcing them to show IDs in their own homes.

High School narc Alex Salinas, makes 12 busts in 8 months

Alex Salinas a undercover narcotics police officer in Exeter, California who posed as high school student Johnny Ramirez. According to this article Alex Salinas a newly hired narcotics police officer in the small California town of Exeter spend 8 months pretending to be a dope hungry high school student at Exeter High School.

After 8 months his undercover work allowed the cops to make 12 arrests for petty drug war crimes.

Jesus, don't these pigs have any real criminals to hunt down????

Court rules Sheriff Joe's pink underwear is a form of punishment

According to this article the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that the mandatory pink undergarments in Sheriff Joe Arpaio jails are a form of "punishment without legal justification." The court also said it was fair to infer that the selection of pink as the color was meant to symbolize the loss of prisoners' masculinity.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio washing his silly pink underwear he forces inmates to wear in his gulag in Maricopa County

Inmate screams 'Go Cowboys' before execution

According to this article Jesse Joe Hernandez screamed 'Go Cowboys' before the great state of Texas murdered him.

Of course I don't consider any government that murders people to be a "great government".

Tyrants in Arizona Legislator ban medical marijuana on college campuses

In this article the tyrants in the Arizona Legislator passed a law banning medical marijuana from college campuses in Arizona.

While these tyrants claim to be public servants in reality they really are royal rulers who want to micromanage our lives and enslave us with their ideas from the Dark Ages. F*** the B*st*rds.

SCC students demonstrate against smoking ban

In this story students who believe that banning smoking on college and university campuses violates personal liberty sought to make a statement by distributing free cigarettes Wednesday at Scottsdale Community College.

The Jerk is the center of the Universe

Some previous
stories on the jerk.

The Jerk tells me to shut up

When ever I attend a meeting with the Jerk, he always seems to think that he is the self appointed bouncer of the meeting.

If anybody talks he will yell at them to shut up. If anybody talks on a cell phone the Jerk will tell them to turn it off. The Jerk seems to be a control freak who enjoys bullying people and pushing people around.

On the 21 I organized a meeting which the Jerk attended.

It was kind of interesting because at my own meeting the Jerk yelled at me and told me to shut up.

Perhaps if the Jerk organized the meeting I could understand it if he yelled at me and told me to shut up, but this my my meeting that I organized and here the Jerk is yelling at me ordering me to shut up.

Yes I sure do think the Jerk is a sociopath? The Jerk is also an abuser.

The Jerk gets into an auto accident

Sure everybody is entitled to get into an automobile accident not and then. Stuff happens and you make mistakes and as a result of your own fault or perhaps somebody else fault you get into an accident.

And I will even give the Jerk the benefit of the doubt on that.

But of course the Jerk frequently drives like a homicidal maniac. He seems to consider every minor mistake other drivers make as a personal attack against him, which he responds to by driving his car in a threatening manor. And of course he even has a "F*ck You" sign he carries in his car so he can tell other drivers that p*ss him off how he feels about them.

The Jerk got into a little auto accident with his wife's car this month?

Was it an innocent accident that happened as a result of the normal mistakes people make? Or was the accident cause by the Jerks abusive and aggressive driving?

I guess we will never know, because all we have is the Jerks story on what happened.

The Jerk is the God of the TV set

Wed, March 28. I was watching TV and the jerk just started came in and changed the channel on me. The jerk didn't even ask if it was OK, or if I minded flipping to his new channel.

Based on the Jerk's behavior I think the Jerk considers himself to be the most important person in the Universe.

Is the Jerk a sociopath? I suspect so!!!!

Is the Jerk a person that abuses anybody and everybody? I suspect he is.

How do you spot and abusive relationship? Who needs that article when all you have to do is live with the Jerk to know the signs of an abuser!!!

Last but not least the Jerk wants to raise my rent by $50 a month.

F*** the Jerk. I am not going to pay $50 more a month to live with an abusive sociopath.

While the Jerk thinks he is God's gift to the Universe, everybody else thinks he is an *sshole!

The Jerk is allergic to work

The Jerk is allergic to work
The Jerk is allergic to work
The Jerk is allergic to work

More stories about the jerk.

Goverment employee gets a slap on the wrist for stealing $3 million???

According to this article Retired Arizona Army National Guard Col. James Eugene Burnes got a measly 3 and a half years in prison for embezzling nearly $2.8 million.

If you ask me that sounds like a slap on the wrist compared to other criminals.

