![]() The wording of Prop 203 says doctors can write medical marijuana prescriptions or recommendations as the law calls it for any "”DEBILITATING MEDICAL CONDITION” [which causes] SEVERE AND CHRONIC PAIN;" Under that definition migraine headaches which most people consider to be severely painful headaches clearly qualifies as a condition which a doctor can write a patient a prescription for medical marijuana. I suspect that I am right on that because I have met several people who have migraine headaches and have gotten prescriptions for medical marijuana to treat their migraine headaches. I find it rather odd, that Will Humble and his drug war tyrants at the Department of Health Services are currently debating on if migraine headaches are a legitimate medical illness that can be added to the list of illnesses that can be legally treated with medial marijuana, when in fact migraine headaches currently are an illness that is allowed to be treated with medical marijuana by Prop 203. I suspect that Will Humble wants to use this as a lame excuse to stop doctors from writing medical marijuana prescriptions for migraine headaches. If I worked for the Arizona DHS, I would say we are not even going to discuss this issue because by the definition of illnesses in Prop 203 migraine headaches are already illnesses that are allowed to be treated with medial marijuana. I also would demand that DHS stop the discussion now because it is a waste of time and money since migraine headaches are already an illness that is treatable by medical marijuana. Of course I suspect that the reason Will Humble is allowing the migraine headaches issue to be discussed is because he wants to use this as a lame excuse to BAN doctors from prescribing medical marijuana for migraine headaches. In July, Will Humble will announce his decision on whether to allow any of the new illnesses currently being discussed to be added to the list of illnesses that doctors are currently allowed to prescribe or recommend medical marijuana for. I suspect Will Humble will not allow ANY new uses for medical marijuana. He has already said he will not approve any new uses unless there are scientific tests that prove marijuana is good at treating these illnesses. And of course because the DEA has effectively made it illegal to do medical research on marijuana there will NEVER be any scientific evidence that says marijuana is effective at treating ANY illness. So Will Humble has created a Catch 22 which will allow him to ban any and all new uses for medical marijuana. Next I suspect Will Humble will use his decision that migraine headaches are not allowed to be treated with medical marijuana as a lame excuse to stop doctors from writing new patients prescriptions for medical marijuana and perhaps revoke the prescriptions of existing patients who have prescriptions written for migraine headaches. Since DHS gets to see all the prescriptions that doctors write for medical marijuana I suspect that they will start sending jackbooted police thugs to the offices of all doctors that write prescriptions for migraine headaches telling the doctors that they will face criminal prosecution if they continue to write prescriptions for people that have migraine headaches. DHS will tell the doctors that that in July of 2012 [next month as I am writing this] Will Humble ruled that migraine headaches are not allowed to be treatable with medical marijuana, and therefore the doctors are violating the law by writing prescriptions for migraine headaches. Of course the DHS will conveniently ignore the fact the Prop 203 as written clearly allows medical marijuana prescriptions for migraine headaches. I suspect that DHS will also revoke the prescriptions for all the people that have been written for migraine headaches. Again the DHS will tell the patients that in July 2012 [next month as I am writing this] Will Humble ruled that migraine headaches are not a condition that is allowed to be treated with medical marijuana and therefore the DHS is revoking their prescription. Again the DHS will conveniently ignore the fact the Prop 203 as written clearly allows medical marijuana prescriptions for migraine headaches. I suspect many doctors will simply stop writing medical marijuana prescriptions for migraine headaches, rather then spending tens and probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees fighting the issue. And of course people who have migraine headaches and received medical marijuana prescriptions will be even worse off. Most of these people can barely afford the $150 in doctors fees and the $150 fee for the Arizona medical marijuana card, which is a total of about $300. These people certainly won't be able to afford to hire a lawyer and fight Will Humble's ruling that medical marijuana can't be used for migraine headaches when they can barely afford the $300 needed to get a medical marijuana prescription or recommendation. I would start complaining now to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, Arizona DHS director Will Humble, and the media the currently migraine headaches ARE a valid reason for doctors to write medical marijuana prescriptions or recommendations as they are called by Prop 203. Of course drug war tyrants Jan Brewer and Will Humble will ignore all our complaints, but I suspect the media won't and if we complain loud enough the media will help expose Will Humble and Jan Brewer as the drug war tyrants that they are. Here is a copy of one of the articles ran in the Arizona Republic which says that Will Humble and the folks at the Arizona Department of Health Services are considering adding migraine headaches to the list of illnesses that are allowed to be treated by medical marijuana:
Arizona may add more uses for medical marijuana by Yvonne Wingett Sanchez - May. 24, 2012 09:55 PM The Republic | azcentral.com Arizona health officials will hear testimony today at 1 p.m. to consider adding four new conditions to the state's medical-marijuana program. Health officials are considering whether to add depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and migraines as "debilitating conditions," which would allow qualified people to legally use medical pot to treat them. Arizona would become the only state in the nation to allow medical marijuana for anxiety and depression, according to Will Humble, director of the state Department of Health Services, which oversees the program. [That is a lie! In California you can get a medical marijuana prescription for about anything including a mild headache!] He has said New Mexico is the only state that actively allows medical marijuana for PTSD. The voter-approved law requires the state to periodically accept and evaluate petitions to allow new medical conditions into the program. Friday also is the deadline to apply for a medical-marijuana dispensary. The state allows 126 dispensaries; as of 4:30 p.m. Thursday, the state received 205 applications. |