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Doonesbury makes fun of Ron Paul & Libertarians

Doonesbury makes fun of Ron Paul & Libertarians

Dr. Paul, your candidacy defies understanding.

Doonesbury makes fun of Ron Paul & Libertarians

Excuse me?

While everyone shares some of your views, very few people share them all.

Does he mean like ending the insane "war on drugs"? Ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Cutting the literally billions of dollars in government welfare programs for rich corporations in the industrial military complex? Ending the unconstitutional Patriot Act? Ending the Homeland Security and TSA, who's main functions is to grope and feel up travelers at airports? Expecting Americans to pay 30 percent of their income to support the insane, bloated Federal bureaucracy? In addition to paying another 10 percent of their income to support their bloated state government bureaucracies?

Doonesbury makes fun of Ron Paul & Libertarians

The fact is, your philosophy is pure utopianism. No modern society could function under a Libertarian government, which is why none exists.

I suspect King George and all the other tyrants in the 18th century said that about the new dangled democracy brought on by the American revolution.

Give Libertarianism a little time. The Libertarian Party was only founded in the 1970's.

Doonesbury makes fun of Ron Paul & Libertarians

Is there a question in there?

No. What would be the point?

I suspect the point is that the author of Doonesbury wants you to write off Ron Paul and Libertarianism without analyzing the it.

Of course he doesn't want that to happen because it would cut into the status quo the Democratic and Republican Parties have.


Doonesbury makes fun of Ron Paul & Libertarians

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