Somebody arrested for looking at child porn will get 10 years for each photo they had?

And of course if you get arrested for the victimless crime of selling or growing marijuana you could get the same sentence that Col. James Eugene Burnes got for ripping the taxpayers out of almost $3 million.

Cops kill unarmed man, then blame 911 caller for the police murder

According to this article the Pasadena Police murdered an unarmed man and then blamed the guy who reported being robbed for the police murder.

Jesus, pigs always blame somebody else for their fatal mistakes.

Oakland City Council members above the law???

According to this story it sure sounds like the royal members of the Oakland City Council consider themselves above the law. I guess only us serfs are required to obey the law.

we Grow the 'Walmart of weed' opens store in capital

In this article weGrow a company dubbed the "Walmart of Weed" is putting down roots in America's capital city, sprouting further debate on marijuana -- medical or otherwise.

Grab your wallet, Mesa and Tempe want to shake you down for more light rail pork

According to this article the cities of Mesa and Tempe are planning on building more light rail and streetcar pork as part of their corporate welfare program for rich baseball teams.

As Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman and Mesa Mayor Scott Smith have said many times no millionaire owner of a baseball team should have to pay for their baseball parks or public transportation to the baseball park when the government can shake down the peons they rule over for the money.

I think it is part of George W. Bush's "No millionaire should be left behind" program.

Cops steal $4 million in gasoline from the city of Los Angeles

According to this article the city of Los Angeles can account for what happened to almost $7 million worth of gasoline that disappeared. The LAPD is accountable for almost $4 million of that missing gasoline.

Of course the cops tell us that is impossible for any police officer to commit a crime, so it must be magic gremlins that are stealing the gasoline.

Guns with silencers are now legal for hunting in Arizona

In this article they say that Arizona Governor Jan Brewer signed a bill that makes silencers legal for hunting in Arizona.

Opps, they are not terrorists

The idiots in the TSA arrested these Black folks and held them in jail for 8 month before discovering that "opps, they are not terrorists" according to this article.

The article says the whole thing was a big misunderstanding.

Thursday, March 29 - Burned by David Dorn's lies again???

I printed up 500 sheets of anti-drug war literature. Each sheet of paper is cut into 4 quarters so I printed up a total of 2,000 of these pamphlets.

Each pamphlet says:

Want to End the Drug War?
Want to Re-Legalize Marijuana?

We do!!!! Check out Phoenix NORML


Meetings Every Month

Downtown – 1st Wednesday – 7pm
The Firehouse Gallery
1015 N. 1st Street
Phoenix, AZ

West Valley – 2nd Friday – 7pm
Bitzee Mama's
7023 N. 58th Avenue
Glendale, AZ

East Valley – 3rd Wednesday – 7pm
Jim's Coney Island Cafe
1750 N Scottsdale Road
Tempe, AZ

I was handling the pamphlets out in downtown Phoenix, and I gave one to some guy who was protesting Sheriff Joe in front of the Wells Fargo building, which is where Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office is.

The guy immediately told me he didn't smoke marijuana.

I thought that was rather odd, because I didn't accuse him of smoking marijuana. I was simply handling out pamphlets advocating that we end the war on drugs and that marijuana be legalized.

I had met this guy a few years back and he had the same odd behavior.

Back then he called me by my name, like he did this time. I was clueless to who the guy was so I asked him where I knew him from.

He refused to tell me where he knew me from.

Then I handed another pamphlet to some other guy who was maybe 20 feet from him. The guy looked like a homeless person.

This guy got into a rant demanding that I tell him my real name.

Again I suspect the odd behavior on both of these people was caused by David Dorn's lies telling people I am a government snitch.

Normally when you hand this literature out people don't say a single word. A very small number of people will be delighted to see the anti-drug war literature and will be very happy. But this is the first time anybody has ever accused me of accusing them of smoking marijuana after I gave them the pamphlet.

About 10 years ago I found out from Ernie Hancock that David Dorn was spreading lies about me telling people I am a government snitch or something to that effect.

Sadly I don't know even know what lies David Dorn has been spreading about me, other then vaguely that he is accusing me of being a government snitch that infiltrated his F.R.E.E. Supper Club.

And of course those hypocrites have never told me what they are accusing me of so I can defend myself against their lies. They just sneak around behind my back spreading their lies.

Sadly I suspect I could end up being murdered as a result of David Dorn's lies. People, including myself hate government snitches and I wouldn't be surprised if sooner or later somebody murders me because of David Dorn's false accusations that I am a government snitch.

