Check out this
from the tyrants at the Arizona Department of Health Services and
you will find out they are doing everything within their power
to make things as difficult as possible for people that
qualify to use medical marijuana in Arizona
You can ONLY apply ONLINEJust to make things dificult for medical marijuana paients the Arizona Department of Health Services only lets you apply ONLINE to get your medical marijuana prescription.You can apply for a driver's license in person. You can get a prescription for any drug that is legal by getting a prescription in person and walking it to the drug store. But the tyrants at the Arizona Department of Health Services want to make things difficult for you and require you to apply on line.
QP02: Do I need to apply for my qualified patient card on-line? Can I walk it in?
No, ADHS will only accept applications submitted online. A debit or credit card is required! Cash not allowed!According to this documentation you can't pay for your Arizona Medical Marijuana card with cash. You must pay with a debit or credit card.
A valid and current Visa or MasterCard for payment.
A credit card, debit card, or pre-paid cards are accepted.
I guess government tyrants Bill Humble and Jan Brewer figure
that making it illegal to pay with cash and requiring a debit
or credit card will prevent a good number of people
from getting their medical marijuana which they are legally
allowed under Arizona law!
Hey! Screw the law. We want to make sure the drug war continues to be a jobs program for cops, by allowing them to arrest as many people possible for the victimless crime of using marijuana! You must create a PDF file to get the prescriptionWhy make things easy and let people up load gif or jpeg files which most computer geeks understand. (Although I suspect most of the population is clueless to what a gif or jpeg file is!)To make things even more difficult for medical marijuana users require them to upload a PDF file, which even a lot of computer geeks down know how to create.
QP04: Your website requires that I submit electronic copies of everything in PDF format. I don't know how to do that. How should I proceed?
PDF is the Adobe Portable Document Format used to store documents and pictures digitally. Some computers and software can save documents in PDF format. If you are unable or unsure whether you can save documents in PDF format, some businesses offer the service of converting or saving your documents and will provide them on a CD or memory card. Consult your local telephone or internet listing directory. Doctors can't use standard prescription formsThe Arizona Department of Health Services could have required doctors to write their medical marijuana recommendations on the same forms that use to write prescriptions for normal drugs.But that would have been too easy and the tyrants at DHS are requiring doctors to use a special form create by the tyrants at the Arizona DHS.
QP12: Does the certification from my doctor need to be on a specific form?
Yes, the ADHS certification form must be filled out completely and signed and initialed by the physician providing the written certification. Road blocks to growing medical marijuanaIf you want to grow your own medical marijuana the Arizona Department of Health Services is going to make it as difficult for you as possible. Get these silly rules that art required to grow you own medical marijuana.Your medical marijuana must be enclosed by:
QP26: Can I grow marijuana outside?
You can grow marijuana outside if you are authorized to cultivate marijuana and you comply with the law, growing the marijuana in an enclosed, locked facility: a closet, room, greenhouse, or other enclosed area equipped with locks or other security devices that permit access only by a cardholder. "Enclosed area" is defined in rule as an outdoor space surrounded by solid 10-foot walls constructed of metal, concrete, or stone that prevent any viewing of the marijuana plants, with a one-inch-thick metal gate. ADHS screws out of state medical marijuana patients!The tyrants at the Arizona Department of Health Services also want to make things as difficult as possible for out of state medical marijuana users who visit Arizona.They are NOT allowed to buy medical marijuana at pot stores or medical marijuana dispensaries as the law calls them.
QP40: If I am visiting Arizona from another state from which I have obtained a medical marijuana card, can I legally possess marijuana? May I buy marijuana from a dispensary?
State law allows a visiting qualifying patient with a registry identification card or its equivalent, issued by the qualifying patient's home state, to possess or use marijuana. However, a visiting patient is not authorized to obtain marijuana from a dispensary because the dispensary is required in statute to access a verification system before dispensing marijuana. ADHS will grab you money quicker then you can open your wallet!While the Arizona Department of Health Services is making it as difficult as possible for sick people to get medical marijuana they are also looting their wallets for the down right sh*tty service ADHS provides. But hey what do you expect for a bunch of crooks from the government.
QP45: How much will it cost to apply for a registry identification card or a dispensary registration certificate?
The fees are listed in rules and include:
ADHS micromanages the selling of medical marijuanaOf course the Arizona Department of Health Services is making things as difficult as possible for sellers of medical marijuana. Get these requirements that must be on the medical marijuana's label
QP37: How will I know if I'm getting medical marijuana?
The rules require labels containing specific information about where the marijuana came from, amount and strain, date of manufacture, a list of chemical additives, and other information to be attached to all products sold by dispensaries, including marijuana or products containing marijuana. The label on an edible product containing marijuana must also state the total weight of the product. Don't ask us for the names of doctors!!!Again the ADHS ain't going to do jack sh*t to help you find a good doctor or provider of medical marijuana. And I am sure Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Arizona Department of Health Services Bill Humble want to do everything possible to prevent you from exercising your legal right to use medical marijuana.
