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New Mexico photo radar van shot up


Santa Fe police seek man who shot radar SUV

Apr. 21, 2012 11:59 AM

Associated Press

SANTA FE, N.M. -- Police in Santa Fe, N.M. are looking for an older man clad in an old-fashioned nightshirt who shot up a parked police speed-enforcement vehicle.

Police released video of the man driving up on the night of April 11, getting out and walking toward the unmanned police SUV. He then methodically opens fire with a handgun, firing at least five times.

Three bullets hit the vehicle, piercing the windshield and damaging the roof, but that the camera equipment remained intact.

The city's speed-enforcement vehicles are operated by Scottsdale-based Redflex Traffic Systems. The Santa Fe New Mexican reports the city received the Redflex video on Friday and released it, hoping someone recognizes the gunman.

In 2010 in Phoenix, Thomas Patrick Destories, 69, of Phoenix, pleaded guilty to second-degree murder in the shooting death of the operator of a speed-camera van in Phoenix on April 19, 2009.

The speed-enforcement vehicles use radar and photograph speeders, who then get a ticket in the mail.


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