Despite the fact that my life had been destroyed by the false accusations, I still think that the Libertarian platform is the only political platform that makes any sense.

Although my view is that most of the alleged Libertarians I know in Arizona are hypocrites who are just as bad as the government idiots they want to get rid of.

So if I end up dead in a ditch with a bullet thru my head I suspect you can blame one of the parties I have just mentioned in this rant for my murder.

As I just said before these phony baloney Arizona Libertarian are just as bad as the government tyrants they claim to be against.

If you are confused about why I said re-legalize marijuana in the pamphlet it is because all drugs were perfectly legal in American until 1914 when the "1914 Harrison Narcotics Tax Act" was passed which was used to outlaw most of the hard narcotics.

Marijuana wasn't made illegal until 23 years later when they passed the "1937 Marihuana Tax Act" which made marijuana illegal.

All these anti-drug laws were pretty much racist laws aimed at Orientals, Mexicans and Blacks.

Many legal scholars will tell you that all the Federal Drug War laws are unconstitutional per the 10th Amendment. And that the state drug war laws are unconstitutional per the 14th Amendment. But don't expect the Supreme Court to buy that logic anytime soon.

The Supremes have used the logic that the "Interstate Commence" clause in the Constitution give Uncle Sam the power to do any damn thing Uncle Sam wants to do.

The cockamamie theory behind that is that if some slob in Arizona grows some marijuana, that could affect interstate commerce and therefore Uncle Sam has the power to regulate it.

They used that theory behind everything. The Supremes use the same logic on guns. If some slob in Arizona makes a gun, that could affect interstate commerce and therefore Uncle Sam has the power to regulate guns.

My saga of handing out anti-drug war lituratura continues on Mill Avenue in Tempe.

Pinal County Sheriff's Office deleting public records

Our government masters don't even obey the laws they expect us to obey. In this article Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu is accused of deleting emails, which are public records.

Video of Zimmerman raises questions

I suspect that Trayvon Martin was murdered by police wanna be Zimmerman, but in my mind there isn't really any evidence that conclusively says Zimmerman did it. It's Zimmerman's word against dead Trayvon Martin word, and of course dead Trayvon Martin can't defend himself.

This article says a video with Zimmerman in police custody raises some questions.

In the first news reports Zimmerman was reported to be injured but in the video there are no injuries.

Shootout on Broadway Road in Tempe, Arizona

Here are some articles on a shoot out on Broadway at a Tempe night club. 17 or so people where shot at a bar called the "Clubhouse".

Documenting the American Police State

Here are a number of articles on the American Police State. After reading a few of these articles you will quickly realized that the American Police has by far surpassed the old classic police states of Nazi German, the Soviet Union and Red China.

Of course if you are a dim witted cop that loves abusing people you will probably be proud of the things your fellow cops do to abuse people in these articles.

Drones are pretty cool

I have always like drones from an engineering point of view.

Drones are cool high tech toys and if you write good software to control them they almost do stuff humans can do.

On the other hand our royal govenrment rulers who want to enslave us love drones for the same reason.

Here are a number of articles on drones that document both the cool high tech side and the evil police state site.

Of course there is nothing good or bad with drones by themselves. They are just tools that do what us humans tell them to do.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Worst Sheriff in American

OK, you live in Cleaveland and get a laugh every time when you read an article in the paper on what that police state moron Sheriff Joe Arpaio is doing out in Arizona.

While it may be funny to you, some of us live in Maricopa County and have to put up with the insane things Sheriff Joe Arpaio does.

The American Theocracy

Sadly many Christian hypocrites while they proudly claim that America has freedom of religion want to use the force of government to force their brand of religion on the rest of American. Read more about it here.

Want Freedom? Vote for Ron Paul

If you are tired of the American Police state one way to leave it thru the system is to vote for Ron Paul. A vote for Ron Paul is a vote for freedom.

Time to end the insane "drug war"

If you read thru thes article you will quickly realize that the insane "drug war" is not working and never had worked. And that it is time to end the insane "drug war".

That is assuming you are not a police officer. The insane "drug war" is nothing more then a jobs program for overpaid and under worked cops.

Did you know that two thirds of the people are in American prisons for victimless "drug war" crimes that didn't hurt anybody???

Gang Banger Shoot out at Arizona Mills Mall in Tempe

According to this article there may have been a gang banger gun fight in Tempe's Arizona Mills Mall.

