Hey when you are spending money you stole from other people you might as well only spend it on the best things money can buy.
For useless information the NOAA is a big word for the Federal government agency that is the weather bureau. NOAA under fire for magician plan Agency sought performer for event by Seth Borenstein - May. 3, 2012 10:58 PM Associated Press WASHINGTON - A federal agency needs illusionist David Copperfield to help escape from criticism over now-canceled plans to hire a speaker to train agency leaders using "magic tools." The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is in hot water because on May 1 it posted a notice seeking a magician motivational speaker for a June leadership conference in suburban Maryland. The agency said presentations should include "physical energizers, magic tricks, puzzles, brain teasers, word games, humor and team building exercises." It asked for the performer to create "a unique model of translating magic and principals of the psychology of magic, magic tools, techniques and experiences into a method of teaching leadership." In an eight-page bid solicitation, the agency in charge of weather, climate and oceans said it wanted to use the emotional intelligence techniques of a prominent Harvard professor who has written five books but misspelled his name. The posting came weeks after the General Services Administration was embroiled in a scandal involving a Las Vegas conference that cost nearly $1 million and included a mind reader. Congressmen and senators called NOAA's plans frivolous and ridiculous. House Science Committee Chairman Ralph Hall, R-Texas, gave NOAA Administrator Jane Lubchenco a week to come up with an explanation and details about past spending on magicians and comedians. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., in a statement, said "this is a low point even by Washington's standards" and added that "the best magic that NOAA could perform would be to make this wasteful spending disappear." After NOAA's notice was reported by Government Executive magazine, the agency canceled the gig. |