QP46: My doctor doesn't believe in medical marijuana and will not prescribe it for any of his patients, what do I do? How do I find a doctor who will?
The Arizona Department of Health Services does not offer advice about choosing a healthcare professional. Again don't ask us for the names of doctors!!!Don't expect jack sh*t from the Arizona Department of Health Services when it comes to help with medical marijuana.
QP11: Does the Department provide a list of physicians who will write a medical marijuana certification?
No, the Department does not provide referrals to or recommendations for any physician. Lets not make things easy for sick people
P13: What if my doctor gave me a form that isn't in the ADHS format, can I submit that?
No, ADHS will only accept the physician's certification on the ADHS form. Get in line and wait 10 daysCan you imagine if the tyrants at the Arizona Department of Health Services made you wait 10 days before you could get a prescription for antibiotics???Of course the tyrants at ADHS will make you wait up to 10 days before letting you fill your medical marijuana prescription
QP17: How long will it take for me to receive my registry identification card after I submit my application?
After ADHS receives a complete application, ADHS will issue a registry identification card to the patient within 10 working days. Again don't ask us for the names of doctors!!!
QP47: I would like a list of all of the physicians who are providing Medical Marijuana certificates to qualifying patients?
The Department cannot provide you with a list of physicians who are providing Medical Marijuana certificates to qualifying patients. Because of us there are not medical marijuana dispensariesSo as of now it is IMPOSSIBLE for a medical marijuana patient to legally obtain medical marijuana! Again because of the frivolous lawsuit Jan Brewer filed in Federal court in an attempt to nullify the Arizona Medical Marijuana law.
QP30: Where can I legally obtain marijuana if I am a qualifying patient?
Qualifying patients can obtain medical marijuana from a dispensary, the qualifying patient's designated caregiver, another qualifying patient, or, if authorized to cultivate, from home cultivation. Your valid driver's license ain't valid here!!!In Arizona when you get your driver's license it is good until you are 65 years old.But to make things difficult for sick people who need medical marijuana the state is refusing to accept any valid Arizona driver's licenses issued before Oct 1, 1996
A copy of the patient’s: □ Arizona driver’s license issued on or after October 1, 1996; Out of state driver's licenses not acceptedHappens all the time. You come visit Arizona or some other state and get sick and need to get a prescription for some drugs.With normal drugs you don't even need a driver's license. You just get your prescription from the doctor, take it to the pharmacy and have it filled. But the tyrants at Arizona Department of Health Services want to make it as difficult as possible for out of state sick people who need medical marijuana in Arizona. The Will Humble and the other tyrants at ADHS required sick people to get an Arizona driver's license or Arizona ID card before letting them get medical marijuana in Arizona.
A copy of the patient’s:
A birth certificate is required for medical marijuanaPlease stop laughing so loud. No Will Humble and Governor Jan Brewer are not idiots who made a bunch of rules that are almost impossible to follow. They did it INTENTIONALLY.While they are not idiots they are tyrants and that is why the made it so difficult. They don't like people using medical marijuana and are going to do everything they can to prevent people from exercising their right under Arizona law to use medical marijuana. In this case if your Arizona driver's license was issued before October 1, 1996 the tyrants at the Arizona Department of Health Services are requiring that you get a BIRTH CERTIFICATE before you can get your medical marijuana prescription filled. Can you imagine how many people would die if these government idiots required you to present a "birth certificate" before you could have your prescription for antibiotics filled?
A copy of the patient’s:
No Mexican's allowed to use medical marijuanaWhen Jan Brewer and the racist government tyrants in the Arizona Legislator passes SB 1070, Arizona became know worldwide as the most racist state in the United States by passing racist Mississippi and Alabama to jump to being the number one racist state in the USA.With that in mind racist Jan Brewer and racist DHS Director William Humble decided to deny Mexicans and other foreigners the use of medical marijuana in Arizona. Look Jan and William, I think you are both racist *ssholes. But I am sure Adoph Hitler is smiling in his grave seeing how you two tyrants have moved Arizona to the top of the list of racist states in the USA. From this list it sure sounds like only American citizens are allowed to use medical marijuana in Arizona. Please note to get an Arizona driver's license you must be an American citizen.
A copy of the patient’s:
A photo is required to get a medical marijuana prescription??I have been sick a number of times and I have gotten a number of prescriptions for drugs to make my illness go away.But I have never, never been required to have a photo to get my prescription for drug filled. Well, at least until Governor Jan Brewer and William Humble came up with these silly rules designed to make it as difficult as possible for people in Arizona to get medical marijuana. You need a stinking photo to get your medical marijuana in Arizona.
Not only do you need a photograph you need a
stinking photo graph that meets all of these
silly rules.
Current photograph of the patient. Photograph must be taken no more than 60 calendar days before the submission of the application.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer - A tyrant
Arizona DHS Director Bill Humble - A tyrant