Tempe Bus Drivers go on Strike

According to this article the grossly overpaid bus drivers that work for the city of Tempe and Valley Metro have gone on strike.

Valley Metro and the city of Tempe lose money hand over fist providing bus service to the Valley, but the greedy bus drivers still went on strike.

For every dollar in revenue it collects from customers as payment for bus rides, Valley Metro loses 4 dollars.

The greedy bus drivers earn on average about $22 an hour which is the highest pay of any drivers in the Phoenix area. And that is despite the fact that Valley Metro loses fist fulls of money.

Is Rick Duncan Dead???

I heard rumors that my Libertarian friend Ricky Duncan is dead. I wonder if there is any truth to the rumors????

Had your rights violated by a crooked cop???

Even if you have not had your Constitutional rights violated by a crooked police officer lots of people have. Read more about it here.

GI murders 17 woman and children in Afghanistan

An American GI went on a murder spree and killed 16 or 17 innocent woman and children in Afghanistan. Read more about it here.

Abusive relationships!

Are you in an abusive relation ship??? Read more about it here.

It takes 6 years to fire a cop for murder????

According to this article Gescard F. Isnora a NYPD cop who murdered Sean Bell in 2006 has been fired.

Interview with atheist son of Westboro Baptist Church Pastor

Here is an interview with Nate Phelps, the atheist son of the pastor of the Westboro Baptist Church. The Westboro Baptist Church's claim to fame is their message that "God hates Fags".

Look if the Christian God is as great and loving as Christians claim he is how could he hate the gay people which they claim he made.

Look if I ever decide to pick up some superstitious beliefs I think I will take some that don't involve hating people.

New Mexico police get bonuses for shooting people

According to this article the police in Albuquerque get a $300 to $500 bonus for each "alleged" criminal they shoot. I suspect the police union considers it a way to save tax dollars. After all if the cops kill a suspected trial there is no need to waste tax dollars on a trial.

Innocent people shot? Hey, the Albuquerque police union says their cops would never shoot an innocent person for a stinking $300 to $500 bonus. Well at least that's what the cops tell us. We know it ain't that way in real life.

Make money painting addresses on houses??

Can you make money painting addresses on houses? I don't know. I this article these guys are trying to do it. I don't know if it works. It sounds like a low capital business.

Flip Flop etch a sketch

Portrait of a Politician

Flip, flop etch a sketch

The nitty gritty details on the etch a sketch comments.

U.S. has expanded no-fly list

I guess Emperor Obama lied when he was running for President and promised to reduce the police state. Read more about it in this article.

New wrinkle in medical marijuana debate: stoned driving

Cops want an easy solution to medial marijuana driving. Sadly the issue isn't as cut and dried as the police make it out. Read more about it here.

Egyptian Pope Dies

Hell, I didn't even know there was an Egyptian pope until I read this article.

Arizona tax dollars finance California Universities???

According to this article Empire building ASU President Michael Crow wants to open a branch campus of ASU in Los Angeles and Santa Monica. Paid for with Arizona tax dollars. Time to get out the tar and feathers, we don't need to be spending our Arizona tax dollars to finance the education of California children.

Glendale cop didn't know 12 Fiesta Bowl Tickets were a gift

According to this article Glendale Police Officer Lt. Brian France claims he didn't know the 12 Fiesta Bowl tickets he received were a gift. Just how stupid does Glendale piggy Lt. Brian France think we are. Yea, sure it wasn't a gift.

Glendale cop gets a slap on the wrist for accepting 12 Fiesta Bowl Tickets

According to this article Glendale Police Officer Lt. Brian France claims he didn't know the 12 Fiesta Bowl tickets he received were a gift. Just how stupid does Glendale piggy Lt. Brian France think we are. Yea, sure it wasn't a gift.

Drug war causes kids to take dangerous fake marijuana

Sadly the insane "drug war" which makes the harmless drug of marijuana illegal is causing kids to take fake marijuana which is legal but seems to be very dangerous. Read more about it here.

Drones at Issue as U.S. Rebuilds Ties to Pakistan

Here is an interesting article about the American use of drones in Pakistan that kill innocent woman and children.

Sure most Americans naively believe that somehow America is the good police man of the world.

But everybody else on the planet knows that the American government is the biggest sponsor of government terrorism on the planet.

State governments are corrupt to the core!!!!

This article rated state governments on their level of corruption.

Not one state got an A in the report.

Arizona which ranked in the middle of the list at position number 27 got a D+.

