凍結 天然氣 火車

What did you expect? The jerk is a leach?

The Jerk told me they were going to have a big get together and everybody was going to a gymnastics meet at ASU and asked me if I would come.

I told him no. I didn't tell the Jerk, but I didn't want to spend the $10, $15, or $20 it would cost to attend the advent, in addition to not giving a rats ass or caring about gymnastics.

Little did I know that the Jerk would have paid for my admission fee. Or I should have said the Jerk's wife would have paid for my admission.

Even if that was true I would not have gone. Why should I waste my time going to some silly event I don't like, just because somebody else is paying for it.

She was pretty pissed as I found out later with 20/20 hindsight.

First she was pissed because the Jerk had bought 20 tickets to the event at $10 a pop with her money. Maybe it was 10 tickets to the even at $20 a pop. I don't remember. I do remember the total was $200.

And of course to make matters worse the Jerk didn't invite any of her friends to the event, which she was paying for. The Jerk invited all HIS friends to the event, which of course she was paying for.

It was supposed to be a little pizza party. cook a couple frozen pizzas and then go to the meet.

Of course with the Jerk it never turns out that simple.

So the Jerk spent another good chunk of her money buying tons of shrimp and other tasty food for this simple pizza party. I wasn't told the figure but I will guess another $100. And of course that's not the Jerks money. The Jerk doesn't work, and hasn't had a real job in years so it was her money.

So she was pissed about the money spent on that.

And lets not talk about the issue of her being allergic to shrimp and not being able to eat it. That would just rub salt into her wounds.

And I can understand her point of view. If the Jerk was working and paying his share of the bills I don't see a problem. But since the Jerk isn't working I do see a problem.

Even thought these simple pizza parties are supposed to be simple pizza parties they never work out that way. Or I guess the truth is the Jerk always turns them into complex expensive events.

Same here. The Jerk wanted to have the house clean so because he would be cooking all day, he hired the neighbor to clean the house. And of course he paid the neighbor with her money. I don't know what that cost? At $10 an hour it was another $50. And that's in addition to the $200 for tickets and the estimated $100 for food, which brings the total to $350.

And of course she wasn't too happy about that.

And of course as these things always play out all the house work didn't get done and after her hard day at work, instead of relaxing and taking it easy the Jerk expected her to help finish the unfinished house work needed to put on not her party, but the Jerks party.

So she wasn't too happy about that either.

Of course going to the event was another story too. If she was going to the event her friends and hanging out with them I guess even if she didn't like the event it would have been some fun just hanging out with her friends.

But the jerk didn't invite any of her friends to the event.

The jerk just invited his friends to the event. Sure she knew them, but they are not the type of people she enjoys hanging out with so again the event was a real pain and she was pissed.

As things turn out the Jerk decided to leave the party early and go to the event so he could get good seats at the event. So the Jerk leaves and expect her to entertain his guests, which she hardly knows.

Needless to say she wasn't too happy about that.

And of course there was the woman the Jerk told could sleep over night after the event.

She had to go thru a bunch of work to prepare the woman's room for her sleep over. It's not that big of a deal, but she would rather be enjoying herself on her weekend free time then acting as a maid for the Jerk's friends.

And of course she had to deal with the woman in the morning. Again not that much of a big deal, but again he would rather be enjoying herself on her weekend free time then acting as a maid for the Jerk's friends.

When I first met the Jerk I though he was a really generous guy. I guess the Jerk is a really generous guy, of course he is very generous with his wife's money.

I wonder if he is as generous with his own money? Well that is if he has any of his own money.

Sadly over time as I have gotten to know the Jerk he seems like a very mean, abusive selfish, bully who enjoys bossing other people around and is only concerned about himself.

I suspect some people would consider him to be a sociopath.

I won't waste my time telling his wife that. I am sure many other people have told her that. I suspect she even suspects it. Or probably knows it.

But of course the only way for her to realize that truth is to let her figure out on her own.


凍結 天然氣 火車

凍結 天然氣 火車 Frozen Gas Train