Bottom line government is corrupt to the core and it ain't going to change.

California tyrants ban gun shows???

According to this article government tyrants and gun grabbers in California are using every trick in the book to make gun shows illegal.

TSA agent swabs down dangerous 3 year old looking for explosives

You never know when a 3 year old is going to take down a plane with a suicide vest??


Audit finds deep financial problems at Surprise, Arizona City Hall

This article doesn't get into the nitty gritty details but it sounds like the city of Surprise, Arizona has its books out of wack by something like $73 million.

Ain't it amazing, these government crooks think they know know how to run your life better then you do, but they can't even balance their own stinking books.

That's assuming this was a accident. I suspect the cause of the mess was fraud.

Tucson cops having some stun gun fun, kill man

According to this article Tucson police murdered Michael Carbone when they were having some stun gun fun.

Local Control - Higher taxes and more regulation???

City government love to sprout the mantra of "local control", but sadly "local control" usually means higher taxes and more government regulation. Read more here.

Pot smokers are a bunch of old farts????

According to this article a lot of those medical marijuana users are old farts over 50+. The article also says that there are 22,200 card carrying medical marijuana smokers in the state of Arizona.

People in Arizona voted to legalize medical marijuana in November 2010 or about 14 months ago.

My questions is where is all the crime???

In an effort to defeat Prop 203 the police lied and told us that legalizing marijuana would end Western civilization as we know it in Arizona, but the article doesn't mention a word about crime.

You mean the crime wave the police told us was a big lie?

Probably, the drug war is nothing more then a jobs program for a bunch of overpaid and under worked cops.

USA declares economic war on Iran

According to this article the American Empire seems to have declared some sort of economic war against Iran in an effort to prevent them from building a nuclear bomb.

If you ask me an economic war where you attempt to destroy a country by preventing them from trading with out countries is almost the same as a fighting war.

Big Police Pow Wow in Phoenix!!!

According to this article, more than 600 members of federal, state and local law-enforcement agencies will gather in downtown Phoenix for an annual meeting that allows those participating in 77 "fusion centers" around the country to share ideas and receive training on crime-fighting and counterterrorism topics including intelligence analysis, interagency cooperation and protection of civil liberties. [now ain't that an oxymoron!!!! They claim to be protecting our civil liberties, instead of flushing them down the toilet!!! Gee, the cops lie just as much as the criminals do!!! On the other hand, more often then not the police are the criminals!!!!!]

Free D-Backs tickets for elected officials

Let's face it our government master never have obeyed the laws they expect us serfs to obey and they never will obey them.

In this article we find nothing has changed after the Fiesta Bowl scandle and they the Arizona Diamondbacks are giving free tickets to the elected officials so they can attend the D-backs games for free.

Do your prefer the French Police State or the American Police State

Here is an interesting article that compares the French police state to the American police state. That's kinda like asking me if I would prefer to live in a Russian dictatorship as opposed to a Chinese dictatorship. I don't want either of them.

Police are entrapping gay men in Glendale Parks

From this article it sounds like the Glendale Police are trying to entrap gay men into having sex with Glendale Police Officers. And of course as soon as the cop find a man who wants to have sex with him the man is arrested.

While the headline in this article seems to suggest that the cop was sexually assallted I suspect that the cops suggestive behavior told the john that the cop wanted to have sex with him, so I suspect the guy was a victim of police entrapment, rather then the sexual predator the article makes him out to be.

US covering up Afghan murders????

These articles seems to say the American government is attempting to cover up the 16 or 17 murders allegedly committed by Robert Bales in Afghanistan.

Will Obama's economic war on Iran drive up oil prices???

I suspect the Obama administration will say it doesn't matter if Obama's econimic war on Iraq will drive up oil prices, after all Emperor Obama knows how to run your life a thousand times better then you do.

Read more about Obama's economic war on Iran here.

A war on American Citizens and on the Bill of Rights

Don't think of it as a "war on drugs" or a "war on terrorism", think of it as a "war on American citizens" and a "war on the Bill of Rights".

In this article the American Police have become a military force that is pretty much at war on the citizens of American and on the Bill of Rights.

We don't have to obey not stinking public record laws!!! Pinal County Sheriff???

I wonder if the police will cut me some slack if I tell them I didn't know smoking marijuana was illegal.

I doubt it I don't have a badge and a gun.

On the other hand the Pinal County Sheriff seems to think they are above the law according to this article.

Jesus Loves You

Monsignor William Lynn also Loves You - In a biblical sense

Look I don't have a problem with gay folks. Nor do I have a problem with adults who have consensual sex with minors. I do have a problem with hypocrite who condemn homosexual sex, but engage in it themselves. Like Monsignor William Lynn in this article.

You're not paranoid, the cops are listening to you phone calls

According to this article the police are routinely monitoring your cell phone calls, reading your phone text message and keeping track of your location. Frequently without a warrant, and frequently illegally.

Don't expect the police to obey the law, they have guns and badges and are going to do whatever they want to do.

Anti-drug war helpers come out of nowhere

As I mentions last Thursday I was handing out anti-drug war literature in Downtown Phoenix.

Friday and Saturday I continue to hand out my anti-drug war literature in Downtown Tempe because there are lots of people here because of the Festival of the Arts.

I have not handed out any of the literature in the Festival of the Arts because I think it may be illegal, and I don't want to be jacked around the the rent-a-cops thugs that are patrolling Mill Avenue.

Instead I have been handing out the literature on the streets just outside of the festival.

I was on Mill and University and one of those blue Orbit buses dropped off maybe 10 people. I gave each and everyone of them one of my propaganda sheet that say:

Want to End the Drug War?
Want to Re-Legalize Marijuana?

We do!!!! Check out Phoenix NORML


Meetings Every Month

Downtown – 1st Wednesday – 7pm
The Firehouse Gallery
1015 N. 1st Street
Phoenix, AZ

West Valley – 2nd Friday – 7pm
Bitzee Mama's
7023 N. 58th Avenue
Glendale, AZ

East Valley – 3rd Wednesday – 7pm
Jim's Coney Island Cafe
1750 N Scottsdale Road
Tempe, AZ

I was quite surprised when two of the guys who I gave my literature to came back and asked me if they could have some of my literature to hand out.

I gave them each a small stack of the leaflets and let them hand them out.

I suspect if the hypocrite Arizona Libertarians that have been slandering me hear about this they will change the story around and say I intentionally tricked those guys into handing our my literature so the cops could arrest them.

On the other hand with the stuff that publicity hound Ernie makes up who knows what nonsense they could be accusing me of doing.

Hey Ernie, don't you have dumb publicity stunt to do???? Why don't you leave me alone you hypocrite!!!!

The Woman's Rant

The guy I live with pretty much treats his wife like scum. Here is a rant from the last time she was screwed over by him. I certainly side with this poor woman 100 percent.

DEA thugs still arresting medical marijuana patients

While medical marijuana is legal under state law in Arizona, Obama's DEA thugs are still arresting medical marijuana users that sell or grow medical marijuana according to this article.

And they could even arrest medical marijuana patients for simply possessing the drug, although I have not heard of that happening.

Arizona gets a D+ in government corruption

When it comes to being a corrupt government Arizona got a D+ in this report on government corruption.

Sadly the report indicates that lots of government corruption is pretty much normal.

Despite flunking government corruption test with flying colors, Arizona is not one of the worst states in the union. Arizona ranks right in the middle at number 27.

So remember government is the problem, not the solution to the problem.

Spanish Language Newspapers & Magazines in Phoenix

This url lists a bunch of Spanish language newspapers and magazines in the Phoenix metro area.

Map of the Phoenix Canal System

For your viewing pleasure right here we have a map of the Phoenix canal system

Babes from the Los Angeles Times

Here are some hot babes from the LA Times. Don't worry they all have their clothes on and are legally allowed on these tripod web pages.

Libertarian Party Platform April 5, 2011

This is the Libertarian Parties Platform which I copied on April 5, 2011 from this site lp.org/platform

Books on my reading list

Here are some books on my reading list.

They are mostly computer geek books, or books that document the history of evil government deeds.

Check out Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee

I went on a job interview on 48th Street, half way between Ray Road and Chandler Blvd in Ahwatukee.

It was a pretty interesting area.

I should check out the area along Chandler Blvd and Ray Road from 48th Street all the way to maybe 7th Street.

Lots of good places that are not government land where a homeless person could sleep.

A Table of Contents for Homeless in Arizona

A toc for Homeless in Arizona?

Make money painting house numbers???

Check out this scam on how you can make money painting house numbers on curbs.

Events hosted by Phoenix NURMEL

Check out this events which are hosted by Phoenix NURMEL.



February 2012

April 2012

凍結 天然氣 火車

凍結 天然氣 火車 Frozen